...AS LEVEL Specification HISTORY A H105 For first assessment in 2016 ocr.org.uk/alevelhistorya We will inform centres about any changes to the specification. We will also publish changes on our website. The latest version of our specification will always be the one on our website (ocr.org.uk) and this may differ from printed versions. Copyright © 2014 OCR. All rights reserved. Copyright OCR retains the copyright on all its publications, including the specifications. However, registered centres for OCR are permitted to copy material from this specification booklet for their own internal use. Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations is a Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in England. Registered company number 3484466. Registered office: Hills Road 1 Cambridge CB1 2EU. OCR is an exempt charity. Contents Introducing… AS Level History A (from September 2015) Teaching and learning resources iv Why choose an OCR AS Level in History A? 1 1a. Why choose an OCR qualification? 1 1b. Why choose an OCR AS Level in History A? 2 1c. What are the key features of this specification? 3 1d. 2 iii Professional Development 1 ii How do I find out more information? 3 4 2a. Overview of AS Level in History A (H105) 4 2b. Content of AS Level in History A (H105) 5 2c. Content of unit group 1: British period study and enquiry (Units Y131 to Y143) 8 2c. ...
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...[pic] Information on the exam: Unit 3 – GEOG3 - Contemporary Geographical Issues • 30% of A Level • 2 hour 30 minutes written examination • 3 questions: o 1 from Section A – Physical Geography Structured Questions o 1 from Section B – Human Geography Structured Questions o 1 from Section C – Essay Questions (You must not answer the option answered in either Section A or Section B) [pic] |Plate tectonics and associated hazards |Ecosystems: Change and Challenge | | | | |Plate movement |Nature of ecosystems | |Earth structure, plate tectonics theory: convection |Structure of ecosystems, energy flows, trophic levels, | |currents and sea-floor spreading. Evidence: |food chains and food webs. | |continental drift and palaeomagnetism. | | |Destructive, constructive and conservative plate ...
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...Election Summaries: Ireland 1868-85 The Liberal party won the 1868 general election, with Gladstone as Prime Minister. The main reasons why they won were; Gladstone’s promise to “Pacify Ireland” in his electoral campaigns and the extension of the vote to upper-working class men in 1867. In Ireland the Liberal party gained the most votes with the Nationalist party securing 0 seats. The reasons for this were; the extension of the vote in 1867 and public voting meaning that the Irish people were threatened and intimidated by their landlords into voting for the party of their choice, not the party of their own. The Conservative party won the 1874 general election, with Disraeli as Prime Minister. The main reasons why they won were; Gladstone’s University bill failing in parliament, people lost faith in him and therefore he resigned. In Ireland, the Nationalist party gained the most votes securing 60 seats. The main reasons for this were; the secret ballot act allowing the Irish people to vote in secret so they were not under the influence of their landlords anymore. Also, people had lost faith in Gladstone in Ireland as well as in Britain. The Liberal party won the 1880 general election with Gladstone as Prime Minister for a second time. The main reasons why they won were; Gladstone came out of retirement as he was unhappy with Disraeli’s foreign policies, and people were unhappy with Parnell. In Ireland, the Nationalist party, again, gained the most votes, securing 63 seats...
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...Area of Assessment 2 Weakness 3 WEAKNESS: When jumping a fence you should take up the jumping position, which involves the rider centered over her feet, with the stirrup leathers perpendicular to the ground. Continuing a line upwards from the stirrup leathers, the head and shoulders fall in front of the line, as do the knees, the hips fall behind it. A correct jumping position gives the horse the freedom to jump the obstacle, allowing it to keep the forelegs and hind legs tight, thereby decreasing the chance of a rail down or a fall. It also provides the rider the support needed to stay out of the horse's way while still maintaining a secure seat so that the horse is less likely to fall on landing. The problem I have is that I look down when going over the fence. This could hinder my performance as I would have less chance of knowing where I was, and also it may affect my overall position. EFFECTS- consider effects on both technique and overall performance CORRECT TECHNICAL MODEL – make a direct comparison between your technique to that of an elite performer. Named Elite performer:- Ellen Whitaker Having watched Ellen Whitaker perform a round of show jumping, showing the jumping position over every fence and compared her to myself, I can see that I look down instead of up and forwards, the way I’m heading. Ellen performs the jumping position perfectly, her legs stay nice and bent and powerful. She folds her body forward at the hips, but not too far forward, as doing...
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...Solutionbank C1 Edexcel Modular Mathematics for AS and A-Level Sketching curves Exercise E, Question 2 Question: (a) Sketch the curve y = f(x) where f(x) = (x − 1)(x + 2). (b) On separate diagrams sketch the graphs of (i) y = f(x + 2) (ii) y = f(x) + 2. (c) Find the equations of the curves y = f(x + 2) and y = f(x) + 2, in terms of x, and use these equations to find the coordinates of the points where your graphs in part (b) cross the y-axis. Solution: (a) f(x) = 0 ⇒ x = 1, − 2 (b)(i) f(x + 2) is a horizontal translation of − 2. (ii) f(x) + 2 is a vertical translation of + 2 Since axis of symmetry of f(x) is at x = − , the same axis of symmetry applies to f(x) + 2. Since one root is at x = 0, the other must be symmetric at x = − 1. (c) y = f(x + 2) is y = (x + 1)(x + 4). So x = 0 ⇒ y = 4 1 2 file://C:\Users\Buba\kaz\ouba\c1_4_e_2.html 3/10/2013 Heinemann Solutionbank: Core Maths 1 C1 Page 2 of 2 y = f(x) + 2 is y = x © Pearson Education Ltd 2008 2 + x = x(x + 1). So x = 0 ⇒ y = 0 file://C:\Users\Buba\kaz\ouba\c1_4_e_2.html 3/10/2013 Heinemann Solutionbank: Core Maths 1 C1 Page 1 of 2 Solutionbank C1 Edexcel Modular Mathematics for AS and A-Level Sketching curves Exercise E, Question 4 Question: (a) Sketch the graph of y = f(x) where f(x) = x(x − 2)2 (b) Sketch the curves with equations y = f(x) + 2 and y = f(x + 2). (c) Find the coordinates of the points where the...
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...Year | Doctor Faustus | Wuthering Heights | Frankenstein | Section B | June 2015 | | | | | June 2014 | “Faustus is a gothic victim, rather than a gothic villain.” To what extent do you agree with this view of Faustus’s role in the play? (40 marks) | “In Wuthering Heights love is presented as an emotion which provokes violence rather than tenderness.” To what extent do you agree with this view? [40 marks] | To what extent do you agree with the view that the novel is a total condemnation of transgression? [40 marks] | “Gothic writing is exciting because it allows us to think the unthinkable.” How far do you agree with this view? [40 marks] | | | | | To what extent do you think gothic writing is a disturbing exploration of the unknown? [40 marks | | | | | To what extent do you agree with the view that gothic writing shows that human beings are naturally inclined to be evil rather than good? [40 marks] | June 2013 | “Although Faustus is eventually punished, the play is essentially a celebration of sin rather than a morality tale.” How far do you agree with this view of the play? (40 marks) | How far do you agree with the view that, in Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte shows that more suffering is caused by a diseased mind than by a diseased body? (40 marks) | Explore some of the ways in which Mary Shelley uses different settings to contribute to the gothic effects of the novel. (40 marks) | To what extent do you agree that, in gothic writing, fear and pain...
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...Important Terms & Definitions | H2 Economics IMPORTANT TERMS & DEFINITIONS [ECONOMICS] Microeconomics 1. Introduction to Economics Scarcity Situation where limited resources available unable to satisfy unlimited human wants Opportunity Cost (OC) Cost of any activity measured in terms of next best alternative forgone Production Possibility Curve (PPC) Shows all different maximum attainable combinations of goods & services produced when all available resources are used efficiently at given state of technology Law of Increasing Opportunity Cost As more of a good is produced, more of another good has to be sacrificed in production Comparative Advantage When one can perform an activity at a lower opportunity cost than anyone else Law of Comparative Advantage Trade can benefit countries if they specialize in goods in which they have a comparative advantage 2. Demand & Supply Law of Demand Inverse relationship exists between price of good and quantity demanded of good, ceteris paribus Law of Supply Direct relationship exists between price of good and quantity supplied of good, ceteris paribus Price Elasticity of Demand (PED) Degree of responsiveness of quantity demanded of good to a change in its own price, ceteris paribus Income Elasticity of Demand (YED) Degree of responsiveness of demand to a change in income of consumers, ceteris paribus Cross Elasticity of Demand (XED) Degree of responsiveness...
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...bbzbfvbzvbfzfbvBvbSbvNSBvbvbBvdNBSDvdnbSDvbDSbvSNBDvBNSvkbSbvSBvBvdBnmBnbbbNBNBdBnbmnbbBDBSBNDfkjSBNFKjbnSDKJflashfkj.sBkjhkjnk kjfh jkwhfkjlhfkjlWLHejklfhKJLWHEFLKwhjekflhWKJLFHJLwkhfWKJLHFEKJLwhflkjWHFKJHWKJLH FHJKWHFEWhefhWJKLHFWkjhKJLHFKjlwffbharewkjgjkaehgehgnt94w5yuioejkldgkltsejnbioesobeioutbwnewebponwbnwoubnselvjjrvuthenvrhresoijtrhwieooibioeshvnhjesviohoieshvbtnhuigiusubvnoi;iooiribtnjnviohuioesnbiojgjkgjgjjjgjjgjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj Free American History Essays and Papers www.123helpme.com/search.asp?text=American+History Free American History papers, essays, and research papers. History Essays | Find Your Free History Essay - UK Essays www.ukessays.com › Essays View hundreds of history essays online from the most reliable custom history essay writing services company in the UK. American History: Speeches and Essays - Download free content ... https://itunes.apple.com/us/itunes-u/american-history.../id384514823 Download or subscribe to free content from American History: Speeches and Essays by University of South Florida on iTunes. Free Essays On History - eCheat www.echeat.com/26/Free-Essays-On-History...
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...FINAL OUTPUT FOR COLLEGE ALGEBRA MATHEMATICAL MODELING: The research paper requirement for the subject/course College Algebra (Math 110/Math 111) comes in the form of a research paper which aims to apply mathematical modelling. The research paper is a group assignment ( group of 3-5 students per group). The topic is to be chosen by the group.It is a three part document serving as a final output for Math 110 which has to be submitted during the final period and orally presented by the students in the classroom. Goal of the Final Output: As required in the course syllabus , the final output is for the students to acquire knowledge and apply the concepts learned in algebra to come up with a mathematical model in their chosen topic. PRELIM PERIOD: (Output: Project proposal) Students are grouped, each group with 3-5 members. The group will choose a topic that interests them. With the topic in mind, students are to think of a problem that is in the area of their interest. Write a Project Proposal: Write a paragraph about the chosen topic and what made the group choose the topic. (10-15 sentences). Indicate also the references used. 3. Identify the problem you want to investigate. Indicate the proposed sources of data to be used in the problem and how this data will be collected. 5. Use short bond papers, font: Times New Roman 12. Submit the project proposal before the prelim examination schedule to your teacher. This output is 10% of the students'...
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...Jonathan Aguilera 10/25/14 Ethics PHI 151 851 Virtue Ethics “Virtue ethics is currently one of three major approaches in normative ethics. It may, initially, be identified as the one that emphasizes the virtues, or moral character, in contrast to the approach in which emphasizes duties or rules (deontology) or that which emphasizes the consequences of actions (consequentialism). Suppose it is obvious that someone in need should be helped. A utilitarian will point to the fact that the consequences of doing so will maximize well-being, a deontologist to the fact that, in doing so the agent will be acting in accordance with a moral rule such as “Do unto others as you would be done by” and a virtue ethicist to the fact that helping the person would be charitable or benevolent” (Stanford). Virtue ethics has a variety of arguments for and against as well as weaknesses and strengths when compared to other moral philosophies. Some strength include promoting happiness, flourishing, and harmony, while weaknesses entail issues when dealing with laws, various conflicting virtues, as well as religious objections. All moral philosophies that have been discussed thus far have included arguments for and against the said philosophy and virtue ethics is no different. Strengths included in virtue ethics include promoting happiness. By practicing moral virtues we can attain a state of eudaimonia (Pojman). Moral virtues usually lie between vices of two corresponding vices, on of excess and...
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...Outline ( Euthanasia-Why it should be allowed? ) Title : Euthanasia- Why it should be allowed? Specific Purpose : To inform my audience about definition, types of Euthanasia and the argument in favour of Euthanasia. Central idea : Euthanasia proposed on three arguments in favour of it which are the good death, right to maintain human dignity and justice. I. Introduction A. What is euthanasia? 1. The act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals (as persons or domestic animals) in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy. ( Wikipedia ) 2. Euthanasia is the intentional killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for his or her alleged benefit. B. Classifications of euthanasia. 1. Voluntary euthanasia 2. Involuntary euthanasia 3. Euthanasia by action C. Euthanasia results in the Netherlands.( Churches for Life, 2008 ) II. Arguments in favour of euthanasia. A. The good death. 1. described ideally as drifting into death in a pleasing environment as one falls asleep ( L Mishara, 2011 ). 2. Euthanasia can be seen as a way to assure that a person dies in a dignified and appropriate manner. a. Case on Mrs Boyes where she was requested for voluntary active Euthanasia. She was so...
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...Discussion Reflection English grammar is the body of rule that describes the structure of expressions in the english language – a system- rule – governed. Hence, universal grammer the scientific study and the order of sentences ,is a theory of linguists that manifests itelf without being taught. The English language development offers a wide range of courses for me to succeed on my degree. It is open to anyone and particularly useful for me as a student . An English for academic purposes – I have learned about generative formal characteristics , the rules that are governed to it such as SBO pattern , comples and compound sentences these are the functional context in grammar. Morphology has been introduced ,the study of tha smallest meanungful unit of language that refers to the study of the internal structure of words and of the systematic form- meaning correspondencesbetween words. In addition there are some role reference grammar that analyzes the language.Firstly, Pragmatics – the study of practical aspects of human action and thought by linguistic signs ,(words and sentences) in actual situations. Secondly, Syntaxis the study of the principles and processes by which sentences constructed in particular languages .Thirdly, Sematics denotes a range of ideas – and focuses on the relation between signifiers, like words, phrases, signs, and symbols. It is also the study of meaningthat is used for human expression through language. Fourthly, Phonology, it is concerned with the...
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...Case Study of Haiti Earthquake 12th January 2010. 1. How many people were approximately killed? * Between 217,000 and 230,000 people had been identified as dead and estimated 300,000 were injured 2. Why was the impact on Port au Prince significant? * The design and structure of buildings was of very poor quality which contributed to the high number of deaths 3. What are the names of the plates and type of plate boundary? * The Caribbean plate and the North American plate slipped past each other at a conservative plate boundary 4. Where were the epicentre and focus? * The focus of the earthquake was 13km (8.1 miles) below the surface of the earth. * The epicentre was 25km west of Port-Au-Prince and 130km east of Les Cayes, Haiti 5. What has been the historical earthquake activity in the region? * There have been roughly 7 major earthquakes in Haiti since the 1960’s 6. What causes amplification and liquifaction? Why were these processes significant? * Amplification refers to the level of shaking and is influenced by the softness of rocks and the thickness of surface sediments. * Liquefaction is a naturally occurring event in which the strength of soil is reduced by earthquake shaking and it reduces the soils ability to support structures thus making them more likely to collapse 7. How many people live in Port au Prince? * Approximately 704,776 people live in Port-Au-Prince as recorded in 2003 8. How many were...
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...Theories http://www.rsrevision.com/Alevel/ethics/absoluterelativemorality/index.htm Introduction Some ethical theories are teleological - what is right or wrong depends on the end or outcome of an action - for utlitarians, pleasure, happiness or 'the greatest good'; for Aristotle, 'Eudaimonia'. Other theories are deontological - doing what is right means doing your duty or following the rules - for Kant, the categorical imperative; in Natural Law, the secondary precepts. It is easy to think of teleological theories as relativist and deontological theories as absolutist, but it it not that simple. Apart from Kantian Ethics (thoroughly absolutist and deontological) and Situation Ethics (clearly relativist and teleological), ethics seems to involve an uneasy mix. Absolutist ethical theories Kant and the Categorical Imperative Kant says that we should act according to maxims that we would want to see as universal laws. These laws are absolutist - we can work them out logically prior to experience; they are not verified through experience (they are known 'a priori'). The consequences of our actions are irrelevant to whether they are right or wrong - evil actions may have unintended good consequences, and someone might act heroically without any guarantee that the consequences will be good. No character quality is absolutely good (good without exception) - for example, it is possible to act kindly but do the wrong thing. The only good thing is a good will that does what is...
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...The job fair.. University of central punjab lahore organised the event " JOB FAIR" 2014. Department of promotion and placement in the collrabration with HR ulrich's forum and idea society of organised the Job Fair. The event brought around 70 local and multiple companies belonging to various sectors of industries and brought up under one roof to bridge the gap between our talent pool and these esteemed prospective employes. The job fair bring above 8000 students and gradutes. Idea society of of UCP was organising this whole event and the interviewers was treated well by the university .The staff manager were facing very minor problem but overall there was very positive reaction both form the students and the stall interviewers because UCP management were handling them very camly. According to organiser "Muhammad zeeshan" preparation was started on 29 nov at 6pm and completed next morning at 9am. Ceremony was started at 11am and was supposed to be closed at 5am but it ended at 3am. THE HONORABLE GUESTS was.. Mr.Sohail Lashari, Chairman Lahore Chamber of Commerce graced this event as Chief Guest. Dr.Muhammad Zafarullah, Honorable Pr-Rector UCP. Dr.Tabraiz Aslam Shami, Dean Faculty of Engineering. Dr.Zafar Iqbal Jaboon, Dean Business School. Mr.Mudassir Masood, President Alumni Association this event with this presence as guest of honor. Dr.Fehmida Sultana, Dean Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. The chief guest Mr.Sohail Lashri gave the certificates to the organisers...
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