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Discuss The Causes Of Lynching In African Americans

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The typical 18th-century American mob justices, the gruesome legacy of racial intimidation and lynching was characterized by conflicting social fears, blatant prejudices, and insensitivity where rioting incidences of burning buildings, increased black oppression and even brutal murder of police was rampant. This section explores lynching history, injustices, and racialization of African Americans in the US states, especially the south. Several theories have been instituted to provide an understanding of the underlying causes of lynching in the African American perspective. In addition, it explores how lynching research studies reconnect into understanding modern inequalities and racial injustices.
African Americans became the most vulnerable group after the reconstruction era. Many cases of lynched black Americans were reported. According to research studies, …show more content…
Researchers argue that uniting whites and blacks in farmers' alliance raised tension as it threatened white supremacy. The populist challenge led to the eruption of violence where some white landowners disenfranchised and oppressed African Americans and many other poor whites. Consequently, widespread racial violence was witnessed especially in the south. Increased lynching accounts coincided with periods of strong populist challenges.
The decline in the cotton economy in the south led to violence. Cotton prices increased thereby making white farmers depend more on black labor. However, the civil war marked black migrations into the cities. Therefore, in order for white landowners to maintain the black labor force and manage an intact cotton economy, they escalated violence and repression to control black migrations. Racial tensions exacerbated leading to increased rates of African American lynching. Slavery was widespread as blacks remained in the European farms working against their will, under very poor

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