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American Imperialism In Trinidad Research Paper

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The islands are located near the north east coast of South America totaling 1,981 sq. miles. Trinidad is the larger island consisting of about 95% of both the land mass and population. Already inhabited by Arawak and Carib tribes the Islands of Trinidad and Tobago were discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1498. Unfortunately it wasn’t a good thing as Trinidad and Tobago were fought over more than a few times for instants Spain got there first didn’t start colonizing until 1592 and sold part of their land, to Roman Catholic settlers, in order to boost their colonization in 1783. Besides those farmers of French and Haiti and other nearby islands claimed pieces of the islands for themselves. When looking at it all they were able to set up a thriving sugar cane plantation with the use of slaves until the British took over Trinidad from 1797 for about 150 years. …show more content…
The shortage of workers created a need that the Indian people filled; this is where the island gets its Indian heritage from. Trinidad and Tobago became independent after demanding for more of their own voice on August 31, 1962 becoming a republic. The Governor, Sir Solomon Hochoy, was installed as the first Governor-General and the Premier, Dr. Eric Williams, automatically became the Prime Minister. The British Monarch remained as Head of State and the Privy Council, the highest court of appeal. Currently the government is being run by Prime Minister Dr. Keith Christopher Rowley of the people’s national movement party and the Fifth President Anthony Thomas Aquinas Carmona

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