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Tobey Maguire

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When we talk about regret its about an event in the past which haunts the character, for that we must dive into backstory. During backstory what we want to know is which events from the past are affecting the characters today. We don’t need to know everything they’ve been through but just the positive or negative moments that have an impact on the decisions they make now. This can be seen as the main characters psychological or moral weakness. Its usually not what the character does that make them regretful but what they could’ve done but failed to do. When writing a story and you want to give your character a tragic back story, an open wound that will help the audience connect with them. We could say someone they love was killed and that …show more content…
The reason I want to talk about Spiderman is because different incarnations of that character have tried different strategies. Usually the death of Uncle Ben is entirely random and its a perfectly serviceable backstory to justify Peter Parker becoming Spiderman. But heres yet another reason why Tobey Maguire’s 2002 Spiderman is so well constructed. In that movie Peter has the power of Spiderman but he chooses to make money from it by entering a wrestling competition and when a man robs that place and escapes because Peter Parker let him go into the elevator he doesn’t care because the man who he stole from had already done him wrong by not giving him the full amount of prize money he won. So when the robber escapes and kills Uncle Ben then steals his car, Peter has no one to blame but himself, he had the power to stop it but he didn’t. Now, the story becomes not just about the external conflict of ridding New York City of crime, but about the internal conflict of realising that with great power comes great responsibility. This tragedy acts Peter’s counter desire or an internal opponent. Peter Parkers want in the story is to just be a kid but his weakness and counter desire is his reluctance to grow up and assume the responsibilities of being a

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