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America's Dependence On Technology

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Ask yourself, “How would I survive without technology?” What would you do when you got bored? Is technology something you are willing to give up? “A recent survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project shows cellphones are an essential part of 83 percent of Americans' lives, used to retrieve information immediately, to relieve boredom or to help in emergencies” (Chansanchai). One might argue, who wouldn’t want to have technology in their lives? It’s wonderful and enables us to keep thinking and creating. But, has it come to a point where we rely on it? The electronics that we have is an amazing invention. It allows us to receive information at the touch of a fingertip. We use it to stay connected to the world by sharing thoughts, …show more content…
Yes, technology is great and fun to use, but now we rely on it and have addictions, social and health issues because of it and not only that but we have become some dependent on it that can’t live without it. “A 2010 survey found that 61 percent of Americans (even higher among young people) say they are addicted to the Internet” (Hirschhorn). Americans have sucked some much time and energy into technology that we’ve become addicted to it. We have become so addicted that we procrastinate and check our emails and social media more than once a day. “67 percent had experienced “phantom rings,” checking their phone even when it was not ringing or vibrating” (Hirschhorn). We think that our phone is ringing when it’s not, wow that’s …show more content…
We live in a world we we don’t even social interact because technology has taken over our lives. They can’t even look up from their phones for a few minutes to talk to someone. “News stories talk about an epidemic of obesity and lack of physical fitness of Americans” (Cleaf). Americans have become lazy and lack fitness because of technology and how we use it. We live in a time and age where electronics are more necessary than our own health. In this case the series of books “The Hunger Games” is an great example of what might happen when people lose technology. “A ruling group has all the power, and most people have to scrabble to get food” (Cleaf). Some wouldn’t even be able to survive without having technology. I’m sure that we could live without it, those from a long time ago didn’t have technology and lived just fine. “The proportion of cellphone owners who said they “could

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