...resolve comes from the answers to these questions. g. Which course of action develops moral virtues? h. Does this impetus the command good without showing prejudice? i. Does my action affect and respects the moral rights of the party? References Whitbeck, C. (1996). Ethics as design: Doing justice to moral problems. Hastings Center Report, 26(3). Pages 9-16. Ferrell, O. C., & Gresham, L. G. (1985). A contingency framework for understanding ethical decision making in marketing. The Journal of Marketing, 87-96. Wand, J. N., Shotts, K. W., Sekhon, J. S., Mebane Jr, W. R., Herron, M. C., & Brady, H. E. (2001). The butterfly did it: The aberrant vote for Buchanan in Palm Beach County, Florida. American Political...
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...Table of Contents Page Chapter I: Introduction Statement of the Problem…………………………………………………………..3 Purpose of the Proposed Research Study…………………………………………..3 Importance of Proposed Research Study…………………………………………...4 Research Hypotheses to be Tested…………………………………………………4 Limitations of the Proposed Study…………………………………………………4 Definitions of the Terms……………………………………………………………5 Chapter II: Review of the Literature Chapter III: Methodology Purpose of the Proposed Study……………………………………………………. Research Hypotheses to be Tested………………………………………………… Sample Populations/Subjects………………………………………………………. Procedures and Research Methods of Proposed Study…………………………….. Ethical Considerations of Proposed Study………………………………………….. References………………………………………………………………………….4 Chapter I: Introduction Statement of the Problem For anyone that is familiar with Canadian politics, especially in the Canadian Senate, corruption is a common theme. Richard Gwyn proposed that Canada’s political integrity was near perfect up until 1975, where political transgressions became prominent in the news. What Gwyn fails to note is the many smaller transgressions that have surfaced prior to 1975, which may not fall into the category of noteworthy (Gibbons & Rowat, 1975). The empirical evidence that must be stated with response to Canada’s political corruption is what is considered by many to be political integrity. What questions must also be answered; are what is considered shabby politics? Is...
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...happening. The Parkland shooting was no exception. However, this time the underage student survivors took up political arms with pundits mixed into the fray. In an op-ed article, Molly Roberts wrote an opinion article entitled “Can we criticize the Parkland kids?” (Roberts). This was written as a response to an editorial published by Charles C.W. Cooke entitled “David Hogg is Fair Game for Critics” in the National Review (Cooke). Molly Roberts is the editor, writer and producer for the opinion section of the left leaning Washington Post. Roberts...
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...Film review on the 3 idiots A. Title and year of release 3 idiots (2009) B. Genre Comedy, drama and romance C. Audience classification Rated pg-13 for thematic material, some disturbing images and crude humor D. Production team Directed by raj kumar hirani Writing credits Raj kumar hirani (dialogue) Abhijit joshi (dialogue) (as abhijat joshi) Vidhu vinod chopra (screenplay associate) Casts Aamir khan - 'rancho' shamaldas chanchad Kareena kapoor - pia Boman irani - viru sahastrabudhhe Madhavan - farhan qureshi Sharman joshi - raju rastogi E. Synopsis Farhan qureshi and raju rastogi want to re-unite with their fellow collegian, rancho, after faking a stroke aboard an air india plane, and excusing himself from his wife - trouser less - respectively. Enroute, they encounter another student, chatur ramalingam, now a successful businessman, who reminds them of a bet they had undertaken 10 years ago. The trio, while recollecting hilarious antics, including their run-ins with the dean of delhi's imperial college of engineering, viru sahastrabudhe, race to locate rancho, at his last known address - little knowing the secret that was kept from them all this time. Source: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1187043/plotsummary F. Criticize on the following I. Story and theme It has a great story of different students; raju wants to uplift his family fortunes. Rancho is a wealthy genius who studies for the sheer joy of it. Farhan wants to become a wildlife photographer, but...
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...mother in Chicago, Illinois, but were sent back to Stamps after it was discovered that her mother’s boyfriend had sexually molested Maya. He was arrested and kept in a cell for 1 day, however after his release he was later found dead. While living with the Grandmother, Maya became an elected mute; she felt her words had such power that they caused the death of others (her mother’s boyfriend) and as result choose not to speak at all. While living with her Grandmother, she responded with the following words: “Sister, Momma don’t care what these people say, that you must be an idiot, a moron, ’cause you can’t talk. Momma don’t care. Momma know that when you and the good Lord get ready, you gon’ be a teacher.” As a teenager, Dr. Angelou’s love for the arts won her a scholarship to study dance and drama at San Francisco’s Labor School. At 14, she dropped out to become San Francisco’s first African-American female cable car conductor. She later finished high school, giving birth to her son, Guy, a few weeks after graduation. As a young single mother, she supported her son by working as a waitress and cook, however her passion for music, dance, performance, and poetry would soon take center stage. In 1954 and 1955, Dr. Angelou toured Europe with a production of the opera Porgy and Bess. She studied modern dance with Martha Graham, danced with Alvin Ailey on television variety shows and, in 1957, recorded her first...
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...Katrina Arenas Professor: Figueroa-Chacon English: 100 November 05, 2013 General Education Should Be an Option for College students. There is a highly debated topic on whether or not students should be forced to take General Education classes at college. College is a time for exploring all options that lay ahead. General education classes are a great way for students to discover themselves and their passions, especially if students are unsure of what they want to do with the rest of their lives. However, a strong case can be made that college students by no means should be forced to take them, especially for those students who have already declared on a major. As we all know, college is already too expensive to be wasting money on classes with little to no interest in. As a result, it is a waste of time and a high risk for getting bad grades in those classes. Instead of throwing the money out of the window, general education classes should be an option for college students, not a requirement. One of the main reasons why college students should not be required to take general education classes is because of the cost of college. According to the “Public College Tuition Spikes”, the average tuition costs rose about 8.3% to an average of $5,189 in the 2011-2012 school years. In the previous academic year, students paid with an average of $4,793, which is just adding on to the thousands of the already overpriced tuition. While those students who still on that...
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...from the nets and trammels of society. That beginning involves painful farewells and disturbing dislocations” (349). The story “Araby” is a short memoir of James Joyce’s life as a young boy. Growing up in a predominantly Catholic republic in Dublin Ireland, the unreliable narrator somehow felt alienated, introspective, and at times disappointed. Being a part of a community where there is one religion can have influence the way one sees the world. Corresponding to the unreliable narrator in “Araby”, Abraham Rodriguez from “The Boy without a Flag” is affected by the environment he lives in. Overcome with defiance, the two characters become resistant: one resisting being a part of a bizarre place and the other resisting to conforming to an American tradition. In the two short stories, hypocrisy, disappointment, and religion and beliefs are themes that successfully illustrate their resistance. False hopes and discovering actuality through personal caused the young narrators to resist and resent; Resisting being a part of the atmospheres they dwelled in. James Joyce refers to religion throughout “Araby” to indicate his animosity towards the Catholic Church and Catholicism entirely. The narrator’s standpoint on hypocrisy in religion becomes vivid throughout the story. The story begins in a community that is drab, gloomy, and full of lust. “North Richmond Street, being blind, was a quiet street except at the hour when the Christian Brothers’ School set the boys free”. This...
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...Autistic individuals typically have problems processing auditory information. One auditory processing problem occurs when a person hears speech sounds but he/she does not perceive the meaning of the sounds. For example, if someone says the word ‘shoe,’ the person may hear the speech sound, but he/she does not understand the meaning of the sound. Sometimes the lack of speech comprehension is interpreted by others as an unwillingness to comply. However, the person may not be able to retrieve the meaning of the sound at that particular time. Eric Courchesne of the University of California at San Diego has found significant impairments in auditory processing in autistic individuals using P300 brain wave technology (see Courchesne, 1987 for a review). The P300 brain wave occurs 300 milli-seconds after the presentation of a stimulus. (The ‘P’ refers to the positive polarity of the brain wave.) The P300 is associated with cognitive processing, and this brain wave is considered an indication of long-term memory retrieval (Donchin, Ritter, & McCallum, 1978). Edelson et al. (1999) examined auditory P300 activity prior to and three months following auditory integration training (AIT). Three autistic individuals participated in the experimental AIT group and two autistic individuals participated in a placebo group. Prior to AIT, all five individuals had abnormal auditory P300 activity, indicating an auditory processing problem. Three months following AIT, the results showed dramatic improvement...
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...The Power of TV Commercials The power of pop culture has an enormous influence on the minds of the youth. TV commercials are powerful tools that are used to portray an image, change an idea or shape an attitude. These thirty seconds or more of flashy attractions draws viewers in on the attitudes and values of which people hold in society. It promotes particular beliefs and ways of thinking. Such beliefs that are promoted through TV commercials can be the encouragement of changing one’s appearance in order to look similar as a certain celebrity. On the good side, TV commercials display positive behaviors and role models that young girls and adolescent girls can aspire to be. In contrast, many of these TV commercials have a negative influence on the life of young girls and adolescent girls. TV commercials targets young girls and adolescent girls through the use of different outlets that glorify unrealistic expectations, distorted body image and sexualization in which leads them on a path of self-destruction. TV commercials can promote positive behavior. Dove is the first “beauty” company to promote to young girls and adolescent girls that they should be comfortable with their own body. Their marketing campaign helps to establish self-esteem and a good body image. It shows “real women” as role models who are happy with themselves even though their body may not be what is typically thought of as beautiful. According to the article, “The Dove® Campaign for Real Beauty”, Dove...
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...Film analysis - American Beauty Presentation of the film In the start of the movie we get a presentation, when Lester tells about life in the suburbs, while the camera passes over all the villas. In the episode where Ricky is filming Jane, we see what it’s going to end up with. We see deepening of Ricky and Jane's relationship and their love to each other and at the same time in what Lester life evolves and by becoming more conscious of himself, and does what he wants. The Point of no return, we find when Carolyn gets a compared to Buddy, and thereby must realize that it is not as it once was. Another example of the point of no return is when Lester quit his job, and gets a job on a junk food restaurant. It's a big step to take, as Lester because he can’t just change, if he regrets it. Conflict escalation occurs just as slowly between Lester and Carolyn when they start using bad language to each other. We find the climax, the major conflict that occurs, however, at the dinner table, where Lester finally throws a plate of beans into the wall, so the plate smashed. Given that Jane takes so much distance to her parents that Carolyn has an affair and Lester lives his own life, one gets a clear impression of the family is well on its way to being dissolved. Identity is a concept that I think is important to have with when you talk about the theme of the film, the concept of identity is very highlighted and exaggerated in the movie, so you can understand what the movie is...
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...Archaic words These words are no longer in everyday use or have lost a particular meaning in current usage but are sometimes used to impart an old-fashioned flavor to historical novels, for example, or in standard conversation or writing just for a humorous effect. Some, such as bedlam, reveal the origin of their current meaning, while others reveal the origin of a different modern word, as with gentle, the sense of which is preserved in gentleman. Some, such as learn and let, now mean the opposite of their former use. 1. Abroad-out of doors 2. Accouchement-birthing 3. Advertisement-a notice to readers in a book Obsolete. Words This label is attached to entry words and senses for which there is little or no printed evidence since 1755. A temporal label commonly used by lexicographers (that is, editors of dictionaries) to indicate that a word (or a particular form or sense of a word) is no longer in active use in speech and writing. 1. “bell, book, and candle” – the popes of old’s favoured way of excommunicating someone, but also a fancy way to intensify your retelling of screeching or railing at someone. 2. “with squirrel” – pregnant. 3. “balderdash” – once an adulterated wine, also an en mode way of saying that something is untrue. Jargon Words Jargon is a literary term that is defined as a use of specific phrases and words by writers in a particular situation, profession or trade. These specialized terms are used to convey hidden meanings accepted...
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...The People You Meet In College THE 1 HIT WONDER You will never hear this guy/girl ever say anything, whether it be to other students or the professor. Then one day, after looking extremely intense or constipated for an hour straight, they will say something so gloriously insightful that it will bring tears to the eyes of everyone who bears witness to it. Then they will never speak again. THE KID THAT NO-ONE LIKES This kid is a jerk! And for arguments sake let’s call him “DANNY.” You desperately want to punch him in his ear, but he’s disabled. And because he disabled he makes sure to make EVERYONE mad. This kid will sometime attempt to befriend you then manage to say or do something so unspeakably rude or offer some sort of backwards compliment. Parties disassemble whenever this guy manages to find his way to one. Everyone avoids him but secretly watches him to see if he will lose a crutch while walking or roll down the stairs just to get in a good chuckle. THE SUBURBAN RAPPER The Suburban Rapper can be found in any common area, listening to his own music on his IPOD at an unreasonable volume. Generally (but not always) white, he awkwardly uses the words Dog, Crib, Homie, Phat, G, or Ill. If he spots you, he’ll ask you to “peep this new track yo,” or attempt to sell you tickets to his concert. His music is generally unbearable, and if you’re lucky, you can get away with only hearing a few verses. He always seems surprised that his poser antics never land him a girl...
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...Executive summary The paper is all about Bureaucracy and how it can be effective as the systematic way to change and innovation in an organization. In the paper we will focus on an organization such as a hospital where gives patients health services and treatment. Such an organization needs a systematic way of running it or else it will be bankrupt and lead to shut down hence there should be a form of governance in the organization that should be into place and should be followed because such an organization is very critical because it carries out the task of saving lives. The report will try and show how bureaucracy is the best method to run in such a firm. The report also will try and show what bureaucracy is all about and how it affects the firm in terms of the employers and the employees and also the running itself. The report shows the leadership aspects that are used in a bureaucratic manner and how they have brought change in the firm and also what innovations have been noted in the system. Globally, healthcare services are complex in terms of affordability and other challenges and the bureaucratic mode of governance simplifies the whole system and these aspects are carried out in the report. Introduction Bureaucracy is a system or a mode of administration marked by specialization of best function and adherence or following of rules and also in follow up of a hierarchy. Health care systems are complicated entities that must have the best administrative roles and also good...
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...India is considered as one of the youngest nation in the world. According to various national and international organisations the age group of youth generally lies between 15-35 years. This vulnerable group is being highly influenced by the advertising industry whose focus has shifted from family and elderly to youth and kids. With the increased employment of youngsters due to the entry of BPO’s, KPO’s, MNC’s in the Indian sub-continent, marketers have got a new set of potential buyers in the form of young and restless . This segment comprises of those who are more open to adapt new products, ideas and follow trends set up by advertising world. Advertising today carries the blame of manipulating and duping audience. The moment you open your idiot box for multifaceted reasons you can see a clutter of advertisements, a commercial of 7 up ends up with a girl kissing a boy, ads of all juices making claims that all of them are preservative free, dangerous stunts being performed in ads of Thumps up and Mountain dew, open and free broadcast of inner wears at prime time encouraging the opposite sex to assault. All advertisement of several branded deo’s end in seductive mode. Ads of casual wears of jeans like Levis, Pantaloon, Lee Cooper etc create extreme level of brand consciousness especially among youth. Blackberry advertisements showing and creating a need for costly cell phones to prove that you are in trendy gears. The mouth watering pizza of dominos or MacDonald’s advertisements entices...
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...Part I Essay For ages we all have craved the body of an Adonis/ Aphrodite`s, some say that this are just genes passed on, some say that you can only get it with intense training at least 4 times a week. But the 21 century, the century of speed, no one has time to lose countless hours in the gym so we started looking for some help. We tried different chemicals but in the end we realized that the answer was still in Mother Nature. And so Raspberry Ketone was discovered. A raspberry ketone is generally described as the aromatic element of a raspberry that one first recognizes when in close proximity of a raspberry. While this ketone clearly affects the scent associated with a raspberry, this is not the only thing that can be affected by a raspberry ketone, though. More specifically, raspberry ketones are now being associated with not only weight loss and fat burning, but they are also being through to aid in reducing the likelihood of having liver cancer and cell damage. Raspberry Ketone represents a new element on the market that helps in the fight for a perfect body, sustaining weight loss and fat burning. Just recently been proven to give individuals who regularly consume this product the upper hand in the battle against weight again and fat retention. This represents part of the sales pitch that the company offers, but what does science say? There is some proof for this product but nothing is certain and there were no human studies recorded...
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