...Following the Band: Review of the Film Almost Famous Almost famous, written and directed by Cameron Crowe , is an endearing coming of age film that follows the adventures and experiences William Miller, of a teenage writer played by Patrick Fugit, as he follows an up and coming rock and roll band (Stillwater) in order to write a cover story for Rolling Stone Magazine in the early 1970's. William Miller is a bright-eyed and intelligent young high school student with a passion for both writing and rock music. Confined by an overly concerned and strict mother who has a irrational dislike for rock and roll music, William is desperate to break away and create a life for himself. William is determined it find an outlet and eventually lands a job writing album reviews for a local newspaper. Lester Bangs, an editor of Cream (a low-budget rock and roll magazine) played by Philip Seymour Hoffman, stumbles across William's album reviews and enjoys his work. Lester ends up getting ahold of William and offers him a job reporting on a Black Sabbath Concert. William excitedly accepts the offer, but is unable to gain access to the hugely popular Black Sabbath after the concert. Fortunately for William the members of the opening band, Stillwater, are very willing to be interviewed and provide him with enough material to write a solid report. William's piece on Stillwater catches the eye of an editor at Rolling Stone Magazine, Ben Fong-Torres ( played by Terry Chen ), who was so impressed by...
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...CHAPTER I I.INTRODUCTION This chapter will contain an Introduction of a study,Backround of the study,Statement of the problem,Hypothesis,Signifance of the study,Scope and Limitation of the study and definition of terms. II.BACKROUND OF THE STUDY Information Technology is the fastest way to link together our nation made up million people living in the thousand island.Nowadays,our world is becoming modernized because of gadgets devices and machines that help people to do work,to make their work easier and faster.Computers is one of the most patronized devices today.It can help us in many ways,but computer and their peripherals is changing so rapidly that anything we describe “state of art” today will almost surely lose that status within months. III.STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The researchers have this topic to know the opinions of student about the advantage and disadvantage of computers and to let elaborate on these Disadvantages and Advantages. Specifilally,it sought answers to the following problem 1.What is the Advantages and Disadvantages of computers? 2.Is there a significant difference between advantages and disadvantages of computers? 3.Is there a significant between advantages and disadvantages of computers? IV.HYPOTHESIS Based on the aforementioned problems the following hypothesis were tested. 1.There is no significant difference between advantages and disadvantages...
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...part of it. “He had difficulty keeping his attention on the war […] but then he would slip away into day dreams, just pretending, walking barefoot along the Jersey Shore” (p.279). This quote clearly shows that he was living in a parallel world between the war that he was living at that moment and his obsessed love for Martha. During the war Jimmy Cross had two obsessions with his love back home Martha. The first obsession that Jimmy shows is that he thinks all the time that “she was a virgin, he [and that he] was almost sure.” (p.274). Another quote that can be used as an example is how he describes her from a photo that she sent him as a souvenir “Her legs, he thought, were almost certainly the legs of a virgin, dry and without hair, the left knee cocked and carrying her entire weight” (p.276). Even though he was not sure of her virginity, he liked thinking that she was one. The second obsession that he shows throughout the short story is that he thinks almost all the time about her “He remembered kissing her good night at the dorm door. […] He should have carried her up the stairs to her room and tied her to the bed and touched that left knee all night long.” (p.276) Jimmy Cross is wracked with guilt because he believes that his preoccupations for his love for Martha blinded his judgment causing the death of Ted Lavender, member of Alpha Company. “He pictured Martha’s smooth young face, thinking he loved her more than anything, more than his men, and now Ted Lavender...
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...17/1/2011 PERIOD 1.2 ENGLISH DOSSIER Shobha Maniram | 473253 | LM 1A | Jennifer Koelman TABLE OF CONTENTS introduction ................................................................................................................................ 3 In-class assignment week 1 – Who or Whom ............................................................................ 4 Assignment 1 .......................................................................................................................... 4 Assignment 2 .......................................................................................................................... 4 In-class assignment week 2 – Customer Service ........................................................................ 7 Vocabulary exercise A: complete the text with the best word. ........................................... 7 Vocabulary exercise B: replace the words with the correct form of an idiomatic expression of the box. ............................................................................................................ 7 Language review exercise A: complete the sentences with a gerund from the box. ............ 7 Language review exercise B: complete each sentence so that is seams the same as the sentences just before it. Use a gerund each time. ................................................................. 8 Language review exercise C: circle the correct form(s) of the verb in the text. ................... 8 Writing...
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