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All-During Circle Time Analysis

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Jozef- During group time this morning Jozef led group time. He chose the song Freeze dance for movement time. Jozef sang the freeze dance song saying, “When I say freeze” Jozef called out the word freeze and the children all froze in their places.

All- During circle time Ms. Rochelle read the story “Here are my Hands” as she read the story she stopped to ask the children questions. They talked about how to use your feet correctly, head and hands. The children learn how and how not to use your body parts. The children called out when they had an answer for the question Ms. Rochelle asked.

All- During circle time Ms. Rochelle did a review about flowers she asked the children “What are you making that you can smell?” The children then thought …show more content…
The girls then got some baby wipes from the box and laid one on the table. They then set the wolf on top of the baby wipe and placed opened the wipe up and covered the wolf with it. Ala grabbed another wipe and folded it up small and placed it underneath the pillows head.

Yahaira, Jozef- Yahaira’s stuffed wolf got covered in paint accidentaly. Yahaira said, to Jozef“ My wolf got dirty Ms. Romina gave him a bath, where should we dry him off.” I asked Yahaira, “Where should we put him to dry him off Yahaira?” Yahaira says, “The drying rack!” Jozef says, “NO” and Yahaira replies, “Okay, put him there” pointing to the counter. “He can watch us make beautiful pictures Jozef” says, Yahaira. Jozef responds, “Yeah good idea!” Yeah turns to me and says pointing to her wolf, “I think he likes it! I showed my doggy my painting Ms. Romina.”

All- During circle time the children did an activity they had to copy whatever Ms. Rochelle was doing. She would touch different body parts and the children had to do the same. Ms. Rochelle asked the to touch their eyebrows, forehead, neck, chin, ankles, knees and chest etc. She reviewed what each body part was

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