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America's Biggest Challenge Essay

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What is America’s biggest challenge in the world today? It’s difficult to express an accurate response to this query considering we possess a plethora of struggles. For instance, equality or gun violence. Those are serious problems. So is sexual assault, deportation, and poverty. Who decides what issue deserves the most attention? Every puzzle is worth solving. We have to start somewhere, with ourselves.

America was established on the grounds of freedom and acceptance. Throughout the years, this message has fallen through the cracks. If you walk a crowded street and question the public about what the most important aspect of life is, what will they reply? Money. You’ll get the occasional family, but ultimately, the masses are …show more content…
Money, profession, gender, race, none of it matters. We can live in a world where we don’t need to look over our shoulders while walking the streets. A world where the meaning of life can be recognized. The meaning of life can be identified in many ways. Namely helping improve another’s life, choosing between what you want and what is right, forgiving those who have scorned you, loving doesn’t stop even when your heart does, and everything we do has a meaning, we just don’t know it at the time. We’re all here for a reason so why spend our limited time on this earth looking down on other people? Can’t we all just exist as one? We’re afraid of how people will judge us that we don’t see what’s really going on in the world anymore. People act like they’re concerned with what they see in the news so why isn’t anything being done anything about it? Are they afraid of their ideas being shut down? No, it’s because the high society has deemed that what they say isn’t important. They call those who stand up for what they believe in hippies. People try to silence their voices, but make no doubt about it, they will be heard. After everything that has been happening in a never ending cycle, you think something would change. It hasn’t happened yet, so when will it? All of those people who lost someone at a school shooting. All of those people who lost their jobs and have to live on the streets. All of those people being

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