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Ophthalmologist Research Paper

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Most people don't even know what a ophthalmologist is or even how to spell it, but it is a eye doctor. I want to become this kind of doctor but not only do I want to be a ophthalmologist but a pediatric one, a children’s eye doctor. University of California, los angles will help me become this profession, at the David Geffen school of medicine. UCLA will help me in achieving this because of their Ophthalmology Interest Group (OIG), they also have programs that will allow me to have hands on experience before I go into yrythe field, finally UCLA has a amazing medical school that will allow me to become the best pediatric ophthalmologist I could ever be.
I want to become a ophthalmologist because there is good pay, I have experienced it personally and because it would mean helping a child with their eyesight. Ophthalmologist make about $215,000 when they start and then eventually work up to about $300,000 depending on where you live. This is a lot of money when you think about it and I would be pretty stable financial wise. When I was about 5 years old I went to the eye doctor, …show more content…
One reason why it would be difficult is because they don't really save people's lives unlike other doctors. This is difficult because most doctors get to save people's lives and I will not get to. Another reason is that it will take a lot of time to build up a practice. This is because ophthalmologist are more in the hospital setting and vfrtmost people will got there for help instead of a private practice. One more reason is that schooling and tools are very expensive for starting a ophthalmology practice. Tools are thousands of dollars and schooling is about $130,000. To become a ophthalmologist is very hard to do and is going to take a lot of time and efforts to become an ophthalmologist but it is worth it to help people's

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