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George Betrays In Braves

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Prisoner’s dilemma is as standard example of game theory that shows that two rational indicidual might not cooperate even if cooperation will fit their best interest. (wiki)

Let me explain the prisoner’s dilemma first.
In prisoner’s dilemma, each individual act rationally. That means each individual should do anything that benefit her/him. Let’s imagine Jack and Rose has committed a crime and are arrested. During the interrogating, they are separated in two interrogate room, the game is shown below.
- - Rose stays silent ( cooperates) - Rose betrays (defects)
- Jack stays silent (cooperates) - Each serves 1 year - Jack: 3 years
- Rose: goes free
- Jack betrays (defects) - Jack: goes free
- Rose: 3 years - Each serves 2 years
In this dilemma, …show more content…
And that is not always apparent between strangers (selternman). The rational things to do is betray because no matter what the other dose, each prisoner is better off by betraying ( lawand bioethics). If each of them choose betray the other, it guarantees that they don’t get the maximum jail time. However, if Rose stays silent, Jack should betray, because obviously going free is better than I year jail time. But if Rose betray, Jack should also betray, otherwise Jack will face 3 years jail time. It seems like rational action produces a worse result for both individual than irrational …show more content…
They found 88 undergraduate students at Stony Brook University to participate in this experiment. Participants are randomly assigned to one of the two group, partner-reward group and no-partner-reward group, then they were taken to separate room. The experiment was administered on personal computers. A variation of the payoff matrix of prisoner’s dilemma were shown to the participant in random order. Participants were not told that in advance that there would be a 40-trial with a different payoff matrix. All participants were told that they would be connected online to another participants (Player 2/ opponents) who would make predetermined choice. For each participants, opponents’ choice were determined by shuffling together 20 decision to cooperate and 20 decision to defect. All participants were told partner-rewarded group would be paid 2$ for every point they earn, but opponents of partner-rewarded group would also be paid the same rate. The opponents of no-partner-rewarded group would not receive point and would not be paid. Obviously, only the participants in the partner group can affect their opponent’s

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