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Pregnant Female Incarceration Research Paper

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Women who are drug abuse and pregnant should not be incarcerated because do not know in how the mother would function would cause distress in the mother mental state if the infant is not present. The women who took the substance while pregnant do not have a chose if they are imprisoned and the baby would became stress and insecure when born in jail if the mother feels that way when there. Cause for the women to take the substance would because of them possibly abuse themselves with their partner somehow. Incarcerated pregnant women would need medical assistance that may be limited in jail because of lack of necessities and would have complication of birth and the infants’ wellbeing included. Women who were pregnant and went to jail could not …show more content…
Pregnant women who are imprison feel tension and do not have much options without their way to have some support to decrease their pressure also long disconnection from their newborn. All these can cause for those who are in labor feel anxious and make the women have a longer labor. There are other negative risks that could happen to cause the infant and mother to get hospitalization (Bell & Schroeder, 2005, p.312). The pregnant incarcerated women went to jail most likely because during their childhood they have been sexually abuse or violence that may have occurred with male is likely. It would be because males usually get intoxicated with alcohol and go to women who have no control for such abuse. Also in their education status and economical status which most likely would be poor. During the imprisoned pregnant mother childhood their parents may be the one introduce a substance and affect it when they were growing up. Being poor and take in drugs is what make the women to go to jail. But they do not provide the programs need there because of the funding in the prison and increase for the women who are pregnant to feel loss, that they cannot defend themselves and not privileged (Hotelling,2008, …show more content…
Some women in jail are not pregnant but some that are would be sexual abuse by the guards because there the one who are in charge on who they are assigned. Other people in the outside world may not know on the perception of women who are in jail or the hardships that they go throughout their life because they just see them as criminal who done wrong to pay for the crimes against the society which would include the laws. The laws or policies have may not certain laws for women who are pregnant after or before they are incarcerated because they do not do screening in seeing that they are pregnant or take in for consideration. Even though women who done drug addiction and intoxication of alcohol may have a new experience when it comes to having a baby by taking care of it and motherhood. They may not have the requirements of the checkup on the wellbeing both the mother and child in detainment because they have to be hand cuffed to the bed so they would not escape with guards with them. Restricted and no freedom the women who were pregnant would have to ask the guards for their certain needs. When the women give birth to the infant they are separated right after birth or if there complication may still a bit longer. The mother felt hollow because

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