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Alka Seltzer Test Lab Report

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erials/Methods: First, gather 6 Alka-Seltzer tablets and 3 glass beakers. Pour 100 milliliters of water, Minute-Maid Apple Juice and sprite in separate beakers. Before starting the actual experiment, make sure to wear safety goggle at all times while testing with the Alka-Seltzer. Then, have one person have their hands ready on the timer and another person ready to drop the Alka-Seltzer into the glass beaker filled with water. Once he/she drops the Alka-Seltzer start the timer and when it fully dissolves and there are no remnants of the tablet stop the timer. Record the time in data chart. Now repeat these steps for the apple juice and Sprite. Once you completed one trial of all three liquids, rinse out the beakers completely. After that,

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