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Hester Prynne Change In The Scarlet Letter

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Words 296
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Klajdi Cepa
Mrs. Greene
English 3 Honors
Hester Prynne Change
Irony- “The use of words to express something different from and often opposite of the literal meaning.” -Wordnik Hester Prynne is an extremely dynamic character in the novel, The Scarlett Letter. Her change throughout the story can truly be described as ironic. As a character, she has a very slow and sad star but then reaches her climax throughout the story and stays powerful. Starting off with a bad start her dignity and pride drops completely. Coming to realize the good in her she then figures out how to use what was been given against her, towards her. Hester goes from a hurt and embarrassed sinner to a proud demanding woman!
In the beginning of the book, Hester

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