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American Family Influence On Delinquent Children

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Children are influenced in many different ways which could lead to a delinquent child. The structure that is given to a child influences their behavior. The American family in today’s society isn’t always as pleasant as they may appear to be. Issues within families definitely influence delinquency among children. Factors that contribute to delinquent children are poverty, a home with only one parent, and children’s who have witnessed or been a victim of abuse. To endure these influences puts extreme anxiety and stress on an individual. Poverty as studied in this class has intense influences on a child. As a child one is very imaginable especially when it comes to things that one may know have. The lack of as well as making a way to get what is needed causes a child to go through drastic measures such as theft. One who is poverty stricken is very vulnerable to illegal …show more content…
One theory suggests that children who are in a household that is lacking one or both parents stand greater risk in becoming delinquent (CernKovich and Gloradano 1987).Parenting is an important factor that has an influence on whether not a child becomes delinquent. According to some studies (Simons, 1996; Vitaro, Brendgen & tremblay.2000) parenting has a impact on delinquency as well as on deviant behavior. Children who are victims of abuse have significant problems with development and as a result have better chances of engaging in criminal activity and or having extreme behavioral problems. Children who are victims of abuse often times come from environments as well as troubled families. The types of abuse are not limited to one specific, but include physical, emotional, and verbal abuse. Children quite often tend to grow up in treat other people according to the way in which they were treated by their guardian which therefore continues the

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