...Oscar Martinez NT 1110 Lab 4 Task 1: LGA 1156, also known as Socket H[2][3] or H1, is an Intel desktop CPU socket. LGA stands for land grid array. Its incompatible successor is LGA 1155. LGA 1156, along with LGA 1366, were designed to replace LGA 775. Whereas LGA 775 processors connect to a northbridge using the Front Side Bus, LGA 1156 processors integrate the features traditionally located on a northbridge on the processor itself. The LGA 1156 socket allows the following connections to be made from the processor to the rest of the system: PCI-Express 2.0 ×16 for communication with a graphics card. Some processors allow this connection to be divided into two ×8 lanes to connect two graphics cards. Some motherboard manufacturers use Nvidia's NF200 chip to allow even more graphics cards to be used. DMI for communication with the Platform Controller Hub (PCH). This consists of a PCI-Express 2.0 ×4 connection. FDI for communication with the PCH. This consists of two DisplayPort connections. Two memory channels for communication with DDR3 SDRAM. The clock speed of the memory that is supported will depend on the processor. LGA 1156 socket and processors were discontinued sometime in 2012, along with LGA 1366.[4] Supported processors Code name | Brand name | Model (list) | Frequency | Cores/Threads | Max...
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...ASSESSMENT Due to the 4 November, 2010. CONTENTS LIST Executive Summary 3 Introduction 4 1. What would it take amd to see a significant increase in its market share processors used in corporate desktops and notebooks? how can the success of opteron in the server segment be leveraged to other segments? 5 2.What do you make of amd’s “power campaign”? Is the value proposition it highlights compelling to end users? 6 3. How concerned should amd be about intel’s imminent new product plan? will they hamper amd’s growth plans? 7 4. WILL AMD’S CUSTOMER CENTRIC APPROACH BE A SOURCE OF ADVANTAGE OVER INTEL? 8 5. WILL IT YIELD COMMERCIALLY VIABLE INNOVATIONS THAT ARE DRAMATICALLY DIFFERENT THAN THOSE INTEL WILL DEVELOP? 10 Conclusion 11 LIST OF REFERENCES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 12 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY For years, AMD held the place of a distant follower of the large microprocessor market leader, Intel. Up to there, the competitor Intel hold a “push” strategy by creating consumer needs thanks to technological innovations. Those were linked with strong marketing campaign in order to facilitate a quicker adoption process of their new product line. However, in 2003, AMD change its traditional strategy to use a widely different one by switching into a blue ocean strategy. Indeed, AMD has changed course to become a “starter” firm. AMD has decided to launch at first its own brand server microprocessor range, called “Opteron” before one of Intel. At this moment, the firm...
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...1. What would it take for AMD to see a significant increase in its market share for processors used in corporate desktops and notebooks? How can success of the Opteron in the server segment be leveraged to other segments? It would take a lot for AMD to catch up with Intel as the gap in terms of market share between the two companies is huge. Except in very specialized niche markets, Intel has kept a significant leadership in every segments, including the server microprocessor market where AMD best performed. Between Q12000-Q2006 , the domination of Intel over the market was undeniable with an average of 80% market share against less than 20% average share of AMD.(Exhibit 2c) Moreover as mentioned “Intel’s dominant market position could limit AMD’s ability to make inroads to key market segments beyond servers, such as corporate desktops and notebooks.” The product differentiation is one solution. By improving the quality and the number of features of its desktops and notebooks microprocessors, AMD can get a competitive advantage over Intel’s product. Though, since Intel’s R&D funds are much higher one good way to overtake Intel would be to perpetuate the “virtual Gorilla” Strategy. Technology partnership would indeed accelerate the improvement of AMD products and would create synergies with partners that, in the case of AMD, often are potential customers . Then the “customer centric approach” set by AMD to improve and develop its products in a way that serves the best end...
Words: 1718 - Pages: 7
...they are looking for in a lap top instead of choosing for what they think is of good use to them and getting the bad deal in the end because they chose to pick what they wanted instead of what is needed. That’s why it’s important to look into what you are purchasing closely and choose wisely to get the full use of what you are about to purchase. The HP 17.3 Pavilion g7-2269wm Laptop PC with AMD Quad-Core A8-4500M Accelerated Processor and Windows 8 Operating System is one laptop that I would choose any day. This laptop has everything that I would need in a quality performed laptop. It has everything that I would need to keep in touch, get it done and have some fun, all in a distinctive design. The price is very economical affordable at $388.00 per laptop is what I call a great price especially for college students such as I myself and others where they may need their parents to help with electronic supplies that can be very expensive. This is the top of my list for a great affordable price. This product has some great key features such as an; AMD Quad-Core A8-450accelerated-processor 2.80GHz, 4MB L2 Cache...
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...Contents INRODUCTIONS AND HISTORY: 2 Product and market history: 3 The Intel’s market, suppliers and competitors: 4 The Current and Future Challenges to Intel: 6 Analysis of Intel Corporation: 7 Corporate strategies: 8 Conclusion and Recommendations: 8 INRODUCTIONS AND HISTORY: Intel is one of the world’s largest and very best introducers of semi conductor chip Makers Company. It’s an American based multinational chip makers corporation which is located Santa Clara, California and founded on founded mountain view on July 18, 1968 by Gordon E. Moore , Robert Noyce, Arthur Rock and Max Palevsky. Rock was the Chairman of the Board. After Rock Andry Grove ran the company till 1980 till 1990. The word Intel is basically used in terms of intelligent. Intel manufactured many products as motherboards ,chipsets, network interface controllers and integrated circuits, flash memory ,graphics chips ,embedded processors and other devices which are used in communications and computing systems on large scale. In ages of 1990 Intel was only be known primarily to engineers and technologists i.e. Intel inside which made it a household name, along with its Pentium processor. The main ability of Intel is to combine advance chip design capability with as leading-edge manufacturing capability. As compared to other companies like Google in today’s world Intel is not using common system. As Google is transferring data from long distance by using fiber optics but when machines...
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...[pic] AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY BANGLADESH – AIUB ‘ Business to Business marketing’ Report on: Intel Submitted to: Khan tahsina nimmi Lecturer Department of Marketing School of Business Submitted By: |Rased Abdur |09-14501-2 | |Anoy Md Shakib Ahamed |09-14497-2 | | | | | | | | | | | | | Executive Summary The internal complexity of the personal computer has grown to a staggering level. Today’s most advanced processors and chipsets incorporate millions of transistors, and must be compatible with dozens of operating systems, hundreds of platform components and thousands of hardware devices and software applications. To ensure leading performance, reliability...
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...strengths, weaknesses,opportunities and threats. Intel has dominated microprocessors market for several years. The major strength is that the firm has a high market share. By contrast, Intel’s chief competitors such as Samsung and AMD merely occupied 24% market share. Furthermore, Intel’s branding market campaign will also benefit from its market share. To be more specific, the corporation utilized “Intel Inside” campaign to improve its brand image. When consumers purchased Intel’s partners’ personal computer, they can easily know Intel’s trademark. This advertising strategy is backed by its market share. The firm’s pricing positioning is different its major competitor especially AMD’s pricing strategy. Some reports illustrate that Intel lacks of competitive advantage in low price productions’ market. The reason is the firms pay less attention to low chip market and has no future plan to expand this market. This weakness will bring about opportunity for its competitor especially AMD. The potential opportunity for Intel is that the growing development of mobile Internet devices and cloud computing. Smart phones market has advanced dramatically in recent years. Intel activated a new platform namely Centrino Duo mobile to support its new marketing strategy. These opportunities can help Intel to become involved in a sunrise industry and maintain the increasing sales revenue. It is noted that Intel’s major threat is that personal computer industry’s developed slowed in the...
Words: 398 - Pages: 2
...Marketing Mix: 7Ps Analysis of ASUS U32U Notebook I Executive Summary The marketing mix concept is one of the core concepts of marketing theory. Traditionally, the marketing mix was known as the 4Ps – Product, Price, Place and Promotion. As marketing became a more sophisticated discipline, a fifth ‘P’ was added – People, and recently, two further ‘P’s were added, mainly for service industries – Physical evidence and Process. Thus, the marketing mix is now known as the 7Ps. The current report seeks to identify how the product ASUS U32U– DS31 13.3" Notebook delivers value and satisfaction to the customers through the marketing mix perspective. As a qualitative research, a brief describe the product characteristics will be first highlighted. Consequently, the paper will concentrate on the central point – analysis of the marketing mix 7Ps based on how the product delivers value and satisfaction to customer. To sum up the report, summary findings will be presented in the conclusion part, as well as the recommendation and further improvements. II Table of Contents Executive summary Table of contents II III 1. Introduction 2. The product and the company 3. Product 4. Price 5. Place 6. Promotion 7. Physical evidence 8. Processes 9. People 10. Conclusion & Recommendations 1 2 2 3 4 5 7 8 8 9 References 10 III 1. Introduction ASUS U32U – DS31 13.3" Notebook was launched in April, 2012. It is perfect for those who are looking for a notebook with a long...
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...competition among the PC manufacturers. The growth of the PC industry grows slowly, because the appearance of the tablets. This limitation of growth will lead to intense competition as well. Barrier to Entry (moderate): The Economies of scale is large. The fix cost spending on R&D, selling and marketing is high. Therefore, increasing the production of PCs will reduce per unit cost of the products. Furthermore, large economies of scale require intensive capital investment The PC industry has already entered the stage of maturity, meanwhile, the production differentiation is low and customers are more sensitive to the price. However, without minimum effective economies of scale, it is hard to lower cost. Thus, the price will be higher than its competitors. The big PC manufacturers have established strong relationship with it distributors, which make it difficult to access to the distribution channels. Buyer Power (weak to moderate): Home consumers represented the biggest segment of PC industries. They are sensitive to the price, but not highly concentrated. Suppliers Power (Moderate): There are two major suppliers of hardware in PC industry. One is Intel and the other is AMD. Though they are highly concentrated industry, but they compete with each other for the market share. The buyers always choose the cheap ones to lower their cost, which limits the power of suppliers. Microsoft is the dominant supplier of software and...
Words: 361 - Pages: 2
...has given rise to business opportunity. In the following, a one year marketing plan for SaskTel’s LifeStat service has been conducted to conclude that the firm first ought to target a niche market within the Province. That is, Saskatchewanians who suffer from diabetes. These citizens are often rurally located and without the correct level of caregiver monitoring, they may end up in emergency rooms with complications that are not only personally dangerous, but costly to the Province. The fast growing medical IT market, in which SaskTel wants to compete, has drawn the attention of telemedicine and technology giants. In order to survive, SaskTel must focus its resources on establishing itself firmly in the target market so the firm may compete in the long term. SaskTel should distribute its LifeStat system through Shoppers Drug Mart, London Drug, and Safeway pharmacies. It is vital that marketing dollars be spent wisely to not only make those with diabetes aware of the system, but also their doctors, nurses, friends, and family as well. With a goal of 6500 unit sales, SaskTel can maintain or slightly improve overall profit margins of 7.2% in the first year - even while expanding into a new technology field. Once established, SaskTel can continue to leverage partnerships with the Province and the Canadian Diabetes Association to further expand into market segments with good product fit. Marketing Situation Analysis Company SaskTel is a Canadian Provincial telecommunications...
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...Acer group employs around 6000 people worldwide and revenues for 2012 reached nearly US$ 18 billion, it was founded in 1976 with $25.000 capital and 11 employees Since its founding in 1976, Acer has constantly pursued the goal of breaking the barriers between people and technology. Focusing on marketing its brand-name IT products around the globe, Acer ranks as the world's No. 3 vendor for total PCs and No. 2 for notebooks, with the fastest growth among the top-five players. A profitable and sustainable Channel Business Model is instrumental and fundamental for Acer's continued growth, while the successful mergers of Gateway and Packard Bell complete the company's global footprint by strengthening its presence in the U.S. and emerging markets Acer philosophy is to deliver better performances at lower price than the competition, there are able to manage it thanks to their size (e.g. large buying power, strategic partnerships with key partners like Intel, Microsoft or Amd) and their willingness to compromise on certain aspects of their products, this to meet the customer demands for cost-effective performance. Acer Channel Excellence (ACE) Program, is a new channel partner initiative that was born with the aim to deliver enhanced tools and offers for best-in-class value-added resellers (VARs). The next phase in Acer’s continued commitment to its channel partners, the ACE Program ensures successful sales and support of Acer products for qualified authorized resellers with...
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...business because Intel can afford to have several suppliers. Additional suppliers provide the metallization needed between the silicon layer and the plastic for the packaging of the fully manufactured processors. These too are plentiful and Intel can afford to have several suppliers at considerable prices. Competition rivalry:. Intel Corp continues to enjoy large market shares with minimal competition. In 2011, the company controlled 79.3% of the PC processors market and 84.4% of the of the mobile PC microprocessors. These figures included a 2% drop from the first quarter of the year. The decline in market share could be attributed to increased competition from companies such as AMD, Samsung, Texas Instruments, and Toshiba. These companies sell their products at reduced prices and run aggressive marketing. Competition is therefore one of Intel’s biggest challenges in their pursuit to retain and increase their market share. Being highly regarded for production of high quality products stands the company in good stead and should the company fend off damaged reputation due to counterfeits, it will sustain its status as the market leader. Buyers: Buyers...
Words: 545 - Pages: 3
...Business to Business Marketing Intel Inside - Case Analysis Submitted By: Group 49 Problem Statement: Should Intel associate with Microsoft to venture into the PDA and mobile segment and risk its brand equity? Would this b2b association be profitable to brand Intel? Background: Intel was a well established company in the microprocessor segment. Intel was a market leader with more than 70% market share through the years 1994 till 2000. Their maket share grew by 6.55% in the last 6 years. Intel was always ahead of the technology curve and made products which were a market winner. Intels marketing program to educate the consumer on why they should be using their brand was very enriching. Intel associated themselves with OEM’s to create a very strong brand name. Intels marketing campaign was very strategic and quite innovative. Intel strived to create a brand rather than just being a technology company. Mr. Carter was a very important figure in create the brand “Intel”. Creating a equity for a microprocessor is an ardous task. He created campaigns which made the end consumers understand the value of having Intel int their PC’s. This in turn stimulated the PC manufacturers to associate with Intel as they stood for innovation and relaibility. The perks and also the sales were impacted in a positive way for the manufacturers when they associated with Intel and they agreed to advertise Intel on their campaigns. Thus the age of Intel Inside began. Intel faced stiff competition...
Words: 990 - Pages: 4
...VIEWPOINT Ingredient branding case study: Intel Introduction 1. Introduction to ingredient branding 2. The need for an ingredient brand 3. Developing the ingredient brand strategy 4. Intel co-operative marketing strategy 5. Creating a quality standard 6. Intel campaign investment 7. Ingredient branding results 8. Ingredient branding success factors 1. Introduction to ingredient branding Every month more than 4 million billion (4 x 1015) transistors are produced; more than half a million for every human on the planet. Most computer chips each comprise more than 7 million transistors. Twelve years ago computer chips, in the eyes of consumers, were a generally unknown component of PCs - a commodity product. From a competitive standpoint, a computer chip is a typical commodity. Take one out, put another in, no performance difference. Chips are something most customers don't see, many don't understand, and large numbers don't care about. But Intel has built a brand around a commodity. The company was founded in 1968 and went public in 1971. By 1997, it controlled 90% of the world's market for personal PC microprocessors. Although the market is more competitive today, Intel is still the largest chip manufacturer in the world. 2. The need for an ingredient brand Intel developed the chips which set the standard for personal computing during the 1980s, beginning with the 8086 chip and then developing a series of product improvements. Competitors rapidly adopted the same naming convention...
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...It was initially call NM electronics then it was later called Integrated Electronics (Intel). In its early years, Intel were able to distinguish themselves by making semiconductors. Their first product was a 64 bit random access memory (RAM), which was able to outpace its competitors. In the same year Intel released their 1024 bit read only memory (ROM). By the 1980’s Intel sales were declining because the growing success of IBM. Intel decided to shift it’s focus to microprocessors. For 10 years, Intel was the primary supplier to the PC industry. By 1991, Intel was able to create brand loyalty with customer selection. At the turn of the century, the demand for their high end microprocessors slowed down. Intel biggest competitor, AMD, had the biggest share of the market, so Intel decided to reinvent itself. The company decided to go beyond semiconductor and in the process they were not successful. They face numerous...
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