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Loneliness: The Role Of Social Isolation In Public Health

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Because loneliness is more deadly than obesity, wellness experts want it to be considered a public health risk. After American researchers analyzed 218 studies, they found that people who have bad social connections have a 50 percent higher risk of dying early, The Sun reported.
In contrast, obesity raised death risk by 50 percent. The deadly consequences of social isolation stem from the fact that being connected to other people socially is widely considered a fundamental human need. It is crucial to well-being and survival, Dr. Julianne Holt-Lunstad, a professor of psychology at Brigham Young University, explained.
Experiencing isolation regularly
While there had been reports of extreme examples of loneliness – such as babies in custodial care who do not have human contact fail to thrive and often die – it is ironic that a growing number of Americans are currently experiencing isolation regularly, Holt-Lunstad noted. …show more content…
The movement seeks to lower the cost to the UK economy of the loneliness epidemic estimated at $26 million annually for costs associated with sick days and health outcome.
Holt-Lunstad noted that as Britain’s population further greys, health experts expect the effect on public health of the worsening loneliness epidemic to escalate. She said it is a challenge that goes beyond the UK but is faced as well by many nations. To prevent the crisis from further worsening, Holt-Lunstad suggested giving higher priority to research and resources how to address loneliness such as social skills for school children.
Not limited to single people
Daily Mail cited another study from Action for Children, a charity, that the loneliness epidemic is hitting not only unmarried people but also married one, particularly parents. They shared feeling cut off from friends and family amid pressures of raising

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