Premium Essay

The Denunciation Of Shostakovich And Joseph Stalin

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Pages 1
For many years, I have always been fascinated by the works of Shostakovich. Shostakovich was a major composer of Russia and has suffered so much under constant threat to arrest, exile or worse. The main reason for most of his sufferings and cruel times such as his patrons and family members suddenly disappearing was because of the Supreme Leader, Joseph Stalin. I plan to explore the duel between the composer and Joseph Stalin. In my research paper, I plan to include the two pivotal events that connected Shostakovich and Stalin;
Stalin’s denunciation of Shostakovich’s opera Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk in 1936.
The Communist Party resolution of 1948 censuring Shostakovich and other leading composers.
Finally, I also plan to provide examples of

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