...EMC CONFRONTS HARASSMENT CHARGES Kaplan University MT203: Human Resources Management Prof: Paulette Howlett December 20, 2011 EMC CONFRONTS HARASSMENT CHARGES The case states that there were lawsuits filed on behalf of women employees against EMC Corporation claiming that the company discriminate against women. The complaints state that the company alleges demeaning sexual comments, company-paid trips to strip clubs and retaliation against women who complained. The firm gathered 30 sworn affidavits from women supporting allegations that the work-place was hostile and discriminatory. Some more information from the case is that the company also fails to promote women of the same experience compared to male employee and those women employees were paid lower wages. The textbook states that sexual harassment is an unwelcome discrimination. Sexual harassment can be sexual advances, sexual favors, and any other verbal or physical contact. A sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when either “explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual employment”. (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2009). In this case according to the complaints that the women filed there where sexual comment, company paid trip to strip club and retaliation toward women who complain. This is just one form of sexual harassment that goes on in a workplace in the United States. EMC violates the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The law that was...
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...Online gaming has been increase so quick and much that almost all people have some experience with it. The freedom of playing and the gamers can do whatever they want within the game to not only entertain but release some pressure from the real life as well. However, the majority of the gamers is still male-based and they used to express their feelings by saying women-offended words even with the fast increasing female gamer nowadays. No matter it's by foul-mouthed, or purpose, being called "cunt," "bitch," "slut" and other common misogynist epithets does not make people feel comfortable even for male. Some game developers want to, from their perspective, make things right which is to ban the user whoever make sexual-offended comments either in verbally or literally in order to make the online gaming community clean. Or in gamers' point of view, it's only a game. Game developers such as Bonnie Ross and Kiki Wolfkill are trying to find a way to eliminate online gaming sexual harassment. They offer permanent banning for the user that violates the regulation. Nevertheless, they sometimes do not realize the fact that people tend to do things that regulators do not allow; moreover, they can create more accounts if their accounts had been banned. The method of banning accounts while users made harassed comments is not a proper way to eliminate this type of action since people would still find ways such as symbolized words, icons, images etc.to express what they intended...
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...Running head: SEXUAL HARASSMENT Workplace Advances Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Xxxxx xxxxxxxx Indiana University Southeast Abstract This study focuses on sexual harassment in the workplace. Sexual harassment affects people in every position and every field. Sexual harassment is broken into two types and has different levels. Sexual harassment in the workplace is a form of discrimination. Whether the harassers intent is to intimidate the victim into submission to show the harassers power or to persuade the victim to perform sexual favors to protect their job, it is ultimately a power struggle. The victim may experience unwelcomed sexual advances or demeaning abusive behavior producing a hostile work environment. The victim may suffer physical or mental effects of the abuse causing depression or Sexual Harassment Trauma Syndrome. Courts have ruled on both sides of sexual harassment; both in favor of the harasser and the victim. Employers can be found liable if the courts discover there was knowledge of the harassment but the company did nothing to correct the problem. Workplace Advances Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Introduction The subject of this paper is sexual harassment in the workplace. It is focused toward employers and employees to discuss sexual harassment; what sexual harassment is, who does the harassing and how to stop sexual harassment in the workplace. Background A relatively new term but is not a new problem, sexual harassment has...
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...GENDER DISCRIMINATION OUTLINE I. Constitutional law A. Background: 100 years of discrimination > theme: law responding to gender discrepancies 1) Should men & women ever be treated differently under the law? a. Definition of equality: = choice/power/income i. Pay gap: women earn $0.74 for every $1.00 a man earns b. Linda Hershman article, Homeward Bound: Many educated & intelligent women decide to stay home with their babies > those decisions are connected to the fact that women are paid less than men, in general c. Evolution in law i. Common law (blackstone): women lost their identity after marriage (merged with husband) & considered inferior to men (acted under husband) - Result: Tenants in the entirety or joint accounts > assumed man put in all the $ (women has BOP to prove otherwise) ii. After 14th amendment > women began to feel that they should have rights as well B. 19th Century: 2 sphere ideology where women queen of home & men marketplace people > no = protection because genders seperaet 1) Privileges and Immunities Clause of the 14th amendment - a. Bradwell v. Illinois (1873) i. FACTS: Bradwell and her husband ran the most influential legal paper in the Midwest & she wanted a license to practice law...
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...Independent HR Consultants To: Ted Moore, CEO and Founder Teddy’s Supplies CC: Tonya Morgan, VP of Operations From: Consulting Associate Date: 6/17/2012 Re: Analysis of sexual discrimination case (Virginia Pollard) Introduction Thank you for allowing me to work with your company. As requested, I have evaluated the information about the case of sexual discrimination that involves Virginia Pollard. I have taken a look at the incidents that led up to this case of sexual discrimination and my findings indicate that there have been too many occurrences of sexual discrimination towards Ms. Pollard, which in turn created a hostile work environment. This leads me to believe that Teddy’s Supplies is liable for sexual and workplace harassment. Key points • Virginia Pollard was sexually discriminated against. • Teddy’s Supplies is liable for sexual and workplace harassment against Ms. Pollard. • All personnel that are involved in this case must be disciplined. This should be in the form of suspension without pay, transfer or termination. • Guidelines must be implemented to ensure that this type of incident does not occur again; as it hinders the morale and creates an uncomfortable, hostile work environment. Analysis Data: I will be using the statement of employees, the data from the anonymous complaint, statements from all parties involved. My primary source of data is the findings from the investigation. Assumptions: I will be making the assumptions that...
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...1. Do you believe Oiler’s employee rights were violated? Explain your position. Peter Oiler’s termination from his job by the Winn-Dixie Corporation was an outright and blatant violation of his employee rights. Though balancing employee rights with appropriate discipline is an ongoing challenge for HR professionals. But in this case of Oiler, the work place behavior of the employer had not changed and there is no problem, with the co-employers also. Also in the own time, the company have no rights about the way he dress. Hence there is also no such challenge for the Winn-Dixie that it has to terminate Oiler. Hence I would consider that Winn-Dixie has violated the employee rights of Oiler. Also his social security has been impaired. When we consider the situation here is more normal than a similar case in 2005, which happened in Georgia (from the article). According to that, the courts consider this as sexual discrimination under 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1983 (deprivation of constitutional right) and Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution (all peoples are same). And the development of trans-gender transitions has a real concern and the laws accept the claims of discrimination under employer’s stereotyping of genders. Thus Oiler’s claim is acceptable and Winn-Dixie has to oblige to the claims of Oiler. Here Oiler’s can be taken as an example of opposition of trans-genders in the general public. Though the laws are guarding them, the manipulation of thought...
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...The Comparable Worth Debate March 20, 2012 The Comparable Worth Debate Comparable worth means getting the same amount of pay for jobs of equal value in an organization. This is completely different from the concept of “equal pay” which means that workers who perform the same duties with the same job title get the exact same wages. Comparable worth is a recognized strategy for determining job compensation. If an organization is going to put a specific value on a function, it should also put the same value on other functions that are of equal importance. Comparable worth remains an undeveloped concept. Many court cases have been heard in reference to comparable worth but the suits were unsuccessful as the procedure is not clear. (The Law and Compensation and Benefits, 2009) If a company values a position, they should show the employees that they are valued and appreciated through salary and wages. I am certain that most employees would agree. As the HR department’s director, James Bledsoe, should consider the issue of comparable worth for reasons that involve legal and ethical consequences as well as the organizational structure. The pay system that a company uses reflects that company’s culture. The culture determines the policies and guidelines that are in place, the company’s expectations, and the way that employees carry out the company’s mission. Employees are more likely to coordinate their behavior with company goals without the need for vast procedures and mounds...
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...Running Header: HUMAN RESOURCE AND SEXUALY HARASSMENT 1 Human Resource and Sexual Harassment HUMAN RESOURCE AND SEXUAL HARASSMENT 2 Human Resource and Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment is an invasion of mind, body, and soul that is quickly becoming a growing concern in the workplace. The victims of sexual harassment, in more cases than not, suffer from mental, emotional, and physiological damage, leaving a since of insecurity and fear lingering within the victims. When harassment of this nature occurs, it is a personal choice for someone to report it, or not to report it to their supervisors. When it is reported within a company, it is handled through human resource workers; who then have to decipher what kind of harassment occurred, and what actions need to take place concerning the harasser. According to the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) between the years of 2000 to 2011, reports of sexual harassment filed fluctuated from 16,726 in 2000, to 12,571 in 2011(EEOC & FEAP,2013). The numbers of the reports have gone up, and down through the years, but that does not indicate that the number of sexual harassment...
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...Damila Hicks Case Problems in Business Prof. Trina Lynch-Jackson February 16, 2014 Ethics Issue One of the major ethical issues that businesses face today is discrimination. There is a broad spectrum on discrimination in the workplace. The topic that I chose to discuss is gender discrimination. Although there are laws that are in place to protect women from gender-based discrimination in the workplace it still happens. Women often have to hide their pregnancy in fear of not being considered for a promotion or being demoted from the position that they currently hold. Some women are hired based on their appearance because they may be more attractive than the next constituent and not for their qualifications. Although this may be great news for the person that is hired it is not so great for the person that was not considered because of her genes. In fields that are predominantly populated by men a female worker may not be considered for the same position as a man because she does not appear to be as capable or as physically strong as the man, such as a firefighter or a construction worker. One case that is on record of gender discrimination is of a Ms. Shaub and the FedEx Corporation. In 2002 Ms. Shaub was an employee of the FedEx Corporation and was discriminated against by her male co-workers. A lawsuit was filed in 2002 by Ms. Shaub against the FedEx Corporation that they did not follow company violations when at the time Shaub was the only female tractor- trailer...
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...a. You are on a committee to hire an individual for an important management position. The two finalists are both females. One is 53 years old, and the other is 25 years old. You have assembled the hiring team together and a discussion will ensue about the two candidates. b. Identify stereotypes that you believe could come into play concerning these two individuals. Discuss the potential impact of these stereotypes on the hiring decision Ageism and gender discrimination are both stereotypes that could potentially play into this scenario. If I were responsible for assembling the hiring team and leading the discussion about the two candidates, the conversation would focus on matching the needs of the company with the needs of the candidates. Which candidate has the desired skill set, education, experience, attitude, drive and commitment we need? Can we satisfy the needs of the finalist? The determining factor would be who is most suited for the position and not age or gender. I’ve been on hiring teams where I’ve felt other members may have jumped to conclusions, presumably due to stereotypes. The prospect of interviewing older candidates meets with resistance due to assumptions that salary expectations won’t be met. The phrase, ‘it’s hard to teach an old dog new tricks’ is often used to describe the challenge sometimes associated with getting older people to change their ways. I’m assuming both the 25 and 53 year old are candidates for the management position because...
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...After reviewing your company’s current situation I have found that The Lemon Tree has violated certain aspects of Title VII of The Civil Rights Act of 1964. These aspects are Sex-Based Discrimination. • As defined by the EEOC Sex discrimination involves treating someone (an applicant or employee) unfavorably because of that person’s sex. Sex Discrimination & Work Situations • The law forbids discrimination when it comes to any aspect of employment, including hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoff, training, fringe benefits, and any other term or condition of employment. Mary being Jackie’s supervisor openly opposed Jackie’s decision to have a sex change. This ultimately caused Jackie to feel discriminated against when she was passed over for promotions. Mary openly expressed negative remarks to you about Jackie that supports her claim that sex discrimination exists. 2.) Mary implied that Jackie goes both ways in her personal life, and said “why wouldn’t he in his ethical life”. Jackie’s sex change cannot be used to question Jackie credibility because it does not prove that he/she is unethical. However, shows that Mary has a problem with Jackie’s sex change. If we were able to use something of this nature we could prove that Jackie is conflicted and The Lemon Tree does not know where her/his loyalties lie, unfortunately we can’t. Peter Dragons credibility can be questioned because of his past drug use. While Peter passed 3 out of the last 5 drug...
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...Stress and the Work Environment When it comes to stress, women today are juggling more obligations than in the past and feeling the strain. Job pressure, heavy workloads, time management, and other work issues can cause negative responses both physically and emotionally. Defining the word stress is the beginning of understanding and believing there is a problem. Once it is understood, changes can be made to lessen stress and allow the female employee the tools to be successful in the working environment. The definition of stress according to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary is: d : a state resulting from a stress; especially : one of bodily or mental tension resulting from factors that tend to alter an existent equilibrium <job-related stress> According to Rabin (2010), women who are stressed at work, have a 40 percent increase in cardiovascular disease over all, and an 88 percent increase in risk for heart attacks alone. There is a clear need for stress management and employers to understand in this case there is no equality between the sexes. Stress at work is becoming serious, Tyson (2006), it is estimated that each year 9.1 million workdays are lost due to stress. There is growing evidence that not only can stress cause cardiovascular disease, it can cause anxiety disorder, social isolation, and burn out among other issues. According to the website National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, (NIOSH): Gender-specific work stress factors...
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...US Male vs. Female Pay Differences: Has the Wage Gap Narrowed and Why? Table of Contents Abstract…………………………………………………………………………….. 3 Introduction………………………………………………………………………… 4 Literature Review…………………………………………………………………... 5 History of Inequity………………..………………………………………... 6 Pay Equity…………..……………………………………………………... 7 Trends in the Gender Pay Wage Gap…........................................................ 10 Trends in the 1980s………………………………..………………………. 11 Trends in the 1990s………………………………………………………… 12 The Human Capital Theory……..…………………………………………. 14 Sex Segregation Theory……………………………………………………. 15 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………. 16 Predictions for the future…………………………………………………... 17 References………………………………………………………………………….. 18 Abstract Pay differences between men and women is still a topic that keeps re-surfacing over the years. Since the signing of the Equal Pay Act of 1963, it is now illegal to pay men and women substantially different wages for equal work. The question is could there still be pay disparity between men and women in today’s labor market. This paper evaluates the dilemma faced by employers and reviews the trends in the gender wage gap. The paper will also investigate possible causes of the gender wage gap. In closing, the author will provide possible predictions for the future. US Male vs. Female Pay Differences: Has the Wage Gap Narrowed and Why? In the United States, there is still controversy about male...
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...EMC Confronts Harassment Charges EMC Confronts Harassment Charges Kaplan University MT203-02: Human Resource Management Dana Williams April 30, 2013 EMC Confronts Harassment Charges Introduction According to a lawsuit that files by two women of EMC allege sexual comments, company-paid trips and the failure to promote women for the same experience on the same basis as male employees where discrimination against. Women were being paid lower wages that may have been creating a hostile and offensive environment to women, making it harder for women to work there. The firm gathered 30 sworn affidavits from women supporting allegations that the work-place was hostile and discriminatory. (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2009). Review/Analysis of the Case Answer to question #1-In the book it states that sexual harassment is unwelcome sexual advance, sexual favors, and any other verbal or physical contact. In this case according to the complaint that the women filed there where sexual comment, company paid trip to strip club and retaliation toward women who complained. Sexual harassment that goes on in a workplace worldwide on a regular basics. The law that was violated in this case was the unwanted sexual comment. Harassment does not have to be of a sexual nature, however, and can include offensive remarks about a person’s sex. For example, it is illegal to harass a woman by making offensive comments about women in general. http://www...
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...1. Define sexual harassment as the term is used legally. The definition of sexual harassment that is in the guidelines of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) also is copied by most states and employers for their own use. The guidelines state: “Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: (1) submission to such conduct is made a term or condition of employment or participating in educational programs; or (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis for employment or academic decisions affecting the individual; or (3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an employee's work performance or student's academic performance creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or learning environment. Sexual harassment is a form of Sex Discrimination that occurs in the workplace. Persons who are the victims of sexual harassment may sue under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C.A. § 2000e et seq.), which prohibits sex discrimination in the workplace.” (Legal Definition of Sexual Harassment, 2012) 2. Explain how sexual harassment differs from gender discrimination. Sexual Harassment is the action of making offensive and unwelcome sexual comments and advances towards another person. Unwanted physical contact of a sexual nature with the intent of creating a submissive environment falls...
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