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Personal Space Violations

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Someone standing a little too close for comfort? Maybe someone is yelling in a library or sitting in your assigned classroom seat. Violations of personal space is something we’ve all experienced. Territorial encroachments are the violation of a person’s territory and the reason why we experience such discomforts. I will be discussing proxemics in the sense of territoriality, territorial markers, and the reactions to the encroachments. More specifically, I will be examining personal territories in three public settings: at a bus stop, on a crowded bus, and on an elevator.
Territoriality refers to how individuals use space to communicate ownership or occupancy of areas and possessions. The types of territoriality are body, primary, secondary, …show more content…
More specifically my observations took place at a bus stop on campus. I observed the measures in which people take up space and claim territory to be the very first ones entering the bus. Many individuals stood close to where they anticipated the bus would stop, not taking into consideration how close they were to other individuals. There are four types of distance people keep: intimate (0 to 18 inches), personal (18 inches to 4 feet), social (4 to 10 feet), and public (over 10 feet). Strangers were as close to one another as intimate partners would be, also known as social crowding, and yet the lack of confrontation suggested this was not a violation. However, even though the crowded conditions were intimate, people still avoided contact with minimal movements and the lack of engaging in conversation. This avoid to acknowledge strangers allows the individual to maintain as much privacy as possible, while still in a public space, by pretending others do not exist. (Fox, 139). As the bus approached I noticed people becoming territorial. Before letting individuals off the bus, those outside of it pushed forward. People were more aggressive trying to force themselves on the bus and claim a space, a seat, before another. This is an example of turf defense because individuals began using force, pushing and shoving others, to repel them and maintain territorial

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