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Lewin's Model Of Change

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The implementation of SSC in vaginal or cesarean section delivery can use the Lewin’s Model of Change. The Lewin’s Model of Change has three stages: Unfreezing, moving, and refreezing. Unfreezing may be involving the staff to be inspired and motivated of the SSC change. The leaders can present evidence based-practice pertaining to the benefits of SSC after vaginal or cesarean section deliveries for the staff to continue to promote SSC in the setting. The second stage includes fighting resistance to SSC change. Gaining support from different stakeholders will carry out the implementation of SSC. The final stage includes reinforcement. Reinforcing SSC will be challenging to those who are close-minded so reinforcement to sustain SSC is promoted …show more content…
The major stakeholders of SSC include: RN’s, doctors, lactation consultants, clinical nurse leaders, clinical nurse educator, nurse managers, clinical care associates, and certified surgical technicians parents and family. These stakeholders are a must to have in order for the SSC to be successful. The interprofessional health care team is very important and highly successful in implementing SSC. For SSC to be a success, multiple health workers work together to deliver the highest quality care to patients, families, and the communities. This collaborative practice includes respect, trusts, and shared decision-making and partnerships. This means everyone involved will work together as a team sharing the same vision, with that change process is not …show more content…
It is very important that parents and the rest of the stakeholders understand the meaning and benefits of SSC. Identifying the symptoms of newborns distress due to hypothermia is vital. Newborns cannot speak; they will only show signs and symptoms if distressed. Nurses can identify hypothermia in newborns by assessment. The nurses must be educated and must educate other staffs in order to prevent negative consequences to occur during delivery.
Family. The family also needs to be educated in the negative and positive effects of SSC. They can demonstrate SSC and will be able to recognize if newborns are cold. The father can be an option in proving SSC in newborns when the mother is not available to do so. When SSC is conducted with the father figure of the newborn, it was found that there is less newborn crying when they are placed skin to skin (Erlandsson, Dsilna, Fagerberg, & Christenson, 2007). The World Health Organization recommended maintaining SSC especially in the first 24 hours after birth. The family can be provided with brochures, flyers, websites, facility telephones number, and doctor phone number for questions and additional information to refer to when

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