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Why Do High School Athletes Use Steroid?

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High school students using drugs to enhance their athletic performance is a big problem in today’s society. This may lead to consequences like getting kicked off the team or being suspended from school. The most common drug that they are using is steroids. A steroid is an artificial male hormone that may be very harmful to an athlete's mental and physical health. According to the U.S Department of Health and Human, 262,000 teens are using or have used steroids.
One way to help prevent the use of drugs among high school athletes would be mandatory drug tests before every game. This could be encouraged by writing a letter to the Athletic Director at the school explaining the situation. Do coaches want an athlete that relies on drugs to enhance their performance? They shouldn't, because it just shows how lazy the athlete truly is. If an athlete actually wants to be good, he would be putting time and effort in the gym or on the practice field. A mandatory drug test would scare some students into not even playing the sport anymore, which would get rid of all drug-using athletes. It …show more content…
Athletes don't want to get to the pros and then get suspended from the league for using drugs. So if stories of other athletes' situations and the consequences that they had to face were shared, high school athletes would no longer want to use drugs due to the consequences that they might have to face throughout their life. High school athletes need to realize that drugs can change their life forever and even take away some of their greatest moments. Ben Johnson was an olympic gold medalist, but he was caught taking steroids. He later had to give up his medal and the right to say that he was the fastest man in the world. High school athletes wouldn't want this, which is why this solution will encourage high school athletes to be drug

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