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Homelessness In America Research Paper

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Close your eyes, and picture this. When you hear the word homelessness, what comes to mind? Homelessness is defined as not having a permanent home, or residence. The problem of Homelessness in America, needs to be stopped. There are so many different causes, that make homelessness a serious problem, and people need to stand up and speak up. Homelessness is one of the most death causing problems we have today in America. Therefore, if America decides to stand up, and speak up, millions of lives a year can be saved. So, the question is, what causes homelessness? What can be done in order to fix this? Continue to read this, and find out. If homelessness continues in America, then more people will end up dead, and or on the streets begging for …show more content…
In 2004, around 37 million people, and just about 12.7% of the population were losing their jobs, and not making any income. Finally, 20 years later in May of 2007, congress approved of the increase of minimum wage for employees. In those 20 years more people were not able to maintain mortgage, and expenses, and this causing half of that percent to be homeless. In today's world, a typical one story house with two bedrooms, and one bathroom starts around $1750.00. This usually does not include appliances, and sometimes power, and electricity. Furthermore, most families need a washer, and dryer, and food, and many other supplies in order to maintain a stable living environment. At the start, minimum wage was $5.15 an hour, and the typical person works either 47 hour per week or less. This totals around $242. 05. This is not enough for food, and mortage per week. Therefore, with these problems, causes more people to become homeless, and living on the streets. The cost for houses, and the cost for living can make a person become homeless, and this is a very sad sight to see. There are many more problems to this situation, and living expenses, and cost for living is just the …show more content…
Many of these encounters are violent and painful. After experiencing a violent relationship, or fight with a family member, one will run away to seek help. Most places these people run to have a tie with a homeless center. A homeless center is open to anyone who needs help, support, or protection from others. Most family and relationship problems cause people to either run away or try to end their life. If they give up, they don't have to suffer. On the other hand, if that does not work, after time they end up on the streets with nowhere else to go. After dealing with abuse, one struggles with handling society and run to be alone. 50% of homelessness is caused by fleeing domestic violence. Homelessness is caused in many ways. Not many think before they act, and this is a reason why people need to speak up and get some help, before it is too late. Just because there is a fight or argument, does not mean it's the end of the world. Get through those patches, because in the long run, fighting is more easier to deal with or handle than living on the street

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