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Alexander The Great Interview Essay

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Alexander the Great interview - Yr7 History - Mr Southcombe
By Ella Vartazarian and George Barbas


Interview between Alexander the Great and interviewer:

Alexander the Great: George
Interviewer: Ella

Today, we have a very special visitor in our studio. Please welcome Alexander the Great. Thank you for taking time out of your extremely busy day to come and answer some questions for us.

Thank you. You are right, I am quite busy but I am happy to take out some time to answer some questions for you.

As you probably know, there has been an argument over the years by historians, debating wether you deserve to be called ‘The Great’. In your instance, you were born, destined for greatness. Could you please give us reasoning as to why historians state that you were destined for greatness from birth? …show more content…
A lot of these people helped me to achieve what I have achieved today. Aristotle, my third tutor influenced me in my later transactions with the people I conquered. I never constrained the culture of Greece upon the inhabitants of the numerous regions but simply introduced it in the same way Aristotle used to teach his students.

The influence of Leonidas (my first tutor) may be seen in my permanent resilience and physical stamina as well as my skill with horses. A great achievement I performed at an early age was that I tamed the ‘untamable’ Bucephalus when I was only 11 years old.

What a great achievement you accomplished at such an early age! Could we please gain some background information on your early childhood; When and where were you born?

Well, I lived, and still live in Pella, Macedon. I was born on the 20th of July 356 B.C.E to parents King Philip II of Macedon and Queen Olympia, the daughter of King Neoptolemus. Though my father was murdered in 336 B.C. People say my mother and I plotted his death but I deny all responsibility.

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