Premium Essay

Allowed In Sports

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Do you want your kid to be encouraged to have big dreams and do what they love? Well I know that I would. I believe that young athletes do have the same opportunities in playing sports. One reason I believe that it’s fair is disabled kids can still do sports and participate in sports as well. My second reason is that girls can also play in sports like football. Then my third reason is that parents that can not afford to take or get their kid into games, so maybe coaches take them or pay for them. Disabled is a physical or mental condition that limits a person's movement,senses, or even activities. Well, in my world I think that disabled kids are not all cut out they can still play sports and do fun activities.Today, US Education Department Office for Civil Rights has released guidance that clarifies existing legal obligations of schools to provide students with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate alongside their peers in after-school athletics and clubs. We make clear that schools may not exclude students who have an intellectual, …show more content…
But unfortunately, we know that students with disabilities are all too often denied the chance to participate and with it, the respect that comes with inclusion. This is simply wrong. While it’s the coach’s job to pick the best team, students with disabilities must be judged based on their individual abilities, and not excluded because of generalizations, assumptions, prejudices, or stereotypes. Knowledgeable adults create the possibilities of participation among children and youth both with and without disabilities.That is why these day we have a thing called the Special Olympics and the special olympics began in 1968 headed by Eunice Kennedy Shriver. I think that the special olympics gives disabled kids the same opportunities to feel like somebody and get to do games and

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