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The Homeless Community: The Cause Of Homelessness

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Homelessness is something that everyone experiences at some point in their life, often daily, but not everyone truly understands what it means to be homeless. You may experience homelessness by seeing someone on the street and observing their lifestyle or habits, but you don’t see their past that got them there, or their thoughts and feelings about their own situation. The impacts on the personal lives, community, and society as a whole are as broad and diverse as the homeless community itself. There are countless ways to become homeless, and not many ways to escape it without help from an outside source. So who composes the homeless community, what are the causes of homelessness, and what are the ramifications of it on all levels, ranging …show more content…
I saw a wide range of emotions and reactions from everyone. I was ridiculed for being dressed nicely by one man, and I was thanked countless times by others. A few of the folks seemed mad at me for helping pass out food, like I had done something wrong to them even though all I’d done was scoop food onto a tray for them. I couldn’t guess at the reason but wondered if it was projections of their frustrations about their situation, or maybe symptoms of a mental illness or drug habit, or maybe they were just having a bad day. I had to remind myself that I can’t take everything said to me to heart and that sometimes people just can’t help but be mad at the world if the world has only been bad to them. I even had one woman upset at me because she didn’t like the food we were serving and wondered why we couldn’t serve something different or better than pasta and different types of vegetables. Some folks I interacted with had a clearly disorganized thought process and I even experienced some word-soup conversations from what I can only guess was some form of schizophrenia. With my psychology background from my degree at CU these exchanges especially stood out to me. The interactions I had showed how diverse the group of homeless in this small area of the country was, and was a clear-cut example of how little I really knew about the lives and …show more content…
It was like a whirlwind of experiences all rolled into one, and what kept coming back to my head was the interaction with the folks that were too mentally ill to even hold a legitimate conversation. What could these people have in store for them if they didn’t have the proper medication and help that they needed? This homeless shelter meant the world to these people because it helped feed them and house a portion of them for the night, but I felt like this was just a bandaid over a bullet wound. The gentleman I talked with for about 30 seconds had said words to me that had no reasoning or meaning behind them except to himself. I had never truly experienced a word-soup conversation before except in classes explaining what it was. It was confusing and eye-opening because it showed the degree of mental illness and the lack of help these folks were getting. If this person had such a glaringly obvious issue and had no help for it from the government or from people around him except for being given food or shelter, what other less obvious issues do these people suffer from that they need help with and can’t

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