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Iwo Jima's Role In Ww2

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February 4th 1945- Yalta conference- Back in German, concentration camps are seeing liberations, Russia is invading from the east, Germans are fleeing the country and the fall of Germany has finally come. Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin all meet at the Yalta conference in the Soviet Union. At this conference Joseph Stalin demands control of Poland and much of eastern Europe after the war. Roosevelt is on board but only if Stalin helps with the war against Japan and the new territory gets free democratic elections. This was very important for the United States and for the war against Japan because with Russia’s and America’s forces combined Japan is closer to surrendering.
Iwo Jima- The US needed a base near the coast of Japan in order to have future invasions. 3 specially trained units successfully invaded Japan with the help of the American firebombing tactic and distractions. 23,000 naval and military troops defended the Iwo Jima. This battle faced very challenging conditions like caves, tunnels, and networks of dugouts. After a month of fighting in these conditions, the Marines wiped out the opposing threat. This was important because once leverage was gained, They can begin planning more attacks on Japan.
April 1st 1945- The battle of Okinawa started on Easter Sunday, The US government sent over a hundred thousand men and a specially trained navy fleet. This battle was one of the last battle nearing …show more content…
His lover Eva Braun takes the poisons aside Hitler and then they shoot themselves. Germany announced it the next day, this was the end of the nazi third Reich. They are both buried in very shallow graves and he was heard to be dug up and dismembered. After Hitler's death Germany surrendered on May 7th, becoming a very memorable and celebrate day in Europe and marked the end of the European part of World War

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