...Tammy Thacker Obesity and the Proposal of Fat Tax English Composition II Dr. Wells October 27, 2014 Obesity and the Proposal of Fat Tax Obesity has become an epidemic in the United States of America. It is affecting our children's health to the point where they are being diagnosed with early onset diabetes and hypertension. . Obesity is the result of eating high fat, high protein foods along with a serious sedentary lifestyle. I intend to show that although obesity is on the rise applying fat tax is not the answer to our problem. Obesity is defined, medically as having a body mass index of more than 30. However, it can be effectively curtailed by lowering your caloric intake, exercise, and implementing healthier school lunches. The medical risks associated with excessive body weight is many and varied, include: osteoarthritis, coronary artery disease, stroke, and high cholesterol. Some people with obesity suffer from stress, low self-esteem, social disadvantaged and depression. According to data collected in the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (1999), amongst U. S. adults aged 20-74 years obesity has nearly doubled from approximately 15% in 1980 to an estimated 27% in 1999. (Clark & Dittrich, November 2010) The obesity epidemic affects the world in the form of increase health insurance cost, medical bills related to different illness that occurs while being obese. It also poses for an increase in regular taxes so that the government can accommodate...
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...Fat Tax in the United States Abstract The United States has one of the least healthy populations in the entire world. That seems out of skew because we are also considered one of the most powerful. In the near future we will have a universal healthcare program that will basically enforce everybody to have health insurance of some sort. You would think you would want this for a nation on route to good health. This is not the case now, but there is one way in starting the path. Fat Tax in the United States The United States of America is the most obese nation in the world. In the United States obesity is estimated to cause an excess 111,909 to 365,000 deaths per year, while 1 million (7.7%) of deaths in the European Union are attributed to excess weight. Not only is obesity taking lives, it is the cause of numerous health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Our country, as a whole, needs to start being more careful about what our bodies intake. Various ways have been introduced in doing this. The majority of them would not be enforced and are typically in the form of a dieting or a workout regimen. Yeah, like everybody wants to do that. One of the most overlooked ways in reducing health risks in America is implementing a tax on fat of all things. It seems a little far-fetched at first but many would be surprised how genuine of an argument this is. The idea of a fat tax is so obscure to many. This is probably because it has never been in effect...
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...DIETARY THERAPIES FOR ACNE Acne is one of the most common skin problem people face these days. As again treatments charge you a lot in terms of time and your money, many people seek out for nutritional and dietary remedies for the treatment of acne. Nutrition can be a natural and effective approach to controlling acne. Fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and some essential fats help a person achieve glowing clear skin. Also, it is easy and also important to incorporate your daily diet and nutrition with some necessary fibers, vitamins and nutrients which fight this problem of acne. Here are some nutritional remedies which could help you get rid of acne in a very efficient way. Folic acid helps in the building of new cells and tissues in the body. How is building of new cells important? It actually fights the acne and helps us retain the clear and growing skin. Leafy vegetable, avocado, spinach, beans have some high percentage of the nutritional fiber which acts against acne, and consuming the above containing folate would help us get rid of acne. Vitamin B6 helps our body produce other chemicals which in turn pose as a challenge in fighting acne, as these chemicals released also help in fighting other infections in the body. Whole grains, walnuts, eggs, avocado, sunflower seeds are some of the delicious and edible supplements which one can take to fight acne, as they contain Vitamin B6. Though Vitamin B6 can also be taken as a supplement alone, it is advisable to have nuts...
Words: 567 - Pages: 3
...lunch, and dinner and deciding whether these items are truly fat free like the manufacture claim them to be. Reason being the procedure the food industry use are misleading which in fact lead you to believe that the product has less fat than it actually contain. I will also be analyzing the protein within the products using 4 calories per gram of protein, rather than the 9 calories for grams of fat. I will also restate the problems and show my work in detail of each formula used to solve the equations. Breakfast: Nutri-Grain Cereal Bars (Single Serving/ 37g) Calories: 120 Total fat: 3g 1g of fat contain 9 calories 3g of fat= 27calories= 3 x 9 You will then find the fat content by dividing the calories by the calories in a single serving and multiplying by 100% to get the percentage of calories derived from fat. (27/120) x 100= 22.5% Protein: 2g 1g of protein contain 4 calories 2g of protein= 8calories= 2 x 4 You will then find the protein content by dividing the calories by the calories in a single serving and multiplying by 100% to get the percentage of calories derived from protein. (8/120) x 100= 6.67% Lunch: Chef Boyardee Ravioli’s (Single Serving/ 212g) Calories: 220 Total Fat: 9g 1g of fat contain 9 calories 9g of fat= 81calories= 9 x 9 You will then find the fat content by dividing the calories by the calories in a single serving and multiplying by 100% to get the percentage of calories derived from fat. (81/220) x 100= 36.82% Protein: 7g 1g of protein contain 4 calories...
Words: 605 - Pages: 3
...Grains Vegetables Fruits Dairy Protein Foods Oils 0 oz. 0 cup(s) 0 cup(s) 0 cup(s) 0 oz. 0 tsp. Breakfast 1 medium (2-3/4" across) Apple, raw 1! cup(s) Fruits 1 piece (1/12 of 2-layer cake) Cake, yellow, with icing, from mix 1 ounce(s) Grains 1! cup (school carton) Milk, reduced fat (2%) 1! cup(s) Dairy Lunch 2 slice (1/8 of 12" pizza) Pizza, with meat and vegetables, regular crust 3" ounce(s) Grains " cup(s) Vegetables 1! cup(s) Dairy " ounce(s) Protein Foods 2 can (12 fl oz) Soft drink, cola (Pepsi, Coke) (no food groups) Dinner 1! cup Salad, garden, lettuce, tomato, carrots, no dressing # cup(s) Vegetables " tablespoon Mayonnaise, lowcalorie or diet (Light Mayonnaise) (no food groups) # cup, whole Strawberries, raw # cup(s) Fruits 1" cup Soup, mostly noodles, reduced fat, reduced sodium (Ramen) 2" ounce(s) Grains Snack Food Groups Grains Vegetables Fruits Dairy Protein Foods Oils My Plan Target 6 oz. per day 2" cup(s) per day 1" cup(s) per day 3 cup(s) per day 5 oz. per day 5 tsp. per day Eaten 7 oz. 1! cup(s) 2 cup(s) 2" cup(s) " oz. 0 tsp. How Did I Do? Over Under Over Under Under Under Limits Total Calories Empty Calories* Solid Fats Added Sugars Saturated Fat Sodium** My Plan Allowance 1800 per day $ 161 per day * * < 20 g per day < 2300 mg per day Eaten 1705 795 320 Calories 475 Calories 16 g 2685 mg Status OK Over * * OK Over * Limit your...
Words: 455 - Pages: 2
...and free fatty acids. In contrast to esterases, lipases are activated only when adsorbed to an oil–water interface (Martinelle et al., 1995) and do not hydrolyze dissolved substrates in the bulk fluid. A true lipase will split emulsified esters of glycerine and long-chain fatty acids such as triolein and tripalmitin. Lipases are serine hydrolases and contain the consensus sequence G – X1 – S – X2 – G as the catalytic moiety, where G – glycine, S – serine,X1 – histidine and X2 – glutamic or aspartic acid .Lipases display little activity in aqueous solutions containing soluble substrates. In contrast, esterases show normal Michaelis–Menten kinetics in solution. In eukaryotes, lipases areinvolved in various stages of lipid metabolism including fat digestion, absorption, reconstitution, and lipoprotein metabolism. In plants, lipases are found in energy reserve tissues.How lipases and lipids interact at the interface is still not entirely clear and is a subject ofintense investigation (Balashev et al., 2001). Sources of Lipase:...
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...Organic oils Organic oils are produced in remarkable diversity by plants, animals, and other organisms through natural metabolic processes. Lipid is the scientific term for the fatty acids, steroids and similar chemicals often found in the oils produced by living things, while oil refers to an overall mixture of chemicals. Organic oils may also contain chemicals other than lipids, including proteins, waxes and alkaloids. Lipids can be classified by the way that they are made by an organism, their chemical structure and their limited solubility in water compared to oils. They have a high carbon and hydrogen content and are considerably lacking in oxygen compared to other organic compounds and minerals; they tend to be relatively nonpolar molecules, but may include both polar and nonpolar regions as in the case of phospholipids and steroids.[6] Mineral oils Crude oil, or petroleum, and its refined components, collectively termed petrochemicals, are crucial resources in the modern economy. Crude oil originates from ancient fossilized organic materials, such as zooplankton and algae, which geochemical processes convert into oil.[7] The name is a misnomer, in that minerals are not the source of the oil - ancient plants and animals are. Mineral oil is organic. However, it is classified as "mineral oil" instead of as "organic oil" because its organic origin is remote (and was unknown at the time of its discovery), and because it is obtained in the vicinity of rocks, underground...
Words: 252 - Pages: 2
...seen by Hadded et al. (3) and Janelle and Barr (2). The women in our study eating an omnivore diet exceeded the RDA for protein. In contrast to other studies of vegetarians and vegans, our data also showed that vegan women met the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for protein (50 g) (7). Low protein intake has been shown to cause secondary hyperparathyroidism (4), but this is not seen in our vegan group perhaps because the protein intake in the vegan group did not fall as below as 0.7g/kg; the level that resulted in hyperparathyroidism in the Kerstetter et al. study (4) and is above the recommended intake of 0.8g/kg (7). Total fat, saturated fat, and dietary cholesterol have been previously reported to be higher in omnivores (2; 3) and our data agree with those findings. This is likely due to the inclusion of meat and dairy products, high in protein and fat, in the omnivore diet Fiber, vitamin A, and vitamin C were seen to be significantly greater in past studies of vegans, (2); however, we did not observe higher vitamin A or C in our vegan group compared to the omnivore group. One would expect vegans to have a higher fruit and vegetable intake than omnivores and, therefore, have higher vitamin A and C intake than omnivores. The lack of this finding may suggest that the omnivore group is a "healthy" cohort eating...
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...INTRODUCTION: Lipase also called as triacylglycerol acylhydrolaseis an enzyme known for its enormous applications for industry and diagnostics. Their basic activity is to convert fats into fatty acids and glycerol. These enzymes are water soluble in nature. They also convert polar solvents into more lipolytic substances. In 1856, a scientist name claude Bernard has identified lipase [1]. Lipases are serine hydrolases containing G-X1-S-X2-G sequences as the catalytic part of the particle, where G = glycine, S = serine, X1 = histidine, X2 = glutaminic or aspartic acid. Such structure is characteristic also for serine proteases. The knowledge of their 3-dimensional structure plays a significant role in designing and structuring lipases...
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...Justin Krout Professor Brock-Cancellieri English 101 30 October 2015 Kamp, Jurriaan. "Can Diet Help Stop Depression and Violence?" Successful College Writing. 6th ed. Kathleen T. McWhorter. Boston/New York: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2015. 485-487. Print. In the article “Can Diet Help Stop Depression and Violence?” by Jurriaan Kamp he claims that a diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids like omega-3 is the basis for physical well-being. Kamp implies in the article that fish oil is a proven source to help with depression, violence and helping people with their learning disorders. Kamp also explains that results from research using inmates at two different correctional facilities had the same outcome. The result of the studies implies that the subjects with fish oils were less violent and better behaved. In the article Kamp insist that fish oil also assisted in students with learning disabilities to do better in school than the students that were not given the fish oils. Kamp also informs that in Japan and other countries with higher intake levels of fish, people are less likely to suffer from depression. Kamp also explains that one of the researchers showed that countries where fish intake is low the chances of being murdered were drastically higher than of those countries where fish consumption is high. The article concludes with Kamp stating that a diet loaded with vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids can help reduce aggression and help people with their overall health....
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...05/21/2015 Biochemistry Task 5- Lipids A. Fat is stored in the body and used as an energy source when not enough energy is available from food. This process involves dismantling the stored fat in fat cells and releasing the components into the bloodstream. The major storage form of fats in our body are triglycerides, which are made up of three fatty acids bound to glycerol. Adipocytes are primary cells that store fat in the triglyceride form. White adipose cells are used to store energy (O’Malley, M. 2014). 1. Triglycerides are the storage molecules that are broken down and used to produce ATP. The triglycerides break down into two different items, glycerol and fatty acids. The triglycerides are formed when glycerol binds to three fatty acid molecules. The fatty acids each break down into 2 carbon parts. Each part of the carbon makes Acetyl CoA. The Acetyl CoA molecule then enters the Citric Acid Cycle before it moves on to the next step, the electron transport chain. The end result of each of these steps is the production of 12 ATP (Hudon-Miller, 2012). B. 1. Saturated fats do not contain a carbon-carbon double bond. Unsaturated fats contain at least on carbon-carbon double bond. The saturated fatty acid chains can stack while the unsaturated fatty acid chains are kinked by the double bond. 2. Saturated fats have a high melting point and are solid at room temperature. Unsaturated fats have a low melting point and are liquid at room temperature...
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...The Process The specifically calibrated red light is going through the skin and causes the fat cell to open. It then causes the contents of the fat cell to slowly drain out into the lymphatic system and its contents are then processed through the liver. Whatever the system does not use for energy, it will then send the contents of the fat cells to the digestive system to process and eliminate through the bodily waste when you go to the bathroom. The liver is what processes alcohol, regular medications, caffeine etc. If someone has had alcohol within the last 3 days, the liver will be working on the alcohol, meds, or caffeine before it works on the contents of the fat cells trying to drain o If the liver is backed up contents will have to wait to be processed and will cause a temporary bloating effect that will normally go down with in the next 24 to 72 hours. (That’s how inches can go up) o If someone has not had alcohol, meds or caffeine or if they have a highly functioning liver, lymphatic system, and digestive system, we can visually see and measure a change as the contents of the fats cells drain into the inner lymphatic system. (That’s how inches can go down) Someone will not actually “feel the difference” in density until they have actually eliminated (by going to the bathroom) what is draining out the fat cells. That is why they do not feel different after getting off of the table (they need to eliminate) Now that the process has been...
Words: 1840 - Pages: 8
...In this post article, we're going to discuss the benefits of a garbage disposal. Every day after having your meals, you'll need to get rid of your food scraps. There are 3 options you can do to carry out this task. Firstly, you can send your food waste to landfill. Secondly, you can do your own composting. And lastly you can use a garbage disposal that is installed underneath your kitchen sink. Going for the landfill is not a good choice. You want to create a green environment, wouldn't you? Composting might also be a problem for you. Most of us do have a busy lifestyle. But using a garbage disposal is the best solution. Why? It’s simple, fast and easy to use. And do you know what the best part about this little machine is? It doesn’t need much maintenance. You just have to drop the ice cubes once in a while to sharpen the impeller. And add a bit of baking soda to wipe out bad smell. You Are Helping To Create a Greener Environment While you use a garbage disposer in your household, you're helping to combat global warming at the same time. Now, let's we tell you how you're doing your part: You avoid or use lesser plastic or paper to dispose food waste. You reduce greenhouses gases emitted by waste management truck during transportation. The truck carried the waste food to the landfill. The water waste that is transfer from your kitchen sink to the waste water treatment plant is being recycled. It is turned into energy source and fertilizer. Less waste...
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...Avocado is considered as one of the healthiest food on planet for body health as well as for skin. Antioxidants, vitamin C and E, and moisturizing fatty acids that will keep skin healthy, glowing, fresh and younger. It reduces wrinkles and blemishes, fights acne causing germs and reduces ageing. Avocado deeply nourishes and hydrates the skin without causing blemishes and irritation. It is considered ideal for removing makeup and used in many face masks for multiple benefits. Some of very beneficial face masks of Avocado for Normal, dry and oily skin are as follow: For Normal Skin— 1- Deep Cleansing and moisturizing with Avocado: Ingredients: • 2 Table spoon mashed Avocado • 2 Table spoon boiled mash Carrot • 1 table spoon olive oil • A pinch...
Words: 409 - Pages: 2
...nutrition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1957 23. Willet WC, Sacks F, Tricopoulou A, et al. Mediterranean diet pyramid: a cultural model for healthy eating. Am J Clin Nutr 1995;61(suppl):1402S Nutrition Transition and Global Dietary Trends Adam Drewnowski, PhD From the Departments of Epidemiology and Medicine and the Nutritional Sciences Program, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA Poverty and wealth have profound effects on the global diet. Whereas chronic undernutrition results from poverty, economic growth gives rise to what has been called the nutrition transition.1,2 As incomes rise and populations become more urban, diets high in complex carbohydrates and fiber give way to more energydense diets that are higher in sugar and fats.1,2 These global dietary trends are accompanied by a demographic transition that is a shift...
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