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How Your Addiction To Fast Fashion Kills Analysis

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Money is a big motivator. It’s a cliche that money runs the world. Often, people stray from our morals for the sake of making a few more bucks. In today’s mass market clothing industry, businesses tend to be guilty of the exploitation of workers in unethical clothing production. …show more content…
In an article entitled “How Your Addiction To Fast Fashion Kills,” Amy Odell states that workers in the Rana Plaza located in Bangladesh shockingly make a mere 14 cents an hour for their labor. To reiterate this, McMullen states that Bangladeshi factory workers make a measly “$37 a month,” which further proves their unjust wages.
Underdeveloped countries are usually targets for cheap labor. For this reason, Bangladesh is an ideal location for cheap clothing production. In a World Bank article, “Globalization,” we see that the proponents of globalization argue that globalization works to open up the world economy and helps to battle poverty. This challenge is faced by many workers in unsafe clothing factories. To make matters worse, businesses tend to defend themselves by placing the blame on government and the consumer when the real responsibility lies with

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