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American Sniper Research Paper

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All of the people watching television have the chance to lose all of their precious money or they could have the chance to win more.But to prevent from losing at all they should bet on the one they call silent force instead of on the other 23 competitors competing for the same prize , the life time supply of free food, and drinks,but my advice is to not abuse it like a buffoon. Although there are a lot of people doubting me to win because of my size, I have some things I can pull out of my back pocket at anytime, like being able to overpower my opponents, shooting far away from a range that no one can get to me, and making quick decisions on a notice of none.

The first reason for me winning the hunger games …show more content…
In the movie american sniper it quotes, “Landon takes his sole mission -- protect his comrades -- to heart and becomes one of the most lethal snipers in American history. His pinpoint accuracy not only saves countless lives but also makes him a prime target of insurgents. Despite grave danger and his struggle to be a good soldier and fight for his family back in the States, landon serves four tours of duty in Iraq. However, when he finally returns home, he finds that he cannot leave the war behind.” This is explaining how I am going to win because I took a shot from over two miles away, and I could shoot them without them having a chance to kill me. This could get there attention because it is hard to kill a person in a tree. This can show that a person with natural ability to shoot can have a far better chance than someone good at throwing, or fighting on the ground, this is one way I will try and get there attention in the games ,by proving to them I am the best. And like Katniss in the story she sacrifices her for her family or country, and I am showing that throw fighting in a different country like IRAQ. I will show this to the capitol by shooting something far away like the apple katniss shot. This can allow me to shot people and take there stuff, and not get attak because I will already have shot

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