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An Analysis Of Neighborhood In T. G, Stars

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The neighborhood you come from can either make you or break you. No matter where you’re from it has its ups and downs. You have to find the peacefulness in all the chaos or you’ll get lost in it. Some people can make it out and over come the situation their in and some get stuck.

Growing up in a bad neighborhood can make someone feel like they were drafted into a war they didn’t sign up for. Hearing bullets flying and chaos all around can have you feeling like you’re fighting a losing battle. In the novel the hate you give star talks about how her “neighborhood is a war zone.” A young man was murdered and her neighborhood starts a riot. People are trying to fight for what is right. People think just people the person that was killed was from a bad neigbhood he doesn’t matter. …show more content…
In the novel T.H.U.G, Stars dad marvek tells her her brother seven “I’m proud of you, man. Like I told you, I never got a diploma. A lot of young brothers don’t get theirs. And where were from, a lot of them don’t make it till eighteen.” People always say growing up in the bad neighborhood can either have you land in jail or have you go six feet under. For a young black man to turn eighteen and receiving a high school diploma its a blessing for some. You can still be from the “hood” and still want an

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