...Date: Instructor: Understanding a GCU Assignment Worksheet Assignment Background: It is important to read through all components of an assignment in the GCU classroom so that you are aware of its requirements and the expectations of your instructor. Look for the following cues: • What is the objective of the assignment? • What are the elements of the assignment? • How will the assignment be graded? • What are other considerations for completing the assignment well? The purpose of this worksheet is to guide you in “decoding” any GCU assignment. Assignment Instructions: Review the sample syllabus and sample rubric under the questions below. Then, provide answers underneath the following questions: 1. How do the objectives assist a student in completing the assignment? Objectives assist students by explaining a clear expectation of what knowledge will be gained at the completion of a specific topic. You then understand the point of completing certain tasks outlined in a topic because the purpose is geared towards completing the objectives. 2. Describe what needs to be done for the assignment found in the sample syllabus? To complete the assignment outlined in the sample syllabus, you need to first read the required chapters (1, 2, 3 &6) in the specified textbook and review the lecture notes for the specified topic. After that, 3 components that you feel help form a worldview need to be identified. These are subjective...
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...Critical Thinking Paper Instructions Before you begin writing your paper, you should first consider which formatting style that you will be using. In this course, we allow you to choose the one that you are more familiar with, or the one that will ultimately be the style most often used within your major. (See Formatting Style document) This is a research paper, not a Discussion Board Forum, so it is expected that your paper will be formatted and cited using one of the following styles: current APA, MLA, or Turabian format. Requirements: 1. Cover page – This is the first page to be included in your paper (based on the formatting style that you will be using, see the sample papers in Blackboard). a. APA: For this course, a Summary or Abstract is not required. b. MLA: This format does not require a title page, but does have a specific format for Ssudent information. 2. Content pages – These pages will contain your content and fulfill the requirements as listed below. c. Be sure to complete the minimum word count (500–1,000 words). i. Do NOT include the question as part of your word count Use only your answers. ii. Direct quotations must be short and limited. iii. Include your word count at the bottom of the paper. iv. NOTE: Submissions totaling fewer than 250 words will not receive credit. d. Quotations and material used from other sources must be cited using current APA, MLA or Turabian. You...
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...UNV 103: Understanding a GCU Assignment Worksheet It is important to read through all components of an assignment in the GCU classroom so that you are aware of its requirements and the expectations of your instructor. Look for the following cues: • What is the objective of the assignment? • What are the elements of the assignment? • How will the assignment be graded? • What are other considerations for completing the assignment well? The purpose of this worksheet is to guide you in “decoding” any GCU assignment. The table below contains the information for an assignment in Module 2 of the course CWV 101. Module and Assignment Information Found in the Syllabus: |Assignment Title |Worldview Puzzle Essay: Putting the Pieces Together | |Objectives |Discuss the concept of a worldview. | | |Describe how faith contributes to worldview. | |Assignment |Identify the three components/puzzle pieces that you believe are most critical to the formation of a worldview. Refer to| |Instructions |the Cosgrove text to help identify these components. | | |After considering these components, write an essay of...
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...Content: Instructions: o Fulfill all of the requirements as listed above. o Select 1 of the following worldviews (Secular Humanism, Hinduism, Buddhism, or Islam) that have been considered in the course content. o Identify the worldview that you have selected on your Title page (APA, MLA, or Turabian). o Using course content and additional sources outside of the course, complete the following: Note: This is a “Critical Thinking” assignment so you must go beyond just giving factual content, and demonstrate your comprehension of the material. To accomplish this, the assignment will be asking you to “compare and contrast” your selected worldview (Secular Humanism, Hinduism, Buddhism, or Islam) with the biblical worldview. • Compare: To speak of or represent as similar; to liken. • Contrast: To set in opposition … in order to show strikingly their different qualities or characteristics, and compare their superiorities or defects. In your paper, you must follow the outline and answer the questions below. How would the worldview that you selected answer these 5 worldview questions: 1. The Question of Origin – (How did life begin? How did mankind come into existence?) i. How would your selected worldview answer this question? ii. Compare and Contrast this with how the biblical worldview would answer this question. 2. The Question of Identity – (What does it mean to be human? Are humans more important than animals?) i. How would your selected worldview answer this...
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...Critical Thinking Assignment Instructions Overview: 1. Answer the following questions in 2 clearly separate parts I, II (500 words). 2. Be sure to answer every question. 3. Meeting the minimum word count as required for each part (I, II) is important. a. Do NOT include the question as part of your word count b. Direct quotations should be short and limited 4. Quotations and material used from other sources should be cited using current APA, MLA, or Turabian formatting (whichever corresponds to your degree program). 5. Check your work for spelling and grammatical errors. 6. Be sure to do your own work, do not plagiarize. I. Part One: (250 words) 1. Select ONE of the worldviews (Secular Humanism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam) that have been considered in the course content. 2. Using course content and/or sources outside of the course, complete the following- How would the worldview that you selected answer: i. The Question of Origin - ii. The Question of Identity - iii. The Question of Meaning/Purpose - iv. The Question of Morality - v. The Question of Destiny - * An overview of these questions can be found in chapter 4 of the Weider & Gutierrez text Consider. II. Part Two: (250 words) 3. Compare and contrast your selected worldview’s answers (as given in Part One) to a Biblical/Christian worldview. 4. Do not just copy and paste, but you...
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...CWV-101: Bible Story Worksheet and Journal #1 Module 1 - Part 1 – Bible Story Worksheet For Part 1 of this assignment, you will complete this worksheet by reviewing the "The Story of the Bible" "flags" and fulfill each writing requirement. http://lc.gcumedia.com/zwebassets/courseMaterialPages/cwv101_biblical-timeline-v1.1.php Please keep your answers brief. Solid academic writing is expected. Refer to the GCU Academic Writing Guidelines in the Student Success Center. Briefly answer each section from "The Story of the Bible": ------------------------------------------------- Write 2-3 sentences explaining why the Creation account is so significant to the Christian worldview. ------------------------------------------------- The creation account is so important to the Christian worldview because it identifies in depth how man was created out of nothing. In addition the creation account signifies that God’s creation was made valuable. ------------------------------------------------- Write 2-3 sentences explaining what the Fall reveals about humanity and human morality. ------------------------------------------------- The Fall reveals that the fall of man had an impact on all humanity and that man did not live up to God’s expectations. The Fall relates to the human ethics as it signifies that God’s initial plan did not waver but required a deviation due to the choice man made. ------------------------------------------------- Write 2-3 sentences explaining...
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...Biblical Worldview Essay Instructions Rationale for the Biblical Worldview Essay Every person has a worldview whether he realizes it or not. What is a worldview? James W. Sire defines a worldview as: [A] commitment, a fundamental orientation of the heart, that can be expressed as a story or in a set of presuppositions (assumptions which may be true, partially true or entirely false) that we hold (consciously or subconsciously, consistently or inconsistently) about the basic constitution of reality, and that provides the foundation on which we live and move and have our being. Stated more succinctly, "…[A] worldview is simply the total set of beliefs that a person has about the biggest questions in life." F. Leroy Forlines describes such questions as the "inescapable questions of life." Life's inescapable questions include the following: "Is there a God? If so, what is He like? How can I know Him? Who am I? Where am I? How can I tell right from wrong? Is there life after death? What should I and what can I do about guilt? How can I deal with my inner pain?" Life's biggest, inescapable questions relate to whether there is a God, human origins, identity, purpose, and the hereafter, just to mention a few. Satisfying answers to the "inescapable questions of life" are provided by the Holy Scriptures. The Holy Scriptures, consisting of the Old and New Testaments, form the starting point and foundation for the biblical worldview. More specifically related to our purposes...
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...Andrea T. Quarles 2/01/2015 Part I- What is a worldview? 1. A “Worldview” is the basis on which an individual operates. It is the philosophy of life and the framework you bring to decision making. It is the response of our heart or inner being, our intellect, emoting and will. A worldview is composed throughout an individual’s lifetime by what the individual has seen, heard and experienced. Part II- 1. The Question of Origin- How was life created? How did mankind come to existence? Christians believe that mankind and everything else that exist was created by GOD the creator. (Genesis 1:1) GOD formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life, and the man became a human being. (Genesis 2:7) 2. The Question of Identity- What is the meaning of a human being? Christians believe that man was made to be unique and intentional creations of GOD. Mankind was created above the animals and man was created, “a little lover than Angels”. (Psalm 8:5) The male and female were both created “in the image of GOD”. (Genesis 2:15) 3. The Question of Meaning/Purpose- Why do I exist? Christians believe that mankind exist to Glorify GOD. Glorifying GOD is accomplished through a wide variety of efforts. Some of these efforts include obedience, worship, prayer and thanksgiving. (Philippians 2:12-13, Psalm 95) The main reason for these things is to establish a personal relationship with GOD. 4. The Question of Morality- What...
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...USE THIS TEMPLATE FOR ORGANIZING YOUR PAPER. ALSO, CAEFULLY FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS AS PORVIDED IN THE INSTRUCTIONS PAGE Your Name (This should be the heading on all your written work) Course and Section Number Date submitted Critical Thinking Assignment (Center the Assignment title) Introduction/Abstract (Optional – Here you can describe the worldview you are analyzing and give some of the history of its origin and development if you like.) Part I - Analysis of ______________________ (Your selected Religion/Philosophy) (Each paragraph to follow must minimally be supported by one properly cited reference to your assigned study materials, or outside sources using APA formatting. Remember that you must use three sources throughout the paper, two of which are your assigned sources; you may refer to outside references but make sure they are properly documented. Remember that every claim made by the religion/philosophy must be properly documented). Origin (Each of these categories should be treated with a separate paragraph properly titled. Do not discuss the origin of the religion itself, but how the religion answers the origin questions). Identity Meaning Morality Destiny Part II – Comparison and Contrast of ______________ with a Biblical Worldview (In the following comparison and contrast section you must document all religious and theological claims you make. For Christianity you must use Scripture, for the other religion/philosophy you...
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...CWV-101: Finding Scripture: God and Creation Worksheet and Journal #3 Module 3 - Part 1 Finding Scriptures: God and Creation Worksheet For Part 1 of this assignment, you will complete this worksheet by finding the Scriptures listed below. Please keep your answers brief. Solid academic writing is expected. Refer to the GCU Academic Writing Guidelines in the Student Success Center. Give a brief summary after each passage listed below. God: Matthew 3:13-17 – Jesus came to be saved and to publicly claim his place as Son of God. He was to identify with the people he came to save. The Holy Spirit flew in like a dove and God the Father’s voice was heard. Matthew 28:16-20 – Jesus was the authority of all the Heavens and Earth. Jesus appointed the disciples to go to the mountain. Then sent them out into the world to make his name known to all and to baptize them. He told them he would always be with them until the end. I Corinthians 12:3-6 – Confusing Jesus as Lord was saying that Jesus was God. There are different denominations, but only one God. If a person confessed Jesus is Lord they were considered to be led by the Spirit of God. John 1:1-5 – Jesus has always existed and will exist eternally. Everything was made by God and without Him nothing would have been made. Jesus took on a human body and let his light shine so He could redeem mankind. John 17:20-26 – Jesus prayed to God for all believers who would come to know him and love Him. He prayed that they would...
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...Biblical Worldview Essay Instructions The goal of the assignment is to demonstrate that you are able to practice your chosen major/program of study in a manner consistent with a biblical/Christian worldview. For this assignment, you will write a 600–1000-word essay addressing the following topic: Foundational to the Christian faith is the belief that mankind is created in the image of God. Explain how this belief affects the way you interact with people within your chosen vocation. Considerations for assignment: 1. The word belief in this assignment is essentially synonymous with the word doctrine. 2. It would be wise to select the chosen vocation that you intend to have upon graduation. 3. Provide 2 or 3 specific examples of how the theological truth (mankind is created in the image of God) is lived out in your chosen vocation. 4. Be sure to incorporate at least 2 theological references in your paper using course sources. 5. Be sure to incorporate at least 3 relevant biblical references. 6. The purpose of the assignment is not to discuss how you will evangelize within a chosen vocation; rather, the assignment must focus on how the understanding that mankind is created in the image of God effects the way your vocation is performed. 7. Example from business: since mankind is created in the image of God, as an accountant, I should not cheat others out of money. (This example would be substantiated with biblical support, and be elaborated on within...
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...Course Syllabus ------------------------------------------------- LIFC 302 Marriage Coaching Course Description An examination and analysis of professional coaching applications that serve marital relationship concerns. The course covers marital issues from a Christian worldview with special attention given to a biblical foundation of marriage coaching and differences between coaching and counseling models. Rationale As a basis for their work, marriage coaches should have a thorough understanding of coaching models, theory, and application. This understanding serves to heighten the coaches’ effectiveness in formulating effective coaching strategies and in aiding in the delivery of advice in an efficient and timely manner. I. Prerequisites PSYC 101 or 210 II. Required Resource Purchases Clinton, T., Trent, J., and Hawkins, R. (2009). The quick reference guide to marriage and family counseling. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books. ISBN: 9780801072246. Parrott, L. and Parrott, L. (2005). The complete guide to marriage mentoring. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. ISBN: 9782310270461. Disclaimer: The above resources provide information consistent with that required by state licensing or credentialing boards in the class subject area. Liberty University does not necessarily endorse specific religious, philosophical, or political positions found in these resources. III. Additional Materials for Learning A. Computer with basic audio/video equipment ...
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...Apologetics Application Paper: Part 1 (Grading Rubric) [pic] Late 10% or 6 points. TOTAL SCORE Apologetics Application Paper Instructions Choose a non-Christian target audience (see below for choices). Write a paper that demonstrates a solid working knowledge of the assigned course readings and accomplishes the following: 1. Summarize the worldview of that audience by using the main worldview categories discussed in the assigned course reading. This section of the paper must be approximately 1 full page. 2. Use Groothuis’ criteria for evaluating worldviews in order to reveal the significant ways in which the selected audience’s worldview fails in providing a livable, comprehensive system. This section of the paper must be 2–3 pages. 3. Discuss how Christianity can correct the selected worldview and offer a more reasonable alternative to the challenges faced. This section of the paper must be 3–4 pages in length. 4. Develop a plan to share and defend the Christian worldview with someone in the target audience. Take into consideration at least 2 of the following: the problem of evil; 2–3 theistic arguments; defense of the resurrection of Jesus; defense of objective truth and moral values. This section of the paper must be 3–4 pages. In addition to these requirements, the paper must have a proper introduction and conclusion and must follow the structure of a standard academic essay. When including both the proper introduction and...
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...Final Essay Instructions Biblical Worldview Core Competency You will write a 600–1,000-word Final Essay addressing the following topic: Foundational to the Christian faith is the belief that God is actively involved with His creation. Explain how this belief affects the way we interact with people within a chosen vocation? Two points of clarification may be helpful: 1. The word belief in this assignment is essentially synonymous with the word doctrine. 2. It would be wise to select the chosen vocation that you intend to have upon graduation. As was true for the Short Essays, use double-spacing, 1-inch margins, and 12-pt. Times New Roman font. In addition, your essay must follow current APA, MLA, or Turabian style (whichever corresponds to your degree program; the style used must be clearly indicated by using the Final Essay Template). You must include a bibliography. The body of your essay must be 600–1,000 words, not including your name, course and section number, essay title, word count, footnotes and bibliography. Review the Final Essay Grading Rubric for this assignment (provided in a separate document in the Assignment Instructions folder) to understand how this essay will be graded. The strongest essays will effectively incorporate support from Scripture, and potentially 1 or more of the three course textbooks. An essay demonstrating excellent comprehension will include the following elements: • Knowledge: You identify and describe...
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...WORLDVIEW ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS I. Part One: What is a worldview? Dr. Caner & Hinson state, a worldview can be described as “the frameworks or beliefs which a person view the world around around him”. (Caner & Hindson 2008) A world view can also be a persons philosophy of life. It is like a filter or lens fromwhich we see the world around us and what it represents. “Do to others as you would have them do to you” often referred to as the golden rule is an example of a biblical worldview that has also accepted by twelve other religions as well many secularists. Part Two: Articulate the biblical/Christian Worldview 1.The Question of Origin - The question of origin ask, “where did I come from”. (Weider & Gutierrez, 2011) Genesis 1:1 states that we are created by God. Without the omnipotent hand of a creator God we would not exist. Isaiah 45:12 states that it was God’s hands which created the Heavens. 2.The Question of Identity - The question of identity ask, “who am I” and “what does it mean to be a person?” (Weider & Gutierrez, 2011) These questions are clearly answered within the Bible. A creator God created us above the animals and lower than the angels and therefore is greater than us. In Genesis 17:1 God calls himself the Almighty God. We are created beings created to be in subject to a creator God. Genesis 1:27 states that we are created in the image of this creator God and are the only being created by the hand of God. 3.The Question of Meaning/Purpose...
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