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Mlk Spoken Language

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Explore the ways power and authority shape spoken language how the power of rhetoric helps politicians and public speakers change the perceptions of their audience.
Politicians throughout history have used the power of rhetoric to get their views across, whether it was for a political election campaign or a speech for freedom and equality. Dr Martin Luther King Jr’s (MLK) Washington speech was one of the most important in the history of racial equality and sparked the world wide battle for racial equality. During the 2008 election campaign for presidency Barack Obama delivered his ’Yes we can’ speech, addressing all Americans to tell them that change was possible. Both men were black and wanted change and achieved it by delivering effective …show more content…
He used his booming voice and evocative language to move his audience and to give his speech its power and edge. Partway through his speech a gospel singer cried, “Tell ‘em about the dream” at which point he put down his script and spoke from his heart. He used paragraphs and phrases from when he had been doing preaches in chapels as a pastor which is evident from the increase in biblical references. Obama also refers to God when he says “God bless you, and may God bless the United States of America.” Many Americans are Christian so by referring to God Obama connects to his audience socially and …show more content…
King used an extended metaphor to act as one of the central themes throughout his speech “Your quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution and battered by the winds of police brutality.” This helps him connect emotionally with his audience and shows how he knows what they’ve been through and why they should join him in the fight against it. One of Dr Kings most famous quotes, “I have a dream… sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will sit down together at the table of brotherhood.” The use of the terms “sons” and “brotherhood” evoke the idea of them all being God’s children and being equal. At the time Christianity was very important in America so using Biblical references helps his audience see that they are not that different. “I have a dream” This example of anaphora gives his speech an edge of originality and dedication which his audience need to hear. By repeating the same phrase it makes the audience anticipate the next line, becoming more involved and having more belief in him. This gives the people before him a sense of unity and hope in his dream. “I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama…” His anecdotes about freedom in the places where segregation is at its worst help to make a personal connection with his audience. It also sends a message of how racism will be beaten in all

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