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Banning Photoshop Research Paper

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Lights! Camera! Photoshop? Photoshop has been a major detail when making magazines, newspapers, etc. But is it really good for the celebrities ego when they use it and is it making them look good or a bit worse? In my opinion photoshop shouldn’t be used for these purposes, because it makes them look fake and it’s overly abused as it is . Celebrities shouldn’t let computers and stingy agents decide how they look. They should try doing it by themselves, but it’s at anyone’s free will, as long as it isn’t taken too far. Photoshopping someone with three heads is too far! On the other hand, it can help boost a rising star to the higher ranks of being famous. But when it comes to everyday things like newspapers, magazines and websites it is easily noticed and could make them look worse than what they started with. …show more content…
When using photoshop in magazines and on websites, in the bottom right corner of them it tells whether or not it is photoshopped or it’s the celebrities natural look. (Hilltop News’ “Should photoshop be banned from mass media?” By Samantha Driscoll) States that 69% of adolescents in the areas of 5th-12th grade (mainly female) say that magazines with these labels influenced the “perfect” body structure. All though photoshop is constantly used in moves to “boost character” and make it more appealing to the eye, nobody wants to see someone with a literal hourglass figure...if it’s humanly

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