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How Can Politics Be Allowed In Sports?

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I’ve watched sports for a long time, I always thought that sports were a way to forget about the troubles of daily life for a few hours and get lost in our favorite games. As I grew older I realized that this was not the case, and it has never been. Sports and politics go hand and hand with each other, and after watching your documentary “Not Just a Game,” I can see why. Not a lot of people like politics in sports, but what many don’t realize is that politics actually helps sports bring some very controversial subjects to the frontline. The entire Los Angeles Clippers basketball team protesting their racist owner, women being in the main event of an MMA event, and Michael Sam being the first openly gay player to be drafted by the NFL are great examples. Racism is a topic that has plagued sports for a long time whether people want to admit it or not. …show more content…
Robinson faced death threats, racist letters and cruel remarks for simply being black, but he prevailed and is look at as a pioneer in the sporting world. As time went on, opinions on groups of people changed, and this would have many think that racism would be a thing of the past, but this is not the case. In 2014, basketball fans were shocked after Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling said racist remarks about black people. Sterling complained to his girlfriend about her black boyfriend and went on to tell her to “not bring them to my games.” (ESPN) 74.4% of the NBA is made up of black players (Sutori), and understandably the majority of them were not pleased. During a playoff game, the Clippers team staged a silent protest against their racist owner by wearing their practice shirts inside out so that the Clippers logo and

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