...Alexander the Great was a Villain, he took over civilizations and tried to scare people to give in to him and wasn't scared of anything in his way. Alexander the Great is a Villain because he took over civilizations even if people didn’t agree with him. Alexander the Great didn’t care about anyone except himself and his plan to conquer the world. He would take over civilization to civilization and wouldn’t stop till his men couldn’t walk anymore. He was so determined he killed his father so he wouldn’t get in the way of his great plan. According to A Hero’s Hero – Alexander and Achilles “Here was a man, who walked in flesh and blood”(1). A man who took over the world and walks in flesh and blood. This evidence proves he was a villain because he would go through any civilization just to take things over. He did not care if many people died in the process, he only cared about his plan. Also, according to ABC news “What is...
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...Alexander the Great is a villain because he has killed many people, and taken over civilizations and cultures. Alexander the Great is a villain because he killed many people. Alexander killed people and took over many civilizations to have as much power as he possibly could. According to A hero’s hero-Alexander and Achilles, “Here was a man, who walked in flesh and blood, a man who went on to conquer the whole world before he was thirty-two” (1). A hero does not kill people for his or her own victory, but if one did kill people, that person would be a villain and that is what Alexander the Great did. The sentence talks about how Alexander walked in people's flesh and blood. That means that Alexander killed people and liked to show it off...
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...Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great rose to power in different ways, but they both built monstrous and strong empires, defeated great armies, and expanded trade routes. Though Genghis Khan ruled many years after Alexander the Great, many similarities can be found between the two leaders. Throughout their rises to the top, they both conquered many lands. Their empires covered territory greatly across both the North-Western and North-Eastern hemispheres. In order for them to have gained all their land, they had to outsmart the strongest forces, both Alexander and Khan were able to. During their reigns, they both extended upon the already created trade routes. Though Alexander and Khan are not commonly looked upon to be similar, there are more aspects alike with them than different....
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...Alexander the great Alexander III of Macedon commonly known as Alexander the Great was the king of Macedon. He is the creator of one of the largest empires in ancient history. He became the measure against which generals, even to this day, compare themselves; military academies throughout the world still teach his tactical exploits. Alexander was born on July 356 BC in the capital of the Kingdom of Macedon. He was the son of Philip II, the King of Macedon. His mother was Philip's fourth wife Olympias, Although Philip had either seven or eight wives, Olympias was his principal wife for a time. In his early years, Alexander was raised by his nurse and a general of his father’s army. When Alexander was ten years old, a horse trader from brought Philip a horse, which he offered to sell. The horse refused to be mounted by anyone, and Philip ordered it to be taken away. Alexander, however, detected the horse's fear of his own shadow and asked for a turn to tame the horse, which he eventually managed. Philip, overjoyed at this display of courage and ambition, kissed him tearfully, declaring: "My boy, you must find a kingdom big enough for your ambitions. Macedon is too small for you", and bought the horse for him. When Alexander was thirteen years old, Philip decided that Alexander needed a higher education, and he began to search for a tutor. Many people were passed over, but in the end, Philip offered the job to Aristotle, who accepted, and Philip gave them a temple as their...
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...Alexander the Great is one of the most extraordinary and inscrutable warriors of all time. By the age of 30 he was ruler of one of the largest empires ever known. From Greece to ancient India, Alexander single-handedly joined East and West together and forever changed the ancient world. Alexander the warrior is only one part of his legacy. He was a celebrated leader with a unique early life that drove his passion, admirable traits that set him apart from other rulers, and an unquestionable mark on history that continues to be praised today. Education and good mentoring are both vital for the pedigree of a good leader. Alexander had both. Being the son of a king, from an early age Alexander was given access to and was educated by the well-known Greek philosopher, Aristotle. It was his proximity to this great thinker during Alexander’s developmental years that inspired a deep love for rhetoric and literature, which led to interests in science, medicine, and philosophy. Education set Alexander apart from his peers; it also established him as one with the ability to transfer something of worth to another, namely Hellenism. Adding to education, Aristotle introduced Alexander to the legend of the Greek god, Achilles, through Homer’s, The Iliad. To Alexander, Achilles became a sort of distant mentor and idol to emulate. Alexander studied how Achilles fought, lived, loved, and died; desiring the same for his own life Alexander would vicariously model it as such. A good...
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...Civilizations I Assignment 2_02 Alexander the Great 01/15/2013 Alexander the Great Alexander the Great was only twenty when he became King of Macedonia. After his father Philip’s assassination he moved quickly to assert his authority, securing the Macedonian frontiers and following his father’s dreams to invade the Persian Empire. In the early stages of Alexander’s reign, Alexander had to deal with the Greeks along with the Illyrians and the Thracians, because they saw a chance to reaffirm their independence after Philip died. In this small, but meaningful conquest, Alexander marched an army to Athens and Thebes where he forced the cities to accept him as the leader in his father’s place. In this conquest he easily defeated the Illyrians and the Thracians in less than a few weeks. During Alexander’s conquest to invade the Persian Empire, entering Asia with an army of 37, 000, men he still knew he was taking a chance, which almost caused him his life, but ended in a major victory. In twelve years, Alexander continued to conquered vast territories, dominating lands from west of the Nile to east of the Nile, such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, Syria, Bactria, Anatolia, Judea, Phoenicia, and Gaza. He was able to extend his empire as far as India. He brought the Persian Empire, Egypt, and much of the Middle East under his control. Alexander made clear his determination to continue marching east to conquer more of India, but his soldiers refused and Alexander reluctantly turned back....
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...02- Alexander the Great 2/16/2014 Alexander the Great was arguably one of the greatest leaders of all time. During his time, Alexander conquered nearly the entire known world. He proceeded to take all he conquered under his rule. He built perhaps one of the largest, strongest, and greatest empires this planet has ever seen. He commanded the Greek military from 336-323 BC. He was known throughout the world for his ruthless victories on the battlefield. He made himself popular and famous through his clever use of propaganda. He promoted and preached Hellenistic culture in all of the regions that fell under his rule. Alexander’s father was Phillip II, the king of Macedonia from...
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...Over 200 years before Jesus Alexander the Great came into the world. When Alexander was a young child Alexander's father, King Philip the second, began to build his empire. Later in 336 B.C.E Philip was killed and Alexander became king of Macedonia at the age of 20. After the king died, Alexander immediately started building his empire and army. In 323 B.C.E after 11 years of battle, Alexander was ill and died, but Alexander did not name an heir to rule the empire he created. How Great was Alexander the Great? Alexander doesn't deserve the title of being great because he risked people's lives, and his empire fell apart soon after he built it. Alexander was willing to kill his men in order to make his empire grow. To begin, Alexander killed...
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...that has stuck with me. The paradox stuck out like a sore thumb, immortality was obviously synonymous to never dying and yet, it expresses a sense of regret or belated recognition of the fact that to be immortal did not simply mean to never die, but to achieve something far greater, something that stands the test of time, that goes beyond the finality of death and lives on long after the person is gone. Men try to go to great lengths to achieve some sort of immortality, after all, the fountain of youth was one that continues to captivate the imaginations of...
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...How Great Was Alexander the Great? Innovative, strategic, focused. These are a few words that describe Alexander the Great. Alexander the Great was trained in philosophy by Aristotle then became king of Macedonia at the age of twenty after his father died. After being crowned king, Alexander wanted to expand his kingdom. He and his well trained army fought their way across the world, defeating the Persians, conquering land, and founding cities. After eight years of tough terrain and long battles, Alexander’s men become weak. Even after Alexander’s beseeching implorement, the army refused to go any farther. Once Alexander had returned home, he was diagnosed with a fever, caused by the unhealed wounds surrounding his body, and died at the age...
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...Alexander the Great Alexander accomplished greater deeds than, not only of the kings who had lived before him but also of those who were to come later down to our time .Alexander the Great was born at Pella Macedonia in 356 B.C.E. He spent his childhood years watching his father transforming Macedonia into a great military power. His Father was King Phillip and his mother was Olympias. His mother was the princes of neighboring Epirus. She was a deeply spiritual who taught her son about his ancestors such as Achilles and Hercules. From his earliest ages, then he was conditioned for conquest and glory in being a king. He then became focused on becoming a great ruler, which he soon will become. As a young boy Alexander was fearless and strong. At the age of 12 he tamed a beautiful horse by the name of Bucephalus, a horse than no one else could ride. His father was so proud of him and his horsemanship. Aristotle came to Pella in 343 at Phillips bidding to direct education towards his son. Alexander was taught by him from the age thirteen to sixteen. Alexander was taught by Aristotle at the Mieza Temple.Alexander was told to have had a strong athletic build, but was shorter than the average Macedonian. He had fair skin, and was clean shaven most of the time. He had green eyes, and was said to be a very handsome man. When leading his army he would always wear something very recognizable from long distances by his enemies. Alexander wore two large white plumes in his hat to distinguish...
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...Alexander or Cyrus? In our past, we have had many leaders. Some were better than others, but what must a leader do to acquire the label “great”? Of course, one could simply go by the definition of the word and deem the leader “above average”. Did the great ones of ancient times exceed these standards or were they just above average like a standard dictionary would have us believe. Let us focus on two “great” leaders of our past by the names of Alexander and Cyrus. Both of these kings were famous for the way they ran their empires but were they both, so called, great? Cyrus the Great was the first king of the Achaemenid Empire. While he was king, he freed 4,000 Jews from Babylon. He also founded a new capital, invented the first postal system, and was mentioned 22 times in the old testament. Not only did he build one of the most powerful empires in ancient times, but he made its glory last by organizing it and expressing his tolerance of different races and religions. Alexander the Great lost his father and became a king at the age of 20. While he was king, he expanded Macedonian territory. He did this through conquest and was never defeated in battle. In fact, he conquered half of what was known in the world at the time. He also founded a city in Egypt and named it “Alexandria” (after himself, of course) and Wheatley2 discovered trade routes in Asia. But, because of the excellent battle strategies he was known for, he is often called the greatest military leader of all...
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...Alexander the Great, War Hero Alexander is one of the greatest war geniuses in history. He was the conqueror of the Persians and the king of Macedonia. He was an inspiration to many other military geniuses, such as Napoleon, Caesar, Pompey of Rome, and Hannibal of Carthage. Alexander was a king in the Ancient Macedonia kingdom of Greece. During his reign, he conquered Indus, Punjab, Bactria, media, Persia, Babylonia, and Egypt. He was also a student of Aristotle. He took over the kingdom of Macedonia after assassination of his father, King Philip. At one point in history, Alexander’s kingdom stretched from the Indus River to the Adriatic Sea. He is remembered for his vast spreading of Greek civilization and culture to other parts of the world. He is often regarded as one of the most influential individuals of all times together with his tutor Aristotle. Alexander was born in Macedonia in 350 BC. His mother was Olympias and his father was Phillip, the ruler of Macedonia. Alexander’s mother was Philip’s fourth wife. Several myths surround Alexander’s birth. According Plutarch, an ancient Greek biographer, Olympia experienced a thunderbolt and flames on her womb after getting married to King Phillip. King Philip is said to have dreamt seeing a lion seal on the womb of his wife just before Alexander was born (Bose23). Plutarch argued that Alexander’s father was Zeus because Olympia got pregnant before getting married to King Phillip. On the day Alexander was born, various extraordinary...
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...Alexander the III of Macedonia made a huge impact on the ancient world. He took power at the remarkable age of 20 years old, he led Macedonia and the Greek city states to conquer partially the ancient world, and Persia being one of his greatest achievements. Alexander the great lead the largest empire that the ancient world has ever seen to victory through his genius military skills, and his brutal force. Even though he was merciful, Alexander appreciated and respected religion. Many people debate still, “Was Alexander the great truly great?”. Many say no because in their eyes Alexander was a merciless man who slaughtered many ruthlessly, but when you’re given so much power at such a young age, it is expected to be power hungry to expand and...
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...Alexander the Great was one of the greatest military leaders in history. When Alexander died, he had ruled the largest Western Empire. Alexander’s teacher was the philosopher and scientist, Aristotle. The science, literature, and philosophy he learned helped him become a great leader. At sixteen, Alexander was left in charge of Macedonia while his father, Philip, was at battle. During this time, a town rebelled against Macedonia and Alexander put together an army and saved his city. This was the beginning of Alexander the Great’s life. I picked Alexander the Great because he was very smart, tough and loyal and that is why he won all his battles. Alexander the Great was born in 356 B.C. to Philip II, King of Macedonia, and Olympias, the Princess of Epirus. Alexander’s father, the ruler of Macedonia, was assassinated in 336 B.C. After his father’s death, Alexander became the ruler of Macedonia. Alexander the Great won battles and took over many cities from the time he became King in 336 B.C. until his death in 323 B.C. Alexander’s army became stronger with each defeated city that joined his empire. Alexander and his army eventually created the Macedonia Empire, the largest Western Empire. The Macedonia Empire was created from battles that included Greece, Asia, Persia, Egypt, Iran and India. Alexander also became known as the King of the Four Quarters of the World in 331 B.C. Alexander died in 323 B.C. and did not name another King of Macedonia. The Macedonian...
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