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Comparing The Poetry Of Allen Ginsberg And William Meredith

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Final Paper It was not hard to choose two poets for this paper Allen Ginsberg and William Meredith were among the first ones that came to mind. However, it was somewhat of a challenge to choose a poem by each of them that I really thought embodied all the characteristics about myself that I am so proud of. I eventually settled on Allen Ginsberg and William Meredith. Ginsberg came as a surprise to me because at first I hated his work. His poems were too long, too preachy, and too weird. I decided that if I was going to get the most out of this assignment that I was going to have to step out of my comfort zone a little so I figured I would read through some of his works again and to my surprise I actually fell in love with his work. William Meredith was a different story; I sort of just stumbled upon his …show more content…
I was looking for poets that I would never consider reading and just read a poem by them. Both poets brought very different things to the table as far as the content that they wrote about and how they went about writing it. Ginsberg wrote in a very “stream of consciousness” style where he covered major life issues in a very informal way. Meredith wrote in a very conventional manner with simple couplets that told a small, general, story and described simple things. Ginsberg’s America is a great example of his “stream of consciousness” style. He delves deeply into the infrastructure of America and critiques it through the eyes of someone who is not very happy with the country as a whole. Instead of your average poet, who would tell the reader a story of how wrong the country’s values are, Ginsberg asks questions and lets the reader interpret them on their own; only guiding them along the way. An example of this is when the

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