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Grief Coping Skills

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One of the most unavoidable, universal and timeless truth about life is the fact that none of us will make it through this life without experiencing some kind of inevitable loss. And this loss is usually accompanied by its faithful comrades: grief, pain and suffering. Grief has to do with individual experience and is peculiar to each mourner and unique to each loss. Grief comes with sudden waves that destroy one’s peaceful and calm mood by an overpowering emotion.
To successfully deal with grief, there is a need for us to discuss some necessary valuable knowledge, proven strategies, and effective techniques that has been used overtime. The purpose of this write-up is to provide you with powerful skills or strategies …show more content…
Engage yourself in any spiritual activities that are important to you such praying, worshipping or meditating. And if you are questioning your religion as a result of your loss, try and converse with a clergy member who you think should know better that you in your religious community.
Talk – It is important to express your feelings when you are grieving even if you don’t feel comfortable talking about it under normal circumstances. Try not to alone in your grief. Painful feelings when kept to oneself are like infections rotting in a wound, they need to come out in order for you to be healed. Share your feeling with others to make the burden of grief lighter and easier to carry.
Take care of your physical and emotional health – While you’re grieving, it is very important to take care of your physical and emotional health. The pain of a major loss can make your energy and emotional reserves to be quickly exhausted. To get through this difficult time you need to take proper care of your health. Rest, exercise and maintain proper nutrition. Eat small amount of healthy foods rather than large meals to offset a poor appetite. If you have trouble sleeping, take brief naps or relax by just taking off your feet from the ground whenever you can. And while you may not have the zeal to exercise, you can just take a brief walk round the …show more content…
As a general rule, there is no need for antidepressant drugs for a normal grief. Though they may relieve some of the pain that comes with the loss but they surely cannot cure it. This will only delay the acceptance of the loss and will only extend the grieving period.
By attempting to numb the feeling with substances like alcohol, illicit drugs, caffeine, sugar, nicotine or prescription medications will only prolong the pain of grief. A glass of wine may be good for the soul and to relax the nerves, but abusing it can results into a host of new problems.
Have fun – Accepting your loss may be difficult, but that does not mean that you should be feeling bad at all times. In fact, it is important to take some time off, engage in activities that will distract you from your grief. Have a little bit of fun when you can, trying playing cards, watch your favorite TV program or any other activities you do enjoy before your loss. And you don’t have feel guilty about it.

Get professional help – The sudden shock that follow the news of a loss feels so overwhelming that it’s too much to bear. Get the help of a grief therapist or a mental health professional who can help you work through the intense pain of grief aid your recovery from the

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