...About loveLife loveLife promotes healthy, HIV-free living among South African teenagers. Organised under the auspices of the loveLife Trust, loveLife combines a sustained high-powered multi-media campaign with nationwide community-level outreach and support programmes for youth. loveLife’s programmes are implemented by a national youth volunteer service corps known as groundBREAKERS in partnership with more than 150 community-based non-government organisations, 3700 schools and 350 government clinics across South Africa. Major funding for loveLife is provided by the South African Government and the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Additional support is provided by the Anglo American Chairman’s Fund, Avis, Barloworld, BMW, ClearChannel Independent, Independent Newspapers, Mondi, the National Lottery, Novell SA, Pick ’n Pay, Primedia, Rapport, the South African Broadcasting Corporation, Southern Sun, Ster-Kinekor, Transnet and the Vodacom Foundation. For information visit www.lovelife.org.za or call thethajunction on 0800 121 900 Table of Contents Introduction 1 Concept 1 Details of Event 2 a. Dates and Times 2 b. Location 2 c. Attendees 2 d. Participant Target 2 e. Target Audience 3 Involvement of your Organisation 3 loveLife Media Support 4 Conclusion 5 Introduction loveLife is South Africa’s national HIV prevention programme for youth. loveLife is an NGO that has brought together a broad-based coalition of international and local...
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...Aleisha@exathleticsne.com – 1258 Royal Drive – Papillion, NE 68046 – www.exathleticsnebraska.com – 715-829-2671 All-Star Cheerleading Team Packet Welcome to Exceptional Athletics Nebraska and thank you for your interest in our All-Star Cheerleading Program! MISSION: To be a premier cheerleading facility in the greater Omaha area and to provide a fun, safe environment for children to learn and grow in their cheerleading and tumbling abilities. REGISTRATION: Forms for registration are available at Exceptional Athletics Nebraska or via email. MEMBERSHIP FEES: An annual membership fee of $40/year for 1 child or $75/year for 2 children or $100 for 3 or more children is required. This is to assist with covering insurance and paperwork ALLSTAR PROGRAM INFORMATION: All-Star Cheerleading is a competitive team not associated with a school but rather with a gym such as Exceptional Athletics Nebraska. Teams prepare year around for several different competitions. Teams are divided according to age and skill levels: Minis: 8 years and under Youth: 12 years and under Junior: 14 years and under Senior: 18 years to 10 Special Needs: All ages Tryouts: Tryouts will be held Every Tuesday and Thursday in April and will be an open format. Kids ages 10 and under will practice from 6-7pm and kids ages 10 and older will practice from 7-8:30pm. We may ask kids to try different times to see where they fit best. Everyone will be practicing as a group, so we can see how...
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...Survivor: All-stars (1–7): Tribe 1: Richard Hatch Colby Donaldson Jonny Fairplay Dalton Boston Rob Mariano Big Tom Buchanan Vecepia Towery Tina Wesson Colleen Haskell Deena Bennett Shii Ann Huang Tribe 2: Brian Heidik Ethan Zohn Rob Cesternino Lex van der Berghe Rupert Boneham Sandra Diaz-Twine Kathy Vavrick-O’Brien Jenna Morasca Jerri Manthey Sue Hawk Survivor: All-stars 2 (9-15) Tribe 1: Tom Westman Aras Baskauskas Yul Kwon Todd Herzog Rafe Judkins Ami Cusack Danni Boatwright Eliza Orlins Parvati Shallow Amanda Kimmel Tribe 2: Terry Deitz Ozzy Lusth Earl Cole Yau-Man Chan Chris Daugherty Cirie Fields Daniele DiLorenzo Courtney Yates Peih-Gee Law Stephenie Lagrossa Big Brother: All-stars (2–6) Will Kirby Hardy Ames-Hill Roddy Manusco/Marcellas Reynolds Jason Guy Jack Owens Jason “Jase” Wirey/Marvin Latimer James Rhine Nicole Nilson Shaffrich Danielle Reyes Jun Song Alison Irwin Jennifer “Nakomis” Dedmon Diane Henry Janelle Pierzina Big Brother: All-Stars 2 (8–12) Richard “Evel Dick” Donato Eric Stein James Zinkand Dan Gheesling Jeff Schroeder Russell Kairouz Hayden Moss Daniele Donato Sheila Kennedy Keesha Smith Libra Thompson Jordan Lloyd Britney Haynes Rachel Reilly Big Brother: Heroes vs Villains Heroes: Jason Guy Jeff Schroeder Dan Gheesling Jack Owens Marcellas Reynolds Janelle Pierzina Jennifer “Nakomis” Dedmon Diane Henry Jordan Lloyd Britney Haynes Villains: ...
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...ALL-STAR CITY TOURS Francine Jordache is the founder and the president of All-Star City Tours, a company that provides a variety of tours of great Canadian and American cities. She started the company in 2000 to respond to the need for tours for spouses and partners attending conferences in Canada. Organizations were looking for comprehensive packages that would entertain the partners of attendees while the conferences were in session. Calgary is the home base for the company that has expanded its operations with satellite offices in Halifax, Quebec City, Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. As Francine grew the company into new cities, she appointed Branch Managers to manage the teams there. Those Branch Managers continue to report to Francine. There are now 520 Canadian employees, including 375 part-time regional staff. In 2005, Francine developed a partnership with an American, Ronda Brice, to create a subsidiary to run tours in U.S. cities and they called the company American All-Star City Tours. So far, operations have been established in Seattle, New Orleans, Miami and New York city. Offices in Boston, Los Angeles, and Houston are in the planning stages. The number of American employees totals 150, with 90 percent of them being part-time regional staff who work on specific events. The rest are permanent tour planning Seattle employees reporting to the VP of Tour Planning (Bill) who is located in Calgary. The primary focus of the company is...
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...The first half of the book was very interesting and at times a thriller to find out what Knight would do next. In chapter one it starts off as a normal day at Indiana University, rainy and cold. Knight didn’t want to go through another season like he did before and he was going to do whatever it takes to make sure that it would never happen again. He just got done coaching maybe the best Olympic team in history to a losing season with IU. This chapter pretty much talks about what Knight was going to do to prevent the season from going under to the interdiction of the players and how Knights practices were. This chapter like its title describes Knights ever so close ballet with the brink of going under again. Chapter two is about his coming to coach the Olympic team to the end of that and the reactions Knight got through his outburst as a coach. From just screaming at officials and players, to tossing a chair in the middle of a game that nearly cost him his career this chapter is mainly about the rise and fall of Knight before the season to come. Chapter three starts off right before the off season is about to start with the team practicing to fix what happened the year before and although Knight would never admit it that season changed him for the rest of his career. Also in this chapter the team goes on a trip to play exhibition games overseas. Chapter four starts off on October 15 and this is the most important day for college basketball because now the coaches can be on the...
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...All-Star Weekend Review (Draft) Every year around late February, the National Basketball League has a weekend dedicated to the fans and call it the All-Star weekend, where players around the league get together to play some basketball all for entertainment and for fun. Multiple games are on during the first day of the All-Star weekend like the celebrity game with celebrities such as Kevin Hart, Snoop Dogg and NBA Impersonator Brandon Armstrong. Also on the first day is the Rising Stars Challenge where at least one rising stars for each team play against each other in two teams, Team USA vs Team World. On the second day, the 3 Point Contest, the Skills Challenge and the Slam Dunk Contest. These games would be the most anticipate games over the...
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...When you hear of Converse, what comes to mind? The shoes, Chuck Taylors All-Star shoe. Probably, but basketball, The NBA, Wilt Chamberlain, Nike? Probably not any of those things. And it's even more likely, that chances are, you probably don’t even know who Charles (Chuck) Taylor is. That's why i’m here. Let it be known, there is much more to Converse than you think. Let's start with the man that started it all, in 1917, Marquis Mills Converse, is the founder of the company. He wanted to make a performance shoe that was comfortable, stylish and wouldn’t do damage to your feet. Marquis Converse, was never much of a basketball player Next, in 1920, came a man named Charles Hollis Taylor also known as Chuck Taylor, an american basketball player, but he was terrible at basketball.He started a world wide fad but, he was not a good basketball player. What he wanted was a good basketball shoe. A shoe that was comfortable, that was easy to play in, and that he could actually play in. He claimed to have played on pro basketball teams, but he played only one season for a company team. He was the creator of the “non-skid” shoes. Chuck Taylor endorsed them and made them known around the globe....
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...like a streaky jump shooter; when they are hot they are hot, but when they are not nobody is interested. This has been a way of life for the Reebok brand since its inception. They wow the sneaker industry one year, just to turn around and lay an egg the next. The Reebok brand got its beginnings back in 1958 when it branched out as a sister company to JW Foster and Sons. Beginning in 1895, JW Foster and Sons started to manufacture shoes and sell them all over the United Kingdom. Even though they never garnered much attention, they were successful enough to be worn by the athletes in the 1924 Summer Olympics. Then in 1958, Foster’s grandsons decided to branch out to form a new company which they would call Reebok. They picked the name Reebok, which means African Gazelle, because they wanted to depict speed, style, and grace. Even though the company was selling the shoes at a decent rate in the United Kingdom, they were still having a hard time getting the shoes noticed on a world wide scale. But in 1979 this would all change. At the Chicago International sneaker trade show, Paul Fireman took notice of the Reebok brand. At the time, Fireman was working for an outdoor sporting goods distributor, and immediately saw great potential in the Reebok brand. He was drawn in by the customization of each shoe, as well as the high quality. Fireman felt that those two qualities alone would make this brand a hit with the North American population. Without wasting anytime, Fireman negotiated...
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...The Converse multi-channel global campaign “Made by You” was launched in March 2015, featuring Chuck Taylors’ model of sneakers. For the purposes of the campaign, Converse collected thousands of portraits of uniquely personalised pairs of canvas shoes from celebrities, artists, musicians, fashion designers and everyday users around the globe. The pictures were exposed on streets and in indoor exhibitions in cities such as New York, Mexico City, London, Shanghai, Rio and many other locations worldwide (Converse, 2015). The creators of the campaign have also made use of social media assets, where hashtag “#ChuckTaylors” was used by consumers to share pictures of their own customized pairs of Converse shoes. The campaign has also featured video advertisements on various social media channels (Blattberg, 2015). The Converse “Made by You” advertising campaign was designated for undergraduate University students as a target audience. Although the brand has their products targeted to different market segments, their marketing campaigns are targeted to young people aged between 18 and 24, individualists, fashionable, with high paced lifestyle, artistic and members of different subcultures. This audience has more disposable income and is likely to spend money more lavishly as they are financially dependent on their parents. Therefore, they usually do not have any financial liabilities as a rent or bills. Moreover, they are able to undertake a job (usually seasonal or part-time employment)...
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...With over 100 years in the shoe industry, Converse has been a brand with many different associations. It has marketed and positioned itself in numerous ways and has managed to maintain a high level of brand recognition with all ages and walks of life. It was the World’s first performance basketball sneaker. It was worn by the entire Army Air Corps in WWII. It was the official sponsor of the 1984 Olympics, and it was the shoe that Kurt Cobain was famously wearing when he died. It would be hard to argue that any other brand has been independent enough to be tied to so many market segments. This paper will provide insight into how Converse and the Chuck Taylor All Star was able to maintain its prominent position in the shoe market for over 100 years, despite competition, an ever changing market, and even bankruptcy. History Of Converse In 1908, Converse began as a rubber shoe company specializing in tennis shoes, rubber boots and automobile tires. The All Star shoe was created in 1917 as a specialized basketball shoe. It was competing with A.G. Spalding, U.S. Rubber, and Goodrich. Spalding invented the basketball as we know it today, and the basketball shoe, which included a rubber sole for traction. Previously, athletes competed in a high top shoe with a leather sole. At this time, the sport of basketball was still primitive and lacked the national prominence it has today. In 1921, Converse brought on Charles “Chuck” H. Taylor as a traveling sales representative to...
Words: 3750 - Pages: 15
...sports teams, this phenomenon is coined “the superstar effect”. In the past, there has been much debate regarding the actual impact of the superstar effect. These studies bring up many important issues that we will address before proceeding with our work. Among these questions are: Who qualifies as a superstar? How do we define a player to be “productive”? Under what metrics will we look at to determine the supposed effect of these players? All of these are valid points that we must carefully define to progress with our experimentation. II. Background and Data Our first and foremost question is what we base our data and work on: how do we define a superstar? Past work shows numerous ways to address this topic. One common way to determine a superstar is to refer to the number of times he or she has made an All-Pro team, or a player who has played in the NBA All-Star Game for at least 50% of his or her years in the league [5]. Other studies look at fan preferences; for instance, superstars would be those with high All-Star votes [3][4]. In our study, we take a purely numerical approach; we will define a superstar to be a player with high numbers of points scored as well as various other player statistics, in comparison to the rest of the team. This last...
Words: 1600 - Pages: 7
...The Bingo Long Traveling All Stars & Motor Kings by William Brashler is a story about these strong group on men who fight the terrible management from their team, to join one big all star team. William Brashler brilliantly tells the story of how these men had so much heart to play the game they love. There were many events where these all stars followed both ideas form Booker T. Washington and W.EB Dubois, those being “accommodation” and “resistance”. I will discuss how The Traveling All Stars used both of these methods to get through the brutality of evil negro league manager as well as racism they all went through. But most importantly, what I learn from this beautiful story One of the most interesting things that caught my attention from the start was how much these players loved the game of baseball. Some of...
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...admiring the many twinkling stars that decorate the dark backdrop. On earth, they just look like shining lights far, far away in outer space. From this far of a distance, they all look almost the same, but there are actually many different types of the bright, beautiful lights called stars. Stars are also very complicated and interesting, being one of the most studied natural phenomenon in America. Stars are massive, exploding balls of intense gas with their own gravitational field. They are mostly made up of the elements hydrogen and helium. The closest star to earth is the sun, which takes up more than 99% of the solar system’s mass and is 96 million miles away from us. The closest star...
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...gas, and plasma. It is normally the place where other stars are made. A stellar nebula is formed by the explosive death of a massive star. Formation begins when particles in the cloud start to bond with each other due to gravitational pull, as the mass of the particles begin to increase it starts gaining more gravitational pull. The stars in the Nebula produce light in the cloud which makes it visible to us. Red Supergiant The “Red Supergiant” are the largest known stars. They are made in a cloud of dust and gas then that ignites the hydrogen fusion in the core and they are said to live in “one main sequence”. Average stars with more than 10 solar masses, after burning their hydrogen become Red Supergiants while they’re in the helium burning phase. Compared to other stars this star has a very cool...
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...Stellar Evolution A star begins as a very light dispensation of interstellar gases and dust particles over a distance of a few twelve lightyears. Although there is intensely low pressure existing between stars, this dispensation of gas exists instead of a real vacuum. If the density of gas becomes bigger than 0.1 particles per cubic centimeter, the interstellar gas grows uncertain. Any small alteration in density, and because it is impossible to have a perfectly even distribution in these clouds this is something that will naturally occur, and the area begins to contract. This happens because between about .1 and 1 particles per cubic centimeter, pressure gains an inverse relationship with density. This causes internal pressure to decrease with increasing density, which because of the higher external pressure, causes the density to continue to increase. This causes the gas in the interstellar medium to spontaneously collect into denser clouds. The denser clouds will contain molecular hydrogen (H2) and interstellar dust particles including carbon compounds, silicates, and small impure ice crystals. Also, within these clouds, there are 2 types of zones. There are H I zones, which contain neutral hydrogen and often have a temperature around 100 Kelvin (K), and there are H II zones, which contain ionized hydrogen and have a temperature around 10,000 K. The ionized hydrogen absorbs ultraviolet light from it is environment and retransmits it as visible and infrared...
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