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Personal Narrative: How Abortion Changed My Life

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I was in complete shock. My reflex arc was at a standstill. I was not pre paired to hear that kind of news. The words coming out of his mouth were not registering into my consciousness. All I heard was abortion. My brain was racing. I found it extremely hard to believe I was actually pregnant after all my body had previously been through. How was this possible? I could not help but feel, was God actually giving me a chance to become a mother, I was so longing to be and this guy is talking about abortion. At that moment I could not help but feel as if I was the luckiest, most terrified happiest woman in the world.
My doctor was still talking, but I had stopped listening until he had let me know he had already taken it upon himself to discuss …show more content…
And if the baby was going to be somehow abnormal, well that was ok. I knew there would be help out there to overcome any disabilities, we might be faced with down the road. All I wanted is my baby to have a chance at life, to be loved by me and my husband no matter what the odds we were all faced with. Together we could overcome anything. All I could do was pray and place my life and my baby’s life in God’s hands.
My pregnancy was very difficult to handle. I lost blood and uterine fluid throughout the whole term. My doctor still convinced I was crazy, prescribed me more and stronger vitamins to take on a daily basis. I had to quit the job I loved, engage in resting type activities, and eventually be ordered complete bed rest at six months. Although this was very difficult for me, every day that passed brought us closer to my due date and closer to our baby.
Two weeks before my due date, I woke up to a strange feeling throughout my body. I could hardly move. It took everything I had to just sit up in bed. This frightened me because I still had two weeks to go. I managed to get myself out of bed, but the pain was so sharp and painful, I fell over on the floor. My husband heard me crying and rushed to help me get back in bed. He called my doctor right …show more content…
It was a cold winter’s day. We had gotten a really good snow storm that year which was pretty abnormal for our area. I can still remember are car slipping and sliding all the way to the hospital. The doctor had informed my husband that he would have his team ready for us and prep me for surgery as soon as I arrived.
As we approached the hospital, I remember being very weak and having hospital staff rush me out of my car. As I was lifted to a gurney, I had seen all the blood around me. At that point I believe I passed out, but it was like I was under a state of hypnosis. It was like I could hear everything going on around me, but I was unresponsive. It felt like I was paralyzed. They would shake me, asking silly questions but it was so hard to say the simplest things. I could still feel them poking me with IV’s and whatever else they had going on at that moment.
Next thing I recall was my doctor shaking me trying to wake me up. I felt so weak and disoriented, it felt so hard to open my eyes. My mouth felt like it was full of cotton balls. When I finally opened my eyes I looked around and realized that I was in my own room at the hospital. My head was groggy but was not spinning anymore, and at that moment I said to myself, I am

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