Premium Essay

Abuse In Antwone Fisher's Life

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Antwone Fisher was abused in many ways in his childhood; however, after meeting Dr.Davenport, his life changed for the better quite dramatically. Antwone was born in a woman’s correctional facility. His father, Edward, had been shot and killed two months before he was born. After the state took him, he was eventually placed in a foster home. Here he was abused by his foster mother, Ms.Tate. Ms.Tate physically and mentally abused Antwone. She would beat him for the simplest things, sometimes until the point he believed he would pass out. Also, she would never call him by his real name. She wanted to make Antwone and his foster brothers feel worthless. Though dealing Ms. Tate was hard enough, this was not the worst. Antwone was raped by his cousin,

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