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American Women In The 1960s

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By the 1960’s, women activists through the Women’s liberation Movement worked towards the collective struggle for equality and for equal oppurtunities in the workplace. This decade was a time for social change which would impact women’s rights in a number of different aspects, including their role in the military.
During the sixties, the clash between traditional views on women’s roles and social movment for their equal oppurtunities resonated throughout the military.

In 1960, the world of american women was limited in almost every aspect- From family life to the workplace. Typically, they were expected to marry young and devote their lives to domestic chores, their children, husband and housekeeping. and the 38% of american women who worked in the 1960’s were limited to jobs such as teachers, nurse or secretary. They were also unwelcome in more professional aspects. According to a reliable source “ in 1960, women accounted for 6% of american doctors, 3% of lawyers and less than 1% of engineers”. These women in these workplaces not only faced sexism but were also paid considerably lower salaries than men and denied opportunities to advance career wise as they would be harshly assumed by their employers of becoming pregnant and quitting theirs job, and …show more content…
This frustration was captured by Betty Friedan’s book “The feminine mystique” which discussed how Housewives felt trapped and unfulfilled. The book, as one said “stunned the nation by contradicting the accepted wisdom that housewives were content to serve their families and by calling on women to seek fulfillment in work outside the home”. Although most of her work spoke primarily to an audience of educated, upper-middle class white women, this writing had such a tremendous impact across the United States that it was, as some americans say to have “sparked the “second wave” of the American feminist movement”

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