...Higher Education http://alh.sagepub.com/ Improving student engagement: Ten proposals for action Nick Zepke and Linda Leach Active Learning in Higher Education 2010 11: 167 DOI: 10.1177/1469787410379680 The online version of this article can be found at: http://alh.sagepub.com/content/11/3/167 Published by: http://www.sagepublications.com Additional services and information for Active Learning in Higher Education can be found at: Email Alerts: http://alh.sagepub.com/cgi/alerts Subscriptions: http://alh.sagepub.com/subscriptions Reprints: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsReprints.nav Permissions: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav Citations: http://alh.sagepub.com/content/11/3/167.refs.html >> Version of Record - Oct 26, 2010 What is This? Downloaded from alh.sagepub.com by guest on December 16, 2012 Article Improving student engagement: Ten proposals for action Nick Zepke and Linda Leach Abstract Active Learning in Higher Education 11(3) 167–177 © The Author(s) 2010 Reprints and permission: sagepub. co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/1469787410379680 alh.sagepub.com School of Educational Studies, Massey University, New Zealand Since the 1980s an extensive research literature has investigated how to improve student success in higher education focusing on student outcomes such as retention, completion and employability. A parallel research programme has focused on how students engage with their studies and what they, institutions...
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...Challenges and Responses to Improving Geriatric Nursing Care Lisa Watson University of Massachusetts Boston Professional Issues in Nursing NU: 360 Dr. JoAnn Mulready-Shick September 29, 2012 Abstract Challenges occur in nursing practice that impede the ability of the nursing profession to improve the care provide by nurses to our growing older population. This paper will describe some of the challenges nursing is facing and how to make the changes needed to improve the field of nursing. The research will show that investing in future education of nurses is the base that change will be built upon. Will you or a loved one fall into the geriatric population that is expected to explode? How will nurses care for this population and are they prepared to do so? Modern technology, research and advanced training have assisted the elderly population to live longer. Baby boomers are approaching their elderly years. This presents an ongoing challenge for the nursing industry. As reported by Kinsella & Velkoff, “the population of older adults {is} expected to double by the year 2030” (as cited by Shellman, 2012, para. 2). “Of today’s United States population 12.6% is at least 65 years old, and 20% of the population is expected to be at least 65 years by 2030; thus it is accurate to say a large portion of the healthcare business is and will continue to be caring for older adults . . . (CIA World Factbook 2007) as referenced by Grossman and Valiga (2009). There are many challenges...
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...Vedantam Leela, who provided me the opportunity to gain an invaluable knowledge by becoming my project guide. Her dynamic cooperation helped me to excel in this project. I would like to express a deep sense of gratitude and heartiest thanks to the Mrs. Priyanka Agarwal, HR Manager, Inrea Research and the placement-incharge Dr. A.K. Bhatnagar and students of SS Subodh PG College for their help and valuable time they provided me in this project. Cooperation extended by others directly or indirectly for completion of this project is highly acknowledged. Regards! Nikita Gupta (598) TABLE OF CONTENTS ____________________________________________________________ _______________ ACKNOWLEDGMENT ......2 CERTIFICATE ......3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ......5 Chapter I: Market Trends of Campus Recruitment ......6 Chapter II: Campus Recruitment: Care and Caution ......12 Chapter III: Introduction to the Company ......15 Chapter IV: Introduction to the Institution ......17 Chapter V: Questionnaires ......20 Chapter VI: Findings ......28 CONCLUDING REFLECTIONS ......35 SUGGESTIONS ......36 BIBLIOGRAPHY ......37 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ____________________________________________________________ _______________ Area: Recruitment Title: A study of...
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...International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-8, September 2014 ISSN 2348-6848 Reality Check –Understanding and Adopting ICT Tools Rose Anthony & Kadvekar Shravan (Affiliation: Rose Anthony is Dean Academic, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune India while Shravan Kadvekar is Consulting Professor at the university as well as Head Products at Harbinger Knowledge Products India.) Contact: shravan75@yahoo.com, anthonyrose8@yahoo.co.in, adopting ICT. Based on literature available Abstract in the forms of – research projects, MHRD Use of Information and Communication and UNESCO’s reports on ICT adoption, Technologies (ICT) in academia is well- Technology known for its importance and effectiveness. Change Management theory in technology At the same time, it is also one of aspects of adoption – researcher identified broad any education system, which needs a categories of challenges as hurdles faced by consistent reality check for its adoption by the educators. A set of technical education educators. A research has been undertaken institutions by the authors in developing ICT Adoption feedback from respondents on their take on Model for Indian Higher Education Sector. challenges in ICT adoption. Outcome of the The real pilot study was a list of major challenges challenges faced by the academia in ICT faced by educators in ICT adoption. The adoption, paper research aims measures ...
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...The Challenges of Cross-cultural Adjustment: A Study of Secondary Chinese Students in South Australia (Homestay Situation) Chong Zhou, Guiyun Chen Abstract In this study, the researcher intends to make some contributions to the research literature regarding the analysis of secondary students’ cross-cultural adjustment through investigating a group of Mainland Chinese students’ experiences in secondary schools in South Australia. The study explores the perceptions of Chinese students in a more naturalistic way through conversations with them in their own language. It focuses on the cultural challenges faced by these Chinese students and provides some insider’s knowledge about the underlying causes for these challenges and their coping strategies in the process of adjusting to living and learning in Australian culture. This paper, as part of the study, will particularly focus on the challenges involved in the homestay situation, the results of which indicated that the secondary school Chinese students at homestays were confronted with four broad categories of challenges: difficulties with food, English language, household chores and relationships with homestay hosts. The findings also uncovered the detailed basis of each of the students’ difficulties, providing some specific cultural information for educational practitioners to better understand secondary Chinese students in Australia. Key words: homestay, culture, language, challenges, adjustment 1 Introduction Entering...
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...Table of Content 1.0 Abstract 2.0 Introduction 3.0 Objective of the Research 4.0 Research Methodology 5.0 Findings and Discussions 6.0 Conclusion 7.0 References 8.0 Appendices 1.0 Abstract Knowing the importance of the developing women entrepreneurs in creating a energetic and faster economy growth for the nation, the Malaysian Government has been dynamically promoting women entrepreneurship towards realizing Malaysia’s Vision 2020. However, notwithstanding the importance of this area, our group has been choose to do research in this area, to prove how much is important woman entrepreneurship in social life of Malaysia. Further, it was reported by the Ministry of Women and Family Development (2003) that Malaysian women entrepreneurs are under-represented in the business world with evidence that some undesirable development where micro-enterprises which were scaled up to bigger enterprises were subsequently managed and taken over by the husbands or other family members (Jariah & Laily, 1997). Besides that, the number of Malaysian women who make it to the international market is still small (Rafidah, 2005). They are urged to charge their mindset in line with the changing of times in the business world and are advised to start producing quality products which are capable of penetrating the global market (Azlan, 2005). 2.0 Introduction The present report is an overview on the results of our survey that was carried out in the frame of the title “INVOLVEMENT...
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...CHALLENGES STUDENTS FACE IN LEARNING ESSAY WRITING SKILLS IN ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN MANGA DISTRICT, NYAMIRA COUNTY, KENYA BY NYANG’AU BENARD NYASIMI E55/CE/14078/2009 A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF EDUCATION IN THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION KENYATTA UNIVERSITY JULY 2013 * DECLARATION This thesis is my original work and has not been presented for degree in any other university. Signature: ______________________________ Date: ________________________ BY NYANG’AU BENARD NYASIMI E55/CE/14078/2009 We confirm that this thesis was carried out by the candidate under our supervision as university supervisors. Signature------------------------------------------------------ Date-------------------------- Dr .Sophia. Ndethiu. Department of Educational Communication and Technology. Kenyatta University. Signature------------------------------------------------------ Date------------------------- Dr. John. Kimemia. Department of Educational Communication and Technology. Kenyatta University. * DEDICATION This work is dedicated to my loving wife Zipporah Nyasimi and our sons Philemon Siko and Enock Ongeri . * ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wish to acknowledge the support of those individuals who made it possible for a successful completion of this work. Special thanks go to my supervisors Dr. Sophia Ndethiu and Dr. John. Kimemia for the support, guidance...
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...experiences of Chinese International Students at a Canadian University: Viewpoints, Prospects, and Experiences 1. Background information Recently, the number of global students coming to Canada has been increasing quickly. In 2007, more than 60,000 global students came to Canada, "speaking to a 4.6 percent increment over the earlier year" (Citizenship and Immigration Canada, 2008). In the same way as other colleges in Canada, the University of Windsor has likewise been drawing in an expanding number of worldwide students of late, and the number of inhabitants in universal students from China includes one of the greatest groups of global students at the University. At the time of information gathering, around 400 universal students from China were enrolled in the undergraduate and graduate programmes, which is pretty nearly 27 percent of the worldwide students’ populace of the University. It is vital for the college to obviously see how dedicated these students are with their learning and backgrounds, as this data might straightforwardly influence the enrollment and maintaining of foreign students. We learnt from reliable sources that numerous Chinese foreign students at the University of Windsor are encountering different difficulties. Our conference with staff at the International Students Center at the University affirmed this announcement taking into account their perceptions, saying that one of the significant difficulties for the universal students is their powerless English dialect...
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...as distance learning. Distance learning is a field of education that focuses on providing an instructional system capable of delivering a quality education to students who are not physically on-site. As with every new invention and the benefits they bring. challenges may come along too. This essay will talk about the challenges of online courses on education. One of the challenges that online courses have to make a good impact on education is delivering quality courses that may equal or exceed the classic face-to-face courses and be accessible to some unusual students such as full time employees wishing to go back to school, students who wish to take summer courses while being at home or simply students who wants to get their degree online. (Suarez-Brown, Turner, Grice and Hankins, 1997). Is very important that Instructors learn to understand technology and know what tools are available to fully use the internet for a positive learning experience. For example, for face to face communication between students and instructors would videoconference programs such as Skype and Trillian, and for group gathering information that could simulate a classroom, they could use a program like Blackboard or Webtycho. Instructors can also use programs like Camtasia, a screen recording software, to do tutorials on the fly so students can understand and have a near real time experience and learn a task just like if the professor were teaching it in the classroom. (Suarez-Brown, Turner, Grice...
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...General conclusion and suggestions This part of general conclusion is made of dissertation recapitulation and suggestions. This part helps to highlight key element of the study. The main challenge we met, was to handle technical terms linked with ICT in general and internet in particular. However, the topic has been a good exploration of internet field in which we benefited a lot. We hope others will also benefit of this dissertation content. Summary of the study The topic on which this dissertation is built is entitled: “The use of internet at high learning institutions in Rwanda. Case study of Kigali Independent University - ULK (2010 – 2012)”. We worked on it as an academic requirement for the bachelor’s degree in development studies. Working on such topic has been an occasion to analyze the penetration of ICT and internet and their uses in Rwandan universities in general and in ULK in particular. Methodically we analyzed internet uses among ULK students, the benefits they get and challenges they meet in using internet. This was done in order to come up with suggestions which can help to uses efficiently internet. We limited ourselves on ULK Kigali branch students. Our motives in choosing such topic were to gain more skills on internet, few studies on internet uses in Rwanda among students and desire of contributing to the field which interest the country in its national ICT plans called NICI. ICT has attracted countries in different parts of the world. Africa though delayed...
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...Business Education At Crossroads in India Abstract: The aim of this study is to examine various untapped opportunities and challenges faced by business education in India. In today’s rapidly changing market, business programs in India are under scanner as they face criticisms on various aspects of the program like continuous rise in non-accredited institutes, selection process getting changed year after year, curriculum not being as dynamic as the market, quality of students being varied in the same college, no consistency in placement, value system getting shattered, role of faculty, student involvement in studies, work-fun balance in college. This study is help to gain a better understanding of business school to effectively address these challenges. In this study we would be carrying out research for gaining an insight into the current trend of business schools through surveys, questionnaire, in-depth interview and empirical methods. Based on the analysis of the data, suggestions would be made for improvement in quality of business education in India. Keywords: Quality of Business education, Challenges, Opportunities. Introduction: Management as a field of study has been developing since 18th century. From its evolution to now, management education has changed drastically. It has developed according to changing needs of the industry. Past globalization and advent of the internet, the world has become ‘flat’ as described by Thomas Friedman. Therefore almost everything...
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...School students and part-time work Workplace problems and challenges The literature has identified some potential problems and challenges associated with teenage part-time workers and the nature of the workplaces that employ them. However a large national project on student-working found few problems in the two companies researched because these companies had policies in place that addressed the potential problems. Some suggestions are made about how problems and challenges could be avoided in a wider range of adolescent workplaces. by Erica Smith & Wendy Patton working is now recognised as an established fact rather than an aberrant phenomenon, as has tended to be the case until fairly recently. Many employers, particularly in the retail and fast food industries, rely on students to run their businesses. Some school students need to work to help support their families and most want to work for discretionary spending, and school systems and meaningless could be seen as disrespectful to young people and the work that they do; perhaps even more importantly it serves to prevent proper examination of any serious problems that do exist, because This paper therefore sets out to examine the actual problems and challenges in school studentworking. This is approached by identifying the characteristics of young part-time workers, and Youth Studies Australia VOLUME 28 NUMBER 3 2009 21 the workplaces in which they work, that are challenges, and then...
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...strategic agenda and priorities and secure our international presence and profile. We provide an international experience for all students, through internationalisation of the curriculum and increasing opportunities for home students to engage with international activity through Leeds for Life. We understand how internationalisation supports research performance. We have a diverse and vibrant community, including high-quality international students and staff. Alumni relation activities support the internationalisation agenda. Create sustainable recruitment of high quality international students This means that… International partnerships, collaborative teaching programmes and student exchange schemes support our international recruitment activities. We experience a strong level of demand from high-quality international students. There is a shared common understanding of the primary factors which attract high quality international students. We recruit students from diverse markets to all levels of study and across subject areas, in accordance with our strategic priorities. Students receive excellent and creative teaching and are well supported, academically and pastorally, through the Leeds model for personal tutoring. The programme offer across the University meets the needs of international markets. We engage alumni to assist in promoting Leeds to future students. Develop and maintain high quality international strategic partnerships This means that …. We have strategic partnerships...
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...initially dedicated with the aim of training public school teachers. The institution latter evolved through several name changes and opened four more campuses and from 30 students to over 70,000. Currently, ASU is considered as one of the largest public learning institutions in the U.S.A, having gained an international recognition for its efforts in research and in its offerings of close to hundred courses (Northern Arizona State University 2013). The public university offers high quality graduate, undergraduate, and professional degrees that meet the societal values. Students are considered as the centre of the institutions experience, guided by distinguished and committed faculty members who are dedicated to teach, engage with the learners and incorporate research in achieving excellence. 1.1.1: NAU’s Mission and Vision Northern Arizona University’s (NAU) mission is directed towards providing outstanding undergraduate education that is significantly strengthened by sophisticated approaches of learning, research, and professional programs (Northern Arizona State University 2013). NAU ensures the future success of its learners by committing to place their needs at the centre of its excellence. The institutions faculty and professors are committed to proving quality education and serve as mentors to the students. 1.1.2: Values: Northern Arizona State University is driven in setting values and principles that are defined in its integrity and promotion of diversity, an aspect...
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...areas where these practices are more specifically designed toward native English speaking students, and to be used in the American business community. This offered a somewhat limited perspective on communication. The author also shares her opinion that the teaching of business communication is in transition at this point. Globalization is causing major changes to the way people communicate, and this would have an obvious effect on the ways teachers convey the topic. Where as communication has in the past been geared toward the American business climate, now communication transmissions undergo translation into many different languages and many different countries, cultures and communication dynamics. This has an obvious effect on the construction of the messages conveyed today. The author talks about some of the challenges faced by business communications teachers. Also new mediums of communication have emerged. Electronic communication has taken precedence over traditional mediums, making communication instant, sometimes thoughtless. The author discusses how she has modified her teaching style to accommodate the new era of business communication. She adapted some new skill building exercises, one transitioning from past to present, and the other transitioning from the present to the future. She accomplished a simulation of the cultural climate of Hong Kong. She had several Cantonese students participate in one of these exercises, noting the adjustments that had to be made with...
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