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Stress Management


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Stress Management Essay

This paper will consider some company-sponsored stress management programs. It will provide a list of the most commonly implemented programs and discuss them in order from most beneficial to least beneficial. I will provide the reasoning for the order that I chose in each paragraph.

Stress Management
While stress can be a great motivator, it is not so great for your health. One of the leading sources of stress is the workplace. Workplace stress is not so great for a company’s bottom line, which results in absenteeism, lowered productivity, turnover and health claims. According to Safani’s article, In order to combat the costs associated with these issues, many employers have implemented one or more of the following strategies. This list includes the percentage of companies that are using these strategies. * Work/life balance support programs (46%) * Leadership training on worker stress (45%) * Online healthy lifestyle programs (45%) * Onsite fitness centers (43%) * Physical activity programs (38%) * Stress awareness campaigns (35%) * Financial management classes (30%) * Personal health/lifestyle management coaching (29%)
From this list, the most beneficial strategies are Stress awareness campaigns and Leadership training on worker stress. A company first needs to build a general awareness about job stress, such as the causes, costs, and how to control job stress. Afterwards, it is necessary to secure top management commitment and support for the program. Finally, establishing the capacity to conduct the program, such as specialized training for in-house staff. Leadership needs to be able to identify the first signs of stress, which could be low morale, health and job complaints. Leadership training is not only helpful in identifying stress, but it helps the leaders implement the company’s strategies and also allows them to evaluate the program to determine whether the intervention is producing desired effects.
The next beneficial program is the work/life balance support programs. A work-life balance strategy is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to keep staff engaged, recharged, and motivated. People do not react the same way to traumatic and stressful life events. An approach to building resilience that works for one person might not work for another. There are a variety of resources and references that can help you build your personal resiliency to help manage the stress in your life. One example is the Dow Company. They have selected LifeCare to provide comprehensive work and life information and referrals.
Now that we introduced the programs that provided awareness to stress, it’s time to do something to help alleviate the stress. Programs such as healthy lifestyle management and physical activity programs are designed to reduce the level of stress in your body. One of the main issues with stress is that it can cause unhealthy eating habits. People that fall into this category often endure large amounts of stress and have no time to fit a balanced nutrition around their busy schedule. Additionally, stress makes the body crave foods that are high in fats and sugars. This flaw in eating, in time will inflict a greater stress on the body, plus other problems that pose a threat to your physical and mental health.
One of the most important factors in reducing stress is having a well balanced diet. With a balanced diet and a correct nutritional management, your body will be well prepared for scenarios where stress is inflicted on the body. Another factor is the implementation of physical activity programs to include use of onsite fitness centers. Exercise and other physical activity produce endorphins, which is a chemical in the brain that act as natural painkillers and also improves the ability to sleep, which in turn reduces stress. Physical activity is very effective at reducing fatigue, improving alertness and concentration, and at enhancing overall cognitive function. This can be especially helpful when stress has depleted your energy or ability to concentrate. Regular exercise can increase self-confidence and lower the symptoms associated with mild depression and anxiety. All this can ease your stress levels and give you a sense of command over your body and your life.
One company that created a stress management program to help workers understand the nature of stress and its health effects and introduce stress coping skills, is Corning. They offer classes in tai chi, biofeedback, meditation, yoga, muscle relaxation, guided imagery, and cognitive restructuring.
My final beneficial program is financial management classes. Stress associated with economic worries can affect people in different ways. Some people may find themselves being more irritable, anxious, lethargic or sad. Others may turn to behaviors like gambling, alcohol or drug use. Companies have created financial education classed to help members and their families make sound financial decisions by educating them about good financial practices, helping them to recognize and avoid financial traps, and teaching them their rights and obligations as consumers. The military has implemented several programs to help their members to include online resource such as Military OneSource.
One company taking an interesting approach to wellness is Tiffany. In 2008, they launched the Take 5 Campaign to provide financial tools and resources to employees. The company's strategy was to position the campaign within the context of overall wellness. The program includes webinars and live seminars on topics such as investing in a down market, 401(k) basics, budgeting, Medicare, company retirement plans, identity theft, credit reports, mortgages, and refinancing.
When it comes to managing stress, it is more important to begin with programs that make yourself and the company aware of job stress factors. Once aware of the dangers of stress and the benefits to stress management, then we can focus on how to remove or alleviate stress. These are done via coaching programs, online classes and also through physical activites. I leave you with a quote from Rania Sedhom, principal at Buck Consulting. She notes, "Companies that make the investment to reduce stress in the workplace can improve employee loyalty and retention." Sedhom recommends that employers with limited funds create opportunities for inexpensive or even employee-funded get-togethers, because these activities build camaraderie and trust -- which in turn can reduce work stress.

Safani, Barbara. (2010). Work Stress: What Are Companies Doing About It? Retrieved from (2013). Limitation of stress in the workplace. Retrieved from
Van-Dusen, Allison. (2007). Best Workplace Stress Relievers. Retrieved from
ADAA. (2013). Physical Activity Reduces Stress. Retrieved from

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