...THE STRUCTURE OF THE BEVERAGE ALCOHOL INDUSTRY This Report provides a summary description of the beverage alcohol industry, its nature and scope. It offers a basic overview of economic, trade, and development aspects, as well as how some of these relate to public health issues. It presents an analysis of current trends, such as industry consolidation, and possible future developments. It concludes by identifying a range of industry bodies and industrysupported bodies, such as trade associations and social aspects organizations (SAOs), which contribute to addressing social and public health aspects of alcohol. The word “alcohol” derives from Arabic al-kuhul and is applied to the many members of the family of alcohols. The type found in beverage alcohol is called ethanol or ethyl alcohol and is the result of the natural process of fermentation of fruits, grains, vegetables, plant matter, and even dairy products. Its three main classifications are wine, beer, and distilled spirits. Other classifications abound and are often related to culture, content, production method, and legality. 1 The relationship between beverage alcohol and public health has been studied extensively for more than a century, and continues to be of interest to governments, public health professionals, the public at large, as well as a central issue for the beverage alcohol industry. Indeed, over the past two decades, major international beverage alcohol producers have taken a broader look...
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...current and future patterns of health in the UK D1: Evaluate the influence of government on factors that contribute to the current patterns of health and illness in the UK There are many factors that are likely to influence current and future patterns of health in the UK. I will be discussing binge drinking particularly in teenagers and obesity issues in the UK. This is because I believe that the biggest health issues affecting the UK at present are influenced by lifestyle choices. There are many current health issues within the UK that are affecting current health patterns and are likely to affect the future patterns of health. The government has introduced policies and legislations that should tackle these factors affecting health patterns. Binge drinking used to mean drinking a lot of alcohol over consecutive days, however now binge drinking refers to drinking a lot of alcohol over a short period of time whether this is to get drunk or to feel the effects of the alcohol on them. This has only more recently changed as teenagers have been seen to drink considerably more alcohol. Different Medias have shown that teenagers have been seen to binge drink more than the average adult drinks. “Media coverage has been given to news that “British teenagers are the third worst binge drinkers in Europe” Teenagers may have many reasons to drink such as issue as home, to fit in, peer pressure or even to feel a sense of thrill from the alcohol. Drinking alcohol carelessly which is what teenagers...
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...Alcohol consumption poses a threat for many public health harms. Impaired driving is one of the largest contributors to motor vehicle crashes (Burris, Grunwald, Anderson, &ump; Filippoli, 2011). In the United States each year roughly 13,400 people die and an additional 255,500 are injured in motor vehicle crashes involving an alcohol-impaired driver according to Burris et al., 2011. In 2006, these crashes accounted for almost a third of all U.S. traffic-related deaths (Burris et al., 2011). Alcohol is the most commonly abused substance in the United States according to Pandrea, Happel, Amedee, Bagby, &ump; Nelson, 2010, and studies show that reducing alcohol consumption can lead to public health improvements such as decreased incidence of “liver cirrhosis, delirium tremens, male suicide, criminality, hospitalizations, alcohol-related disease mortality, workplace injuries, STDs, IPV, rape, robbery, and severe violence towards children” (Jernigan). Public heath deals with many other issues that cause burdens to individuals and society alike such as obesity and gun use. Over the past several months, headlines in the news have been echoing “Chocolate Milk Removed from School Lunches,” and “Senate Considers Federal Tax on Soda.” While the removal of chocolate milk from school menus has actually happened in certain school districts across the country, federal tax on sodas has only been a proposal at this point. However, both echoes resounding through the news originated from escalating...
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...Deciding to become an alcohol or substance abuse counselor can be a very rewarding but stressful occupation. It takes a special person who has compassion, patience and a genuine desire to help people. After completion of the required educational curriculum, there are many organizations that one could look to find opportunities to work with people in need. Also, there are being familiar with the different organization out there that make up the addiction-counseling field will be vital to a the success of the counselor-client relationship. This essay will discuss the different organizations out there that offer support for the counselor and the client. The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism is on the organizations that make up the National Institute of Health. It is the largest contributor to research on the effects of alcohol in the world. The NIAAA teams up with science professional to conduct research that shows the correlations between alcohol and genetics, neuroscience, epidemiology and prevention and treatment. The NIAAA conducts studies with other treatment facilities and federal programs on issues related to alcohol abuse. T also helps with the implementation and interpretations of the results of research on the federal, state and local levels. Researchers can apply for the National Research Service Award program for grants to continue their works for better treatment possibilities. A trade association is a group of business that works...
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...Health promotion involves the establishment of healthy settings and a variety of these settings are utilized to encourage health and wellbeing worldwide. Health promotion settings include schools, universities, sporting clubs, cities/municipalities, hospitals, workplaces, prisons and child care centres. The following assignment mainly focuses on exploring, investigating, evaluating and summarising the benefits of hospitals as a health promotion setting. Hospitals are popular for their significant role in endorsing health, inhibiting disease and offering rehabilitation services. Additionally, hospitals influence health not only through the delivery of prevention, treatment, and recovery but also through their influence on the local environment (WHO, 2017). The key points that are going to be covered for the success of this assessment include a summary of the fundamental principles and importance of hospitals. Also, a predominant definition of hospitals will be provided, together with the target groups, main investors, and illustrations of health promoting activities in hospitals. Lastly, a Flinders Medical Centre case study will be evaluated to show the current and past activities that were done in the hospital setting. The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion defines five key areas for health promotion: building healthy public policy, creating supportive environments, strengthening community action, developing personal skills,...
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...Enhancing Health and Wellbeing Name: University: 1 August 2014 Enhancing Health and Wellbeing The health agenda Health is constantly evolving and will relate to different things for different people (Jack & Holt, 2008). The paper uses the World Health Organization’s definition of health, which states that health is a stare of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing. The definition goes beyond other primary declaration of health as being the absence of disease. Health needs vary among individuals and groups in society mainly due to social class and wealth differences. Often, those living in the poorest social economic conditions also suffer greatest from health problems, and when dealing with such issues, it is important to embrace a holistic definition of public health. Here, the adequate explanation would be to take public health as a science and art of disease prevention and health promotion as ways of prolonging life. In that regard, health needs assessments are important when tackling public health issues for communities. The assessments help to identify new health priorities to reflect changing social circumstances, and results from previous public health approaches. In addition, assessments help to realign health interventions with changes in demographics, given that individuals may not belong to only one community; they can join different communities at separate times of their lives (Hien, et al., 2010). Alcohol misuse as a contemporary health issue Alcohol...
Words: 4896 - Pages: 20
...different approaches to health education, explaining two models of behaviour change that have been used in recent health education campaigns, and assessing how the social context may influence the ability of health education campaigns to change behaviour in relation to health. Health promotion involves doing things to prevent disease and to improve individual and community’s health. Health promotion offers solutions to many of the health problems facing society such as obesity, lack of exercise and smoking though developing skills and knowledge, community action, supportive environments, healthy public policy and health services. Health promotion helps individuals or communities to increase control over and improve their health and wellbeing. The features of health promotion are that it is based on a holistic view of health; it uses participatory approaches it focuses on the determinants and addressing of health not just health problems and conditions. These include the social, behavioural, environmental and economic conditions that are the root cause of poor health, wellbeing and illness such as education, income, employment, working conditions, social status. Health promotion builds on existing strengths and assets and it uses multiple, complementary approaches to promote health for the individual, community and population as a whole. There are three main approaches to health education. The approaches have been used to as a way to improve the health of individual. The three...
Words: 3953 - Pages: 16
...Health Issue and Target Population Health Issue and Target Population On September 5, 2004, Colorado State sophomore, Sam Spady died after consuming alcohol for 11 hours during a Colorado State football game. Unfortunately, Ms. Spady’s situation is not an isolated event but rather an alarming trend with “nearly 1,700 college students between the ages of 18 and 24 die from alcohol-related incidents each year (National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 2005).” Moreover, drinking among college students often times occurs regularly, and in some situations the amount consumed reaches dangerous levels. Current surveillance systems used to monitor binge drinking among college students depicts an alarming trend, and it appears binge drinking is evolving from a social past-time into a dangerous public health epidemic. Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) uses a telephone survey method for the purpose of acquiring information from study participants regarding their drinking habits. The obtained data is then calculated for the purpose of quantifying the prevalence, frequency, and intensity of binge drinking among study participants, and according to Kanny, Liu, Brewer, Garvin, and Balluz, (2012), “binge drinking was most common among persons aged 18-24 years; however, the highest frequency occurred in persons aged ≥ 65 years” (p. 15). Furthermore, the state of Wisconsin registered the highest age-adjusted...
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...alcoholism affects the whole body with symptoms including, depression, anxiety, cirrhosis, and heart failure, it is vital that researchers strive to find better treatment options, and legislation continues to protect the public from its devastating consequences. Alcoholism and Health Complications Physiology Alcoholism has reached epidemic proportions in the U.S. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2014), alcohol abuse contributed to 88,000 deaths in this country from 2006-2010. The health-related consequences can be short-term, including traffic accidents, alcohol poisoning, minor injuries, or sexually transmitted diseases. Many alcoholics, however, will suffer long-term chronic health conditions (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014). In the cardiovascular system, excessive consumption strains the heart which may lead to irregular heartbeat, inflammation, and weakening of the heart muscle which puts the individual at risk for deterioration of the liver. High blood pressure as the result of a magnesium deficiency affects blood flow and may lead to stroke. Because alcohol passes the blood-brain barrier, the central nervous system is affected which may cause cellular damage such as neuropathy or dementia (School of Public Health, 2014). Every organ of the digestive system is at risk for inflammation and cancer including the tongue, stomach, esophagus, intestines, and pancreas. One of the most common chronic...
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...connection. Mills also suggests that seeing the distinction “between ‘the personal troubles of milieu’ and ‘the public issues of social structure” is the essential tool of the sociological imagination. Only when we clearly distinguish personal troubles and public issues can we see the connection between individuals’ experiences and social structures. Personal troubles are private problems that can be explained by personal characteristics; public issues are problems of collective concern. Mills used unemployment as an example to illustrate the differences between the two. He said, “In a city of 100,000, only one is unemployed, that is his personal trouble…in a nation of 50 million employees, 15 million people are unemployed, that is an issue” (Mills, 1959). We may feel empathy when we read this example as we are experiencing an economic recession. Last Friday’s headline story of New York Times (“Jobless Rate Hits 7.2%, a 16-Year High”) reports the unemployment rate rapidly increased from 2007 to 2008, from 4.9% to 7.2%. The number of unemployed people increased to 11.1 million at the end of 2008. This news story interprets the recent unemployment crisis as a public issue, as do most other observers. Politicians, economists, and citizens all have called for public policies to resolve the crisis. If politicians, economists, CEOs, and citizens all recognize unemployment as a public issue, does it mean that they possess a sociological imagination? If not, what is the difference between all...
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...Application of public health law The study of public health law (1) that emphasizes on the legal issues in the practice of public health and the effects of legal practice on public health has basically three major areas of practice: police power, the population law, and injury and disease prevention. The area of police power is engaged by agencies of the government. This area centers its attention on the growing field of bioterrorism and moreover, this has made the public health lawyers work towards the conception of the Model State Public Health Act and the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act. The area of the population law has its theoretical foundation on the legal analysis based on population. Being a new entrant in the subject of jurisprudence, the law of population has been found analyzing legal problems making use of the tool of epidemiology. The threat to the health of a society taken as a whole, on the basis of population health, is the primary concern of public health. In such situations, the population concerned with this notion can either be a handful of them or even whole of the continent, in case of an epidemic. Through the means of propagation of healthy behaviors and close observation of cases, the public health involvement promotes more of prevention of diseases rather than treating them. But in certain circumstances the treating of the diseases becomes a priority than controlling them through immunization as in the case of outbreak of pandemics. The distribution...
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...CHAPTER 1 The Problem and Its Scope Alcohol has been cited as the drug of choice among the youth (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), 2006). It is prevalent, enduring, and rampant across the majority of the different realms worldwide. Underage drinking is when anyone under the minimum legal drinking age drinks alcohol. Aside from being illegal, it is a widespread public health problem that poses much risk attracting many developing adolescents and teens. The use of alcohol is a worldwide concern resulting to millions of death, including hundreds of thousands of young lives lost. Indicators revealed that underage drinking seem to be on the rise among the adolescents. Statistics showed the assessment of the five-year trend of under-age drinking where out of 73 responding countries, 71 percent indicated an increase, 4 percent a decrease, 8 percent were stable and 16 percent showed inconclusive trends (World Health Organization [WHO] Global Survey on Alcohol and Health, 2011). According to the World Health Report (2002) alcohol is responsible for 4 percent of total diseases burden and 3.2 percent of all premature deaths. It is associated with more than 60 types of diseases and other health conditions, including mental disorders and suicide, several types of cancer, and other non- communicable diseases such as cirrhosis, as well as intentional and unintentional injuries. It is very dangerous and harmful for the health and well-being of people especially...
Words: 1605 - Pages: 7
...classified on the type of alcohol beverage: 12oz of beer, 8oz of malt liquor, 5oz of wine, and 1.5oz of distilled spirits or liquor (HHS & USDA, 2015). The U.S. drink standard includes three components of excessive consumption of alcohol: binge drinking (4+ drinks for women and 5+ for men, in a 2-hour span), heavy drinking (8+ drinks for women and 15+ drinks for men, in a 1-week span), and any consumption of alcohol by women who know they are pregnant or any person 20 years old or younger (detriment to growth and development). These components focus not only on the patterns of consumption, more so the volume of alcohol consumption in a time frame. The volume and patterns of alcohol consumption indicate health-risk behaviors,...
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...Running Head: Public Health Information Understanding Public Health Information [Name of Writer] [Name of Institute] Table of Contents Introduction 2 Health Indicators 2 Health facilities 2 Deprivation levels and Other Issues of Health 4 Strengths & Limitations of the Data Types & Sources 6 Health Needs of Dudley 7 References 10 Appendices 12 Understanding Public Health Information Introduction The continuous development of health facilities is one of the primary responsibilities of the administration of Dudley. The economic as well as psychological prosperity among the citizens of a country can be only availed by their satisfaction over the services of the government (James, 2009). Therefore, this report will analyze the significant health issues in Dudley in comparison to the national level. The core indicators of health issues among the citizens of Dudley on the basis of appropriate classifications will be analyzed in this report. The vast number of indicators will then be used to identify the appropriate strategy for the administrators of Dudley in order to maintain a trend of balanced health facilities and avoid further issues related to the health of citizens. Health Indicators Health facilities In order to analyze the performance of the health facilities, it is appropriate to analyze the health indicators of Dudley. The analysis of the performance in terms of health indicators such as life expectancy, deprivation...
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...Final Essay Assignment - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Who has the rights? Sheila Bird COR3100 Critical Thinking and Writing (Section 2) John F. Kennedy University Summer 2014 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Who Has The Rights? Who has the rights when an unborn child is involved, mother or child? Can an unborn child be protected from his/her mother? Fetal Alcohol Syndrome [FAS] raises these questions that so far, have not been addressed. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is considered to be the most serious consequence of a mother drinking alcohol during pregnancy and is considered the #1 cause of mental retardation in the United States, and it is one that is entirely preventable. FAS was first reported in France in 1968 and noticed/discussed in the United States by Jones and Smith in 1973. Jones and Smith would identify distinctive facial features in children who were exposed to alcohol during pregnancy. Some of these facial features are: short eyelid openings, flat midface, thin upper lip and a flat or smooth grove between nose and upper lip. The children can also show growth retardation and significant cognitive and/or behavioral problems/issues. In the United States, FAS/Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder [FASD] occurs in about 10 per 1,000 live births or 40,000 babies per year. FAS is a lifelong condition that is not curable and has serious lifelong consequences. Unfortunately, there is no known limit on the amount of alcohol a mother can safely consume, that will not cause...
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