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Amandeep Singh Case Interview

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Pages 4
Amandeep Singh is a 30 year old male of Indian decent from Springfield, Virginia. His religion is Sikh, but he also believes in the Christian religion and has attended church on a few occasions. Additionally, he was born in Canada and moved to America with his parents when he was 4 years old. He currently has a girlfriend and has no children. He is the middle child of three and owns a gas station in Springfield, Virginia. Amandeep was recommend to be interviewed for this project by a friend. In our interview Amandeep listed multiple adversities in his life. His father was an alcoholic that physically abused his mother in front of him regularly. He would be teased repeatedly in school because he wore a turban. Furthermore, after the terrorist attacks on 9/11, the teasing increased and he was started to get called a terrorist, even in public places by adults. His mother also developed cancer and the family did not have health insurance to pay for the treatments. Recently, his older brother suddenly passed away due to a drug overdose. I want to …show more content…
The temple allows Amandeep to get advise from elders and get support from the local Sikh community that helped him while his mother had cancer. Amandeep attends a local church a few times a year, but it helped him when his father was physically abusing his mother and he started to question his Sikh faith. The local pastor gave him encouragement and faith to keep persevering through all of his adversities. Amandeep is apart of a local car club that his older brother got him involved in. When his brother passed away, the members of the car club regularly called him and took him out to dinner and events to make him feel better by giving support. His mother and girlfriend always have gave him emotional support and advise whenever he has adversities no matter how big or

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