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Ali Krieger Research Paper

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Honor is one of those words that can widely be left up for the individual to determine. For some it could just mean someone who is looked up to. Others may see it as someone who is respected or famous in their such field or profession. Merriam Webster dictionary, alone, has over ten different meanings of the word “honor” on just its website, ranging from several different means of honor. I think that honor can have a multitude of meanings, especially depending on the subject or task at hand. A player could receive an honorable mention as an award for excelling in their sport or just showing good team respect and sportsmanship. Honor roll and distinguished honor roll certificates are given to those students who go above and beyond the expectations …show more content…
Someone who comes to mind when I think of who exemplifies honor is Ali Krieger. Ali Krieger is a member of the US Women’s National Soccer Team since 2008, before hand, playing for Penn State, and other highly ranked club teams among the United States. Ali Krieger has won an outstanding amount of honors and awards throughout her career as a stand above and beyond attitude as a teammate and role model like the NCAA Co-Defensive Player of out defender. Kroeger has received a myriad of awards for her talents as an athlete but of her the Year in 2006 and her 2011 honor of Fox Soccer's Best Eleven of FIFA Women's World Cup.The part where I find Ali Krieger to be someone worth the title of honor is quite simple for two main …show more content…
These qualities take mounds of courage to do and can mostly be found in only someone worth the name of honor. Ali Krieger, herself, and Abby Wambach are two highly influential women na professional soccer player that are sending a clear message in trying to change not only sports for women, but rights in general. Both girls have been working to find ways to get the pay gap of women versus men to be shrunk, as well as media and television coverage for women’s sports to be broadcasted on a much larger scale. These actions done by Ali Krieger and her fellow teammates are worth an emphasis on honor because they are not only going out of their way to make a lasting impact on their society, but are doing it in a way with respect and dignity, by not complaining that they don't get paid enough or how come their games aren't shown as much as the boys but are more working towards finding better solutions to these issues, while still excelling in their sports. These women truly do deserve a major emphasis on the word of “honor to myself and to others, as they selflessly act in a way to make a change in this world while doing it with class and respect as a way to be a role model for

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