...Vegetables, various machinery, and cash registers, order monitors, ovens, wireless systems for ordering services. Products will be explained in more detail further on. B. What will the product or service be called? The named Baked Hut shows our customers the kind of products we export because, usually fast food eaters are accustomed to oiled foods, so as an alternative for oil, most products will indeed be baked to lessen the amount of calories. It will also affect how we advertise it because it is a short, catchy, and non-difficult name that no one will have problems pronouncing or reading. Baked Hut will export food related products that will differ from a typical fast food restaurant in various ways. In current typical North American fast food markets, restaurants such as McDonald’s, Burger King, and KFC provide customers with food containing high amounts of calories, saturated and trans fats, sodium salt and processed sweeteners that increase your risk for chronic diseases. Baked Hut will alter this issue by providing the same idea of fast food, but instead encountering the health risks associated with regular fast food and providing customers with healthier food. The idea is for customers to gain the same pleasure of eating “fast food”, but without being conscious of how it is affecting their health. Generally, we’re looking at North American, or westernized style dining, and expand our market in New York City, located in the America. Our objective is to gain the same amount...
Words: 6060 - Pages: 25
...society most Americans prefer fast food to home cooked meals. Everyone needs food to survive, however eating fast food rather than a home cooked meal may not be the ideal choice. The difference between fast food and home cooked meals has several differences like preparation time, convenience, and quality. Health problems seem to be linked to the types of foods we eat. Obesity one of the number one issue in the United States alone. Fast foods are blamed for causing the majority of the obesity problems here in America today. Fast food is a convenient food that is usually faster to get and sometimes ready at the time it is wanted. Ultimately fast food slows the metabolism down with all the calories and unhealthy ingredients that can cause people to be overweight which can lead to obesity if we continue to consume as much as we do on a daily basis. An alternative to fast food is a good home cooked meal. Home cooked meals can help fight the war against obesity. Home cooked meals may take time, that most American’s don’t have these days, however they are much healthier for everyone. Cardiovascular health is affected by the foods put into our bodies. Fast food causes a much higher risk of heart disease because of the extra saturated and trans fats in the foods. Trans fats are found in french fries, fried chicken, fried fish sandwiches, biscuits, fried apples, and other pie desserts. Trans fats are also found in several other fast foods like pizza and doughnuts. Trans fats cause...
Words: 1198 - Pages: 5
...20 Habits That Make You Fat http://health.yahoo.net/experts/eatthis/20-habits-that-make-you-fat Yahoo! Search Mail Web Search HOME HEALTH TOPICS A-Z HEALTHY LIVING CHECK YOUR SYMPTOMS Customize Your Mammogram DRUGS & TREATMENTS FIND A DOCTOR Power Up Your Brain Featured on Yahoo! Health: Understanding Bipolar Disorder Satisfy Your Ice Cream Cravings The Importance of Affection Health Search 1 of 6 7/26/2011 5:55 PM 20 Habits That Make You Fat http://health.yahoo.net/experts/eatthis/20-habits-that-make-you-fat 20 Habits That Make You Fat By David Zinczenko with Matt Goulding Jul 15, 2011 846 Health Experts Main Send Share Print Decades ago, around the time of Steven Tyler's last haircut, a completely wrongheaded idea started being passed around America's dinner tables: Eating fat makes you fat. Wrong. Eating fat won’t make you fat, any more than eating money will make you rich. Calories make you fat, and most “low-fat” or “fat-free” foods actually have just as many calories as their full-fat versions, because of added sugar and chemicals. And there’s no debate on this one: Since we made “cut down on fat” our favorite food Eat This, Not That by David Zinczenko with Matt Goulding craze roughly 30 years ago, the U.S. obesity rate has doubled. Among children, it has tripled. That’s a failed food policy if ever there was one. But it’s just one of many “get fat” habits that can be turned into a “slim-down”...
Words: 2641 - Pages: 11
...corn syrup and processed foods, obesity is rampant in the United States of America. More than one-third of adults and seventeen percent of children suffer from obesity. Since the 1960’s the rate of obesity has more than doubled. Many think that this is directly related to America’s growing consumption of high fructose corn syrup. High fructose corn syrup has made people obese and unhealthy, but we can change this by better educating children on proper nutrition and by changing our eating habits. High fructose corn syrup was first created in Japan in the late 1960’s. By the 1970’s the process had been perfected and was introduced to the public market. High fructose corn syrup is fifty-five percent fructose and forty-five percent glucose, and tastes exactly like sucrose (sugar). (Pollan p.89) Like everything else that we eat, in moderation fructose and glucose (high fructose corn syrup) may not be considered that bad for you. However, with the amount of processed foods and beverages that Americans consume it has become nearly impossible to avoid the overeating of high fructose corn syrup. So how exactly does high fructose corn syrup affect the body? We know that high fructose corn syrup is made up of fifty-five percent fructose and forty-five percent glucose. Glucose is a form of energy that is used by just about every part of the body. Glucose gives the body the energy that it needs to perform its daily tasks and to maintain normal bodily functions. Fructose on the...
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...Hammond 1 Christine Hammond Instructor Knight English 111 22 June 2015 Fat Tax: Why It Will Not Work Two out of every three Americans are considered to be overweight or obese. The growing obesity rate has led to high cholesterol, and an increase in chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and cancer. Can a tax on sugar and fat laden “junk” foods curb over-consumption? This works in theory, but in reality there are solid reasons why this tax won’t work. There are a large number of Americans that live in “food deserts” with limited access to healthy foods. For an obese person to make wise food choices, they must first value their health. Raising the price of unhealthy foods won’t instill value on health. One of the main reasons for the growing number of overweight Americans is the lack of exercise; a fat tax doesn’t address this problem. According to the Department of Agriculture, Food Deserts are defined as urban neighborhoods and rural towns without ready access to fresh, healthy, and affordable food. Instead of supermarkets and grocery stores, these communities may have no food access. In a food desert, residents are often served only by fast food restaurants and convenience stores that offer few healthy, affordable food options. For example, in Chicago, more than 500,000 residents live in food deserts, and an additional 400,000 live in neighborhoods with a preponderance of Hammond 2 fast food restaurants and no grocery stores nearby. Most...
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...Body Fat and Eating Disorders 5/18/2014 Obesity is a growing epidemic in the United States. Eating disorders are also an epidemic in the United States. Obesity and eating disorders can cause health problems in a person. There are many factors that influence the obesity epidemic. Body composition can be described as the proportions of lean tissue and fat that makes up the body. There are risks with having too much body fat. The risks include raising the risk of developing a health issue. High blood pressure, heart disease and sleep disorders are all illnesses a person can have occur because of excess body fat. Diabetes, respiratory problems, and the increased chance of cancer are linked to obesity. Gallbladder issues, arthritis, and menstrual issues are also a concern of those who are obese. An obese person is also at risk infection, poor healing, and surgical complications. The more body fat a person has the greater the health risk is. The longer a person has the excess body fat the risks are greater. A person who gain weight excessively as a child and remains gaining weight also face great health risks. Obesity is a growing problem in the United States and is causing health care expenses to rise as the number of obese people rise (Grosvenor & Smolin, 2012). Several factors influence the obesity epidemic in the United States. The first factor is Americans are eating more and burning fewer calories. Appetites are stimulated by smells and the sight...
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...The American diet is an animal based diet. Consuming too much animal products can cause disease, and unhealthy weight. In “Food That Kills”, Dr. Michael Klaper discusses the dangers of consuming animal by-products, the benefits of a plant diet, and how a plant diet can boost your health. Klaper believes that completely eliminating the consumption of animal by-products is the key to a healthy diet. Although I agree that Americans eat too much meat, cutting meat completely out is not beneficial either. It can be concluded from the documentary that cutting down on the consumption of animal meat and by-products can improve health in America. Consuming an excess of animal flesh can cause numerous health problems including high blood pressure, Le tenia (abnormal blood), kidney failure, stroke, and heart attacks. Heart attacks are the number one killer in America. Klaper solely blames animal by-products for these diseases. Eating too much of anything is never good, so it isn’t fair to put all the blame on steak and burgers. It is important to remember eating that in moderation is imperative. Americans believe that animal flesh is the main source of protein, but it is often forgotten that there is plenty of protein in vegetables and grain. In opposition to Klaper, meat is necessary for our diet, but eating too much meat and animal by-products can cause health issues. Because of the amount of protein packed into meat, consuming excessive amounts of it can cause protein induced...
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...eat with almost anything like most Americans do. Cheese can be healthful and provide Calcium if consumed adequately. However, it can at times, if consumed in high amounts, be detrimental to our daily diets. That is why this article explains to us the right portions of different types of cheeses we can consume. Cheese contains a good source of protein, is high in Calcium, and sodium as well. It is especially helpful for vegetarians so that they can meet their protein goal in order to be healthy. Unfortunately, here in America, we have a tendency to consume cheese in high amounts. A study showed that the cheese consumption in the U.S. in 2009 was 33 lbs. per capita which has tripled since 1970. And since it is high in calories and saturated fats, it can perhaps be more harmful to out bodies if consumed too much on a daily basis. Sodium in cheese comes from two places, which is the one that naturally presents itself in milk or the salt added during the cheese-making process. If people are concerned about the amount of sodium in their cheeses then they should know that some contain more sodium than others. For example, feta cheese has 317 mg of sodium per ounce while Swiss cheese only has 54 mg of sodium per ounce. Most natural cheeses range about 100 to 200 mg of sodium per ounce. Processed cheeses on the other hand contain about 350 to 450 mg of sodium per ounce. Whole milk cheese contains 6 to 10 grams of fat per 1 ounce serving and more than one of those grams is saturated...
Words: 608 - Pages: 3
...Factors such as medical disorders, personal preference, lifestyle and cultural factors. MEDICAL DISORDERS There are many underlying health conditions that result in an individual having to alternate their dietary intake. It’s always important that an individual eats healthy, but because of not being able to eat certain foods because of medical disorders eating balanced and even healthy becomes more complicated. An individual can be having a medical disorder that can determine their diet; this could be anything from allergies and intolerance. For example, person that is lactose intolerant will not be able to eat dairy products as this can flair up reactions in which they can prevented. You will sometimes find that a person that is lactose intolerant will be deficient in calcium. They are not receiving enough calcium in order for their bones to keep strong. Diabetes Diabetes is a chronic medical condition characterized by elevated blood sugars. One of the primary treatments for diabetes is diet. MayoClinic.com says people with diabetes do not have to eat special food, they just need to eat the same amount of food every day and at the same time. If people eat consistently and regularly, their carbohydrate intake will be the same from day to day and their blood sugars will stay in control. Kidney Disease The kidneys are responsible for filtering waste products from the blood. With chronic kidney disease, waste builds up in...
Words: 1111 - Pages: 5
...very serious health issue with Americans in the United States. A survey done by the World Health Organization from 2000 to 2008 revealed that obesity has become a globe problem. Everything that we consume in the body on a daily basis needs to be monitored, studied and researched to find the source that is causing obesity with Americans. The intake of fructose and high-fructose corn syrup in the past couple of years has linked to health problems and obesity. The overall statistics are from adults, young adults and children. Dieting and excising has been a firm recommended source to stay healthy and fit however, the consumption of Americans’ diet...
Words: 1394 - Pages: 6
...worst and is now almost obsolete. We always need to “supersize it” or get the biggest thing available on the menu. One of the largest contributors and causes to this ongoing epidemic is the fast food industry. With the low-cost easy to get foods many people would rather purchase that than making a quality meal at home. With these low cost fast food meals the quality directly suffers and you left with the sub par ingredients that you are putting into your body. These ingredients make your health suffer at incredible levels, which directly causes obesity. For example McDonald’s uses an ingredient (dimethylpolysiloxane) in the making of their Chicken McNuggets. This ingredient is the same one used in making silicone cosmetic products and also silly putty! (1) Americans are choosing to ingest these foods that puts their health at risk. As you know moderation is not something that Americans are necessarily good at. So when they go out to these fast food restaurants they usually order the largest meal they can, and even “supersize it” if the option is available. These fast food enterprises have realized that too and have started catering towards this “larger” demographic. In the past sixty years the soft drink portion has grown by more than six times what it was. (2) Americans are literally paying companies to give them food that destroys their bodies with high fat high sodium foods making them obese. Lack of exercise in Americans is what helps fuel all of the obesity. Very...
Words: 727 - Pages: 3
... Sugar can change brain activity just as cocaine does, only in a more natural way. “Hungry for Change” confirms this theory by stating, “sugar increases beta endorphins in the brain.” People have reported they eat “sweet foods to experience highly rewarding sensations, to cope with stress” (Ahmed et al.). The difference between “sweet reward” and “drug reward” is that effects from cocaine lead to extreme behavioural changes that are socially unacceptable. I believe this is why it is easy to dismiss the fact that sugar is just as addictive as cocaine is. Sugar is accepted socially and is a substance that is introduced to us at an early age. Sugar and treats are associated with every holiday from Halloween and Christmas to Valentine’s day. It is all around us and advertised immensely. Research by Lenoir et al. and Ahmed et al. were both independent...
Words: 2293 - Pages: 10
...the components of a healthy diet—adequacy, balance, calorie control, moderation, and variety. 6) Discuss how the USDA Food Guide can be applied to groups with different personal and religious food preferences. 7) Demonstrate how the United States Food Exchange System can facilitate calorie control. 8) Discuss the role of portion control in good nutrition. Nutrient Recommendations Nutrient recommendations are benchmarks by which healthcare practitioners, including dietitians, can evaluate an individual’s nutrient intake with their nutrient needs. Some nutrient recommendations also apply to populations of people rather than individuals. The Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) is a SET of lists used to establish nutrient recommendations. The DRI includes the following tables: 1) Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA). These are nutrient recommendations for individuals that group nutrient needs by age and sex. They are based on scientific research and concrete evidence. 2) Adequate Intakes (AI). These are also nutrient recommendations for individuals. The recommendations are grouped by age and sex just like the RDAs. However, they are really educated guesses. The research is evaluated to determine the recommendation, but the scientific evidence is just as concrete as it is for establishing RDAs. 3) Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (UL). This list identifies the upper limit of nutrient intake that is considered safe and without risk of even...
Words: 1700 - Pages: 7
...digestive system. It is your body’s way of letting you know you need fuel for energy. When you go on extremely low calorie diets, such as the grapefruit diet or cabbage soup diet, or try one of those celebrity-endorsed portion-control diet plans with expensive prepared meals, you trigger a metabolic reaction that ends up making you fatter once you go back to normal eating habits. Here’s why… When you reduce your daily caloric intake below the level needed for daily energy for even a short period of time, you will lose weight. BUT your metabolism will respond as if you are starving and start storing fat very efficiently. Now you can’t stay on a starvation diet for very long. Eventually you return to normal eating habits – perhaps even eating less than you did before. But your metabolism is still storing fat at the starvation level. Not only will you quickly gain back what you lost, you will almost certainly pack on even more pounds than when you started. Remember – hunger is not your enemy. You should eat when you’re hungry. It’s just a question of how you satisfy your hunger. If you are overweight, it is probably not because you eat too much. It’s really all about the kind of foods you eat. Stop starving and stop counting calories! Simply stick with low carbohydrate and reduced fat foods and watch the fat disappear. TIP #2: MAKE SURE YOU’RE REALLY HUNGRY BEFORE YOU EAT Before you tell yourself you’re hungry and need to eat, especially between meals or after dinner, make sure...
Words: 1971 - Pages: 8
...populations, including African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, and Asians, have the highest incidence of diabetes and the highest complications of the disease" (1). The alarming rate at which the incidence of diabetes is affecting African American and Hispanic American communities has led the government, health care professionals, clinics, and other organizations to begin to question the process by which information and treatment is being accessed by members of these communities. African American[->0] African American[->1]s have the biggest problem and that is 13 of all African American[->2]s have diabetes but of those 13 don"tmt even know that they have diabetes. Another big problem for African American[->3]s is the number of diabetics has tripled in the last thirty years and it is steal rising. The rates of illness and death related to the complications of diabetes are high, and the disease is ranked as the seventh leading cause[->4] of death in the United States. African American[->5] are 2 times more likely to have diabetes then non Latino whites. 3-5 of all pregnancies of women with diabetes cause death of new born The prevalence of type II diabetes is highest in African Americans among ethnic and racial groups. African American type II diabetic populations have tripled in 1993 when compared to 1963. Type II diabetes is mostly developed after age 40, but the age is getting younger due to high rates of obese populations among African Americans. Major causes for such...
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