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To Kill A Mockingbird Scout's Immature

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At the beginning of the book, Scout was immature and was still figuring out herself along with the world around her; but, as the book goes on, Scout matures and begins to understand so much more. Scout showed the readers that she was immature and untame through many examples, one being her pugnaciousness. She was constantly trying to pick fights even if it was unnecessary, one example of this would be when she fought Walter Cunningham. After getting yelled at by the teacher from trying to explain Walter’s situation, that Walter never asked her to do, she decides that it is all his fault for getting her in trouble. While beating him up, she says that “catching Walter Cunningham in the schoolyard gave me some pleasure, but when I was rubbing …show more content…
After he got her to stop, he invited Walter to dinner because he felt bad for him. Jem is not the only one who has to be worried about telling Scout to stop fighting people, though. Atticus also had to talk to her about how she needs to stop fighting everyone. Her reckless ways put more on Atticus’s list of things to worry about when he has much bigger things he needs to focus on. Atticus telling her to stop fighting people was a step towards change for Scout because she tries really hard not to get in anymore fights so she does not upset her father; however, fighting was not the only thing people wanted her to fix. When Aunt Alexandra comes into the picture, she is not very amused with the way Jem and Scout act like children. She even gets upset with Atticus for raising the kids that way and tells him that he needs to make the kids act like true Finches. Atticus had to sit the kids down and tell them that Aunt Alexandra “‘asked me to tell you you must try to behave like the lady and gentleman that you are’” (Lee 133). Scout rejected that request and decided to not get along with her Aunt because of

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