...Every hero embarks on a journey of notable trials and distinguishable tribulations. Every journey contains its plethora of characters and people met along the way. Each character differently contributes to the progression of the hero’s journey. However, despite the various alternate names, places, objects, amongst an abundance of other features of a journey, or the magnitude of the conflict in the journey, every journey and character innately reflect a small piece of the collective template that Joseph Campbell’s “The Hero's Journey,” or in some cases, “The 17-Stage Monomyth,” accurately precedes. The Hero’s Journey, according to Campbell’s work in The Hero of a Thousand Faces, is the predominant “nuclear unit”(Campbell 23) of all narratives...
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...“Hero’s Journey” Analysis The advertisement “Hero’s Journey” by Kia Motors America is effective at persuading the audience to invest in their cars. The star of the commercial, Melissa McCarthy, comically demonstrates how the 2017 Kia Niro is integral in her efforts to be an “eco warrior” (Kia). This commercial successfully takes advantage of timing, humor, and its audiences concern about the environment to promote the vehicle. Part of the commercial’s success is due to its use of pathos: the rhetorical strategy that influences emotion (Aristotle). Pathos, in the form of humor, is used to hold the attention of the audience. When Melissa McCarthy gets catapulted into the side of a boat while trying to save the whales, the audience gets drawn...
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...“Forgive yourself for your faults and your mistakes and move on.”-Les Brown. There is a popular belief that the Greek King of Ithaca, Odysseus, returns from the Trojan War a hero. However, is Odysseus really considered the definition of a true hero? Les Brown’s quote relates to Odysseus’ journey because throughout Odysseus’ quest he makes many mistakes which he forgives himself for so he is able to continue on his way home to Ithaca. His journey can be looked at closely, as well as his flaws, lessons, and steps to becoming a hero, when looked at through the twelve stages of Joseph Campbell’s The Hero’s Journey. A hero’s journey is the trip an individual takes in order to complete an important task which may contain dangerous adventures and life-threatening experiences. The hero’s journey is a series of...
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...The Hero’s Journey James Shin The Hero’s Journey, or the Monomyth, is a simple universal pattern that contains many elements found in mythical adventures The Hero’s Journey can be found in many books or movies, but each story can still maintain originality. In every Journey, the hero of the story must travel to and conquer a strange new world while he himself undergoes fundamental transformation. Orson Scott Card’s novel Ender’s Game showcases aspects to the Journey of the Hero because Ender leaves his home on Earth, overcomes Battle School, and emerges from the war a hero to the people on Earth. Before Ender arrives to Battle School, Colonel Graff is a guide that assists Ender by initiating the journey, who then overcomes his first challenge...
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...The Hero’s Journey has been used in cinemas ever since the beginning of films. Laurence Coupe states that the Hero’s Journey had a patter that “was threefold: departure, struggle and return – or, to use Campell's terms, 'call to adventure', 'crossing the threshold of adventure' and 'return with elixir', Every film uses those three parts; separation/departure, initiation, and return. These there sections are shown in two movies; Divergent, which was released in 2014, and The Princess Bride, which was released in 1987. The first section is known as the separation or departure. This is when the hero has a call to adventure, but they refuse the call. Later on in the story they accepts the call and cross the threshold with mentors and companions to help them along on their journey. Divergent follows each point of the separation/departure very closely. Beatrice has her call to adventure when she goes in to take her aptitude test on...
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...Your eyes are glued to the screen. Your feet pressed to the ground as if you were trying to make the very earth move. This movie that you have started watching was something you were able to relate to. We all have that special movie that takes us out of our physical world and into the movie you are watching. We feel what they feel. We can see what they see. We can connect with the characters. Out of the three movie clips of “The Hero’s Journey” I could relate to Luke in Star Wars. He is a young man that must grow into adulthood, experiences hardships, and has a set of determination. Part of human life is to grow and develop. We grow close to people that love us and people we love. Luke is no different to me in this aspect. At the beginning of the...
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...What do you think about Chris’s story? The hero’s journey or classical tragedy? I think the hero’s journey is the great example to describe Chris’s lifetime. The hero’s journey define to me as a person who goes on an adventure, and solves every troubles, and then comes home with changed, transformed, and understanding. Chris’s life is born to be differ than others. Due to his curiosity about nature,rebelliousness to his parents,and the stubbornness to his own thoughts, that is how he had the decision to go to Alaska. Doing something that normal person wouldn't do. In the book, Into the Wild, there are various similar things you can find compare to Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey, such as departure, initiation, and return. Departure, it define as to start from somewhere. This is where the hero’s journey circle start. Under the stage of departure, we can also find “call to adventure.” It is related to Chris’s story because Chris wanted to run away from his life as he felt it wasn't what he wanted to do. He just want to know his reason for living and search for new passion that will inspire him to once again live in happiness. I think there are two reasons that effected...
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...Hero’s Journey Perspective The Heroine’s Journey: How Campbell’s Model Doesn’t Fit article proves to be the strongest argument by providing the readers with a modern perspective regarding the lack of progression the original Hero’s Journey consists of. To begin, the Hero’s Journey is undoubtedly, really outdated. Campbell’s study was established during a sexist time period where women were objects living in specific gender roles, women were settling for lifestyles less than ordinary. In fact, this is unconsciously reinforcing sexism into our brains today because genders are keeping within their roles; we aren’t learning from history but rather repeating it. With a society undergoing serious social transformations, the author reminds...
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...The Hero’s Journey is a philosophy by professor, author, and philosopher Joseph Campbell stating that all hero’s go through this common cycle consisting of three stages, the Separation, the death and rebirth, and the return. In Campbell’s philosophy, he believes there are two types of deeds a hero can go through, a psychological and a physical. And in the Joy Luck Club Jing-mei goes through a psychological transformation to make a psychological deed. Campbell introduces this idea of a psychological deed in one of his interviews on PBS, “ The other kind is the spiritual deed, in which the hero learns to experience the supernormal range of human spiritual life and then comes back with a message.” After reading the Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan, it...
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...variations of it – different characters and different problems but basically the same plot. Joseph Campbell discovered this, and gave the pattern a name, the 12 Stages of a Hero’s Journey. Many stories fit into these 12 stages, like The Emperor’s New Groove, for example. Kuzco is the hero in this case, and successfully goes through all 12 stages of a hero’s Journey. Stage 1 At the very start of the hero’s grand journey, he is initially introduced in his usual, common, everyday life - there is nothing out of the ordinary for the hero. Then he...
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...Throughout the book the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain Huck goes through the hero's journey. He shows it through his actions and decisions he makes in the book. He also receives help by his friend Jim even tho he plays tricks on him. Huck goes through the journey when he escapes his pap, plays a trick on Jim, and his friend and mentor Jim helps him. First, Huck begins the hero’s journey with the call. He is called when he fakes his own death and escapes from his pap, “well, last I pulled out some of my hair, and blooded the axe good, and struck it on the backside, and slung the axe in the corner” (33). When Huck executes this plan he is answering the call. After this plan is done and he escapes his journey begins....
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...Joseph Campbell, an American mythologist, writer and lecturer, is best known for the work he has done in mythology and religion. His work is massive, covering a variety of characteristics of the human experience. An important work that he has developed is the path of the “Hero’s Journey”. This is a buildings roman story that helps the character find themselves throughout their given experience. In the novel “Song of Solomon” by Tori Morrison, Morrison explains with great detail the Hero’s Journey that Macon encounters. Through his journey, he encounters life changing experiences that shaped him into the person he grew up to be. Joseph Campbell describes the hero's journey as taking place in a cycle that consists of three most important phases,...
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...m., Eric Legrand, a defensive lineman at Rutgers University, was afflicted with a spinal cord injury after a both emotionally and physically crushing tackle during a football game against Army. The collision had cracked two vertebrae near the top of Eric’s spinal column- the C3 and the C4- which lead to his paralysis. After a long night of surgery at Hackensack Medical Center, Dr. Vingan told Karen LeGrand, Eric’s mother, that Eric had a zero to five percent chance of regaining neurological function. As of May, 2012, EMG technicians discovered that some nerves were sending electrical signals in and around his spinal cord. Technicians also noticed that Eric has been able to twitch is biceps, triceps, and one of his fingers. LeGrand’s Hero’s Journey galvanized and dumbfounded millions throughout New Jersey and across the nation with his unimaginable optimism and faith through his road of trials. The accident, his determination, and his charitable speeches of the story are why many find him a hero and true inspiration....
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...Hero’s present themselves in many different ways and in many different cultures, but many of them follow the same path. This path is Joseph Campbell's hero’s paradigm. Joseph Campbell’s hero’s paradigm shows itself in “The Most Dangerous Game”. The hero’s journey starts out with the hero being nobly born. Then, the hero goes on a quest. During the quest the hero encounter struggles, conflicts, setbacks, and change until they reach a nadir, or a low point, that they only can get out of using what is inside of them. Then, they pull through the nadir, and on the way to success, they still encounter conflicts, setbacks, and loss until they reach their goal. The main character of “The Most dangerous game”, Rainsford, experienced many of these stages....
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...The Hero’s Journey was a concept created by Joseph Campbell. This concept was displayed in The Odyssey by Homer and in O, Brother, Where Art Thou? created by the Coen brothers. In O Brother Where Art Thou? and The Odyssey the many elements of the Hero’s Journey are evident in the two tales. Three elements are Meeting the Mentor; Allies, Tests, and Enemies; and Resurrection. The mentor between both of the tales are different, but they both hold the element of the Hero’s Journey. Meeting the Mentor is the 4th step in The Hero’s Journey, if you follow the original order. In O, Brother the mentor is the blind man they encounter at the beginning of the movie. The blind man is a mentor to Everett, the main character, because he gives him a prophecy to guide him. He says this prophecy while on the pump car when the trio gets onto it to escape. In The Odyssey the mentor is Athena. She appears a lot...
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